Saturday, December 31, 2011

Report: Property values fall 23.4% - San Francisco Business Times:
Home prices in the Orlando-Kissimmee slippes 23.4 percent in April when comparesd with the same month ayear prior, the seventjh highest percentage of decline among some of the nation’z largest metro areas. The Orlando-Kissimmee markeg posted a 20.9 percen decrease in home values in March when compared withMarcyh 2008. Florida passed California to postthe second-highesg rate of home prices depreciation at 23.2 percent. Nevada topped the nation with a 26.1 percen t drop, while California the leading state for 20 consecutivemonths — landecd third at 22.7 percent. Nationwide housin g prices fell 10.
2 percenft in April compared to ayear ago, representing the smallesr year-over-year decline so far this year. The national decline peaked at 11.9 percent in Januaru 2009 and has since beentrendinvg down. First American CoreLogic’s LoanPerformanc e Home Price Index evaluatex the residential real estate market basedon price, time betweeh sales, property type and loan type, as well as increasee and decreases in sales pricees for the same homes over time.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - New Mexico Business Weekly:
“California’s day of reckoninfg is here,” he said. With no the state could run out of cash in14 days. Threr months after the state budgetwas approved, California faces a $24 billion deficit. Schwarzenegger has alreadyt proposed massive cuts to health care and Now he’s looking for structurap reform to make government more efficient and stretc taxpayer dollars. He’s asked the State Board of Education, for example, to make textbooks available in digitalformats — a move that could save In 2004, the governor talked about blowinh up boxes and consolidating agencies, but the initiatives neveer gained traction. They’re back.
Schwarzenegge r is proposing once again to eliminatee and consolidate more than a dozen state departments, boards and This includes the Waste Managemenf Board, the Court Reporters Board, the Departmen t of Boating and Waterways and the Inspection and Maintenancw Review Committee. Earlier this year, the state began consolidatingb informationtechnology departments. Now Schwarzenegger wants to consolidate departments that oversee financia institutions and merge tax collection In July, state leaderz will receive recommendations on how to modernize the tax code.
“This will be a tremendous opportunitu to make our revenues more reliabled and less volatile and help the statde avoid the boom and bust budgets that have broughgt ushere today,” Schwarzenegger told lawmakers. It’a not going to happen in 14 days, he But it could happen beforw the Legislature adjourns for summer recesw onJuly 17.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fly Clear fast lane at Albany Int
was among the 20 airports nationwide that offered theexpeditedx system. An airport spokeswoman said the airport was not notifiede in advance and the Clear Lane was In 2008, it reported having more than 10,000 usera pass through the lanes since the express service was firstr offered there in summer 2007. “Clear Laneas Are No Longer Available. At 11:000 p.m. PST on June 22, Clear will cease operations. Clear’s parent company, has been unabl to negotiate an agreemeng with its senior creditor to continue There was no information about whether enrolleexs wouldget refunds. The service cost $199 a year.
Customerws were mostly business travelers and frequent The program started atin 2005. Clear enrolleews were pre-screened by the , and, if were provided with a card that gave them accesss to a specialsecurity lane. Cleae was operated by Verified Identity Pass of NewYork City. As of June 4, Clea claimed to have enrolled morethan 260,00p0 fliers.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ravens Plan To Rock Cleveland Again - Baltimore Beat Down

Ravens Plan To Rock Cleveland Again

Baltimore Beat Down

by Bruce Raffel on Dec 24, 2011 11:00 AM EST The song says something like, "Cleveland rocks!" However, later today, the statement should be "Cleveland gets rocked" as the Baltimore Ravens hope to complete their sweep of the season series with a win for ...

and more »

Thursday, December 22, 2011

BofA, Wells to accept California IOUs - South Florida Business Journal:
BofA says the state’s budget crisis prompted its “To support our customers, whilse giving the state legislature additional time to pass a we will acceptCalifornia state-registered warrantsz — or IOUs — from existing customersz and clients,” Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) says in a written statement. San Francisco-based Wells (NYSE:WFC) says it is acceptinfg the warrants for the sake ofits "We are reluctant to take this but are doing so to help our customers who are not at faulft and with the expectation that the legislature and governor will complete the budget within days," Wells says. On Wednesday, Gov.
Arnoldc Schwarzenegger blasted state lawmakers for failinh to pluga $24 billiom hole in the stat e budget before the start of the new fiscal And he called a special session of the stats legislature to fix the budgeft mess. Failure to pass a budget by midnight Tuesdagy increases the shortfall to morethan $26 billioh due to the loss of education-related budgety fixes, Schwarzenegger said at a press conference Wednesday. He also announceds an executive order adding a third furlougj day each month forstate workers, a move expectedr to free up an additiona $425 million in the new fiscal Although the governor called for the special session, it is up to the legislatured to schedule it.
When it will be held is yet tobe

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Firefighters contain Clearwater brush fire in five hours -

Firefighters contain Clearwater brush fire in five hours

By Marissa Lang, Times Staff Writer CLEARWATER â€" Fire crews battled 10 acres of flames for five hours Monday night before containing a brush fire that broke out near Chautauqua Park. No one was injured and no structures were damaged in the blaze, ...

and more »

Sunday, December 18, 2011

At Occupy Frankfurt, Calm Anarchy Has Staying Power - New York Times

New York Times

At Occupy Frankfurt, Calm Anarchy Has Staying Power

New York Times

Michael Probst/AP Protesters' tents in front of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt in November. The encampment has about 50 tents. By JACK EWING FRANKFURT â€" The Frankfurt version of the Occupy Wall Street movement has many of the trappings of the ...

and more »

Friday, December 16, 2011

Colorado Center on Law and Policy director leaves for child-advocacy group - Denver Business Journal:
CCLP Board President T.A. Taylor-Hunty will serve as the Denver-basee group’s interim director until a permaneny directoris named, and board member Nan Moreheacd will serve as interim board president, CCLP said CCLP says it “works to secure justice and promote economic security for all and to provide the critical advocacyt formerly provided by federally funded legal servicexs programs.” The Aurora-based NACC is a nonprofit chilcd advocacy association that provides legal representatiob for children. “Under Maureen’sx direction, ...
CCLP has evolved into a force for low-incomr Coloradans,” said Taylor-Hunt said in a “Her departure is bittersweet as she is all but but it is a tremendousx opportunity for her to share her amazinh passion and skills with another organization equally committed to legal advocacy andpolicgy work. The move come at an exciting time of growth and strengthening influence and impacyt for CCLP and ourprogram “Being a part of [CCLP’s] development and growthj has been an extraordinary experience,” Farrell-Stevenson said in the “... But it is time to move on.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wilma Brown retires after 14 years -

Wilma Brown retires after 14 years

TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - Toledo City Council President Wilma Brown has presided over her final council meeting, as a term limit has her retiring from council after 14 years. "People still don't understand why we had to do it. ...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

40 Under Forty: Moshe Bonder - Boston Business Journal:
When he started high school, Bonde took a part-time job at , a Dutchessd County architecture firm. Bonder ultimately decidedf architecture wasn’t for him, but he says he stillo applies lessons today that he learnefd from hisfirst boss. “Io watched closely how he worked with clientse andtreated people,” says Bonder, counsel for the Albany firm . “j learned more about business and what is involves in running an organization during my time withClark & Warren than I did almost anywhere Bonder’s professional career and sociao life adhere to his main philosophy: “Thed only constant is change. The only variablw is the rate of change.
” Sudden change hit Bondefr as he graduated from high His mother began having complication s from aheart transplant, leading Bonder to stay close to home and attends the University at Albany, where he ultimateluy earned a bachelor of scienc degree (he also has a juris doctorate from Albany Law Schoop and an MBA from ). Bonder says his parents alwaya taughthim “to find something you enjoy doinf and then find a way to make a livinh doing it.” Both died befor e he graduated from RPI and Albany Law.
His mothee died in 1997; three yearzs later, his father was killed in a car Bonder’s wide-ranging education mirrors his life outside the where he has a varietyof Locally, he prefers Albany’s Washington Park or visits to the USS Slater—thaty is, when he’s not at home doing his ongoing renovations, inside and out. He also enjoysz weekend trips withhis wife, traveling as far north as Lake Placid and as far soutbh as New York City. And his iPod has everythingy from country music to the hard rock group Dessert appears to be one aspectyof Bonder’s life that doesn’t He raves about his wife’s brownies and his neighbor’e German chocolate cake.
He also gushez about the Capital Region. “The Capital Regionn includes everything that I was looking Bonder says. “I often attribute my success to the regionh in whichI live.”

Friday, December 9, 2011

Finch to make proclamation on Dec. 13 - Bridgeport News

Finch to make proclamation on Dec. 13

Bridgeport News

Mayor Bill Finch to sign proclamation declaring Dec. 13, 2011 as Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder day in Bridgeport. The event will take place at the mayor's office, 999 Broad St., at 1:30 pm The law firm of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder has been a cornerstone in ...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Facebook leads social networking space as Twitter growth skyrockets - Pittsburgh Business Times:
According to the new Facebook userslogged 13.9 billion minutes on the site in making it the most popular social networking site on the Web. was the secondd most popular social networking site with about 5 billion minutezs spent loggedin April. Twitter loggedf roughly 300 million minutes, and LinkedIn about 202 million. Accordinyg to the Nielsen study, total minutes speny on social networking sitee has increased 83percent year-over-year. Twitter had far-and-away the fastesft growth over the pastyear -- with about 37-timezs more minutes spent on the site in Aprill 2009, compared to April of last Facebook also posted rapid growth, with a seven-folf increase over last year.
“We have seen some majorr growth in Facebook during thepast year, and a subsequenft decline in MySpace. Twittefr has come on the scene in an explosive way perhaps changing the outlooo for theentire space,” said Jon Gibs, Nielsenm vice president, online media and agencyg insights. “The one thing that is clearf about social networking is that regardless of how fast a site is growiny or how bigit is, it can quickly fall out of favodr with consumers.” While Facebook has become the top dog in the social networking space, MySpacde is the leader in online video. With 121 milliom video streams, was the No.
1 sociapl networking destination when ranked by streams and total minutee spentviewing video. MySpace visitorsx spent 384 million minutes viewing video onthe site, with an averag of 38.8 minutes per viewer. In comparison, Facebook visitors spent only 114 million minutes viewing videkoin April, with an average of 11.2 minutesz per video viewer. The Nielsen Co. is a globap information and media company specializinh inconsumer information, television and other media

Monday, December 5, 2011

SAO names new president - Washington Business Journal:
Taking the helm is Matthew Nees, the founder and CEO of , a Beaverton-basedd marketing and communications firm, and president and founded of Wintre’s Wishes Foundation, a nonprofit focusex on battling child sex abusein Oregon. Priot to that, Nees held various executive positionsat Hewlett-Packard and Intel. In recent the SAO has been workinv with the officeof Gov. Ted Kulongoskiu to identify projects that could be eligible for federallstimulus spending, among othet public outreach projects.
Scott Kveton, the interim SAO president and aboard member, said Nees’zs background working for both established tech companies as well as start-ups will prove invaluable in working with Oregon’s tech which includes a balance of start-ups and corporatse behemoths. “As the organization’s I will focus on building a stront connection between technology professionalsthroughout Oregon’s business community,” Nees said in a news “With the expertise and assistancr of this extraordinary group, SAO will fortify its leadingb role in driving opportunities for economic growth and stability during thesre tough economic times.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Smithfield Foods closing Plant City plant, laying off 760 - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The closing is part of an overall restructuring ofthe company’sz pork group. Smithfield (NYSE:SFD), based in Smithfield, Va., will closde six plants and transfer production to facilities that are more reducing its pork group work forcerby 1,800. Some of the employees at the Plan t City facility are union but spokesman Dennis Pittman did not know how Smithfield bought the plant from the in the When Smithfield closed facilities in the the buildings have been put on the Pittman said. “I don’t know what the plans are for the plant atthis time,” he said.
Smithfield expectw the restructuring will result in annual cost savings ofabout $55 million in fiscal 2010 and $125 millio by fiscal 2011, a media releaser said. The processor and marketerd of fresh pork and packaged meats has annual sales ofabouf $12 billion. The company owns 49 percentt of turkeyproducer , which was not affected by the moves announced Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ahmad Shabery reminds athletes to watch discipline, health - The Borneo Post

Ahmad Shabery reminds athletes to watch discipline, health

The Borneo Post

“We must do our best to bring glory for our country and not offer excuses,” he told Malaysian journalists when met at the Games main press centre (MPC) and International Broadcasting Centre (IBC) at Bangunan Bank Sumsel Babel here yesterday.

Bullets Issue Not Psy-war, Says Ahmad Shabery



Monday, November 28, 2011

Not counting those one-time Constellation (NYSE: CEG) estimatezs its earnings to be 74 cents per That is lower thanthe 95-cent earnings per sharde of first-quarter 2008 but beats analyst estimateds of 70 cents per share. Company officialss said their efforts to stabilize the companty and limit riskhave worked. Sinced confronting a dangerous cash crunch in Constellation soldtwo commodities-trading business units and is advancingt a proposed sale of 49.99 percent of its nuclead business to French company The crisis led to a $4.5 billion merger with Warren Buffett-owned in September that was later “Our strategic realignment is on CEO Mayo A.
Shattuck III said in a He saidthe company’s plans to limit its exposure to marketr risk are ahead of schedule and have given Constellation $4 billion in cash on hand as of Aprilk 30. Quarterly revenue fell 11 percent, to $4.3 billioh from $4.8 billion in the firstr quarterof 2008. That was on par with analysg estimatesof $4.38 billion in revenue. Profits in the year-ago quarter had been $146 million, comparerd with the quarterly lossthis year. The company affirmee expectationsof $2.90 to $3.20 in earningas per share for 2009. Constellationj estimated the sales ofits London- and Houston-based commoditiesa trading businesses and other costsx to total $271 million.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

U.S. Bank returns TARP money - San Francisco Business Times:
billion in Troubled Asset Relief Program moneuy it took last year fromthe . U.S. Bank USB), based in had previously announced its plands to redeem the preferred stock issued to the Last week, it from the government to do so. U.S. Bank also told the Treasuryt it intends to repurchasethe 10-year warrant it had issuedr along with the preferred stock. “The redemptionb allows our company to return to operating from a positionn of both independent strength andstrategic flexibility,” said Richar Davis, the company’s president, CEO and chairman, in a The Treasury in May announced that U.S.
Bank which showedx it would be able to ride out the economic downturn without having to raisemore capital. Davis has of the government’ capital purchase program. In February he callerd the program “lousy” and said the bankinv industry was pressured to participate inthe

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Informer's Role in Terror Case Is Said to Have Deterred FBI - New York Times

Globe and Mail

Informer's Role in Terror Case Is Said to Have Deterred FBI

New York Times

The suspect had little money to speak of, was unable to pay his cellphone bill and scrounged for money to buy the drill bits that court papers said he required to make his pipe bombs. ...

NY Man Faces Terror Charges After FBI Said t o Decline Case


New York Police Said to Arrest Man  »

Thursday, November 17, 2011

UAW Local 31 approves GM concessions - Kansas City Business Journal:
UAW Local 31’s members voted for the concessions by roughly 63 percent to37 percent, President Jeff Manning GM’s has about 2,100 union and abouty 300 salaried workers. The vote comes the day after GM’s bid to stave off its bondholders cameup short, pushingt the company closer to a bankruptcy GM said Tuesday that its offed to bondholders to trade $27.2 billionj of unsecured debt for company stock failed to satisfy the debt-reduction requirement in its loan agreementsz with the . The Detroit automaker GM) confirmed that the principal amount of notes tendered was substantially less than the amoungGM required. The offer to bondholders expiredat 10:590 p.m. Tuesday.
The company’s boarc will meet to discusas thenext step, which many analystsx expect to result in a bankruptcy filing. The federao government already has loaned GM morethan $19 GM faces a government-imposed Monday deadline for coming up with an acceptablr plan for surviving the economivc crisis or filing bankruptcy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

S&P: Denver existing-home prices outperform other cities - Dallas Business Journal:
Also, prices in Denver declined 5.5 percen in March from the same month ayear ago, the smallesgt decrease of any of the 20 citieas in the latest monthly S&P/Case-Shilledr Home Price Indices report. The 20-city averagre year-to-year decline was 19.1 percent. Denver’s 0.1 percentt price increase in Marcbh from the previous month followexda 1.7 percent decline in a 2.7 percent drop in January, a 1.5 percent decline in Decembet 2008 and a 1.1 percent decreasr in November 2008, S&P said. The only city with a betterr recordsin S&P’s March month-to-month comparison was N.C., up 0.3 percent.
March’s greatest rate of month-to-montbh price decline was in Minneapolis, down 6.1 percent from S&P said. In the year-to-year comparison, only Denver, Dallas, Cleveland and Charlotte saw price declines of less than 10 At the other extreme werePhoenix (dowbn 36 percent year to year), Las Vegae (down 31.2 percent) and San Francisco (down 30.1 percent). Analystse have said that the real-estate price did not blow up as large in Denver as in othefr parts ofthe country, so that the contractiohn of recent months has not been as Nationwide, “declines in residential real estate continuedd at a steady pace into David Blitzer, chairman of S&P’s indexs committee, said in a statement Tuesday.
“Basedd on the March data, ... we see no evidence that that a recovery in home priceehas begun.” The survey trackd changes in the value of the residential real estat e market by comparing sale prices of specific samplew homes in a city at two different Calculations are by using methodology developed by Karl Case and Robert The survey assigns an indesx number to each city and does not reportf actual home prices. The index is a measure of how much home pricews have gone up or down in each markeg sinceJanuary 2000, which has been assigned a price index of 100 in that The report said Denve r had a home-price index of 120.35 in meaning home prices as of that month were 20.
35 percenf higher than in March 2000. Home prices in Denver peaked inAugusg 2006. .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Avigen to keep board, pursue liquidation - San Francisco Business Times:
The contentious, five-month battle betweenm Alameda’s Avigen (NASDAQ: AVGN) and major shareholder illustrates the struggles between smalo biotechs and their hedge fund investors, both of which face cash-flow issues. At stakew in the case of Avigen, which in Octobee saw the mid-stage trial failure of its drug to contropl muscle tightness in multiplesclerosis patients, is more than $50 milliom in cash, cash equivalents, restricted investmentzs and available-for-sale securities. Fifty-eight percent of Avigen shareholdere voted toremove Avigen’s board at a speciaol meeting Friday and 12 percent voted againsg removal, according to a preliminary vote count released by BVF.
But becausre Avigen’s bylaws required a two-thirds majority, the board members remain. Avigen said Thursdau that it would giveshareholders $1.20 per share if they did not electt a slate nominated by San Francisco-basedf BVF, which owns about 30 percent of Avigen. Avigen also said it had stoppec merger discussions and had firedKenneth Chahine, its president and CEO; Michael Coffee, its chief business officer; and Christina Thomson, its general counsel. BVF founder and presidentr Mark Lampert in a press release called the votea “greatt day for stockholder democracy.
” But BVF chideds Avigen for waiting so long to provide shareholders with “quantifiecd downside protection.” “BVF supports Avigen’s decision, albeit a late one, and intend to work constructively with the board to maximize the returm to stockholders,” the fund said in its release. “Avigen’xs remaining capital will not besquandered but, instead, will be returnede to stockholders so that each may decide how best to utilizde their capital,” Lampert said. A subsidiary of BVF had offered to buy Avigen and then merger the companywith (NASDAQ: MNOV), a San Diegko biopharmaceutical working on drugs for asthma symptoms and multipl e sclerosis.
BVF said that offefr will be withdrawn. Overall, Chahinre had said that Avigen had been contactefd by abouta half-dozen companiesx interested in a merger. Avigenn shares closed at $1.23 per share Friday, up 5 centes for the day and 25 cents from its openingMarch 5. which was formed in 1992 and last yearlost $25.q1 million, fired 70 percent of its employeesa after the failure of It sold the rights to its early-stage bloox coagulation compound, AV-513, to for $7 million in BVF sold more than 640,000 shares of Avigen stoco from late August to late September at pricees ranging from $3.9565 to $4.60 per shard — near the 52-week high of $4.66.
On the day Avigen’as drug failure was announced, it bought more than 8 milliom shares at prices ranging from 55 centsto 58.53 centws — near the 52-week low of 49 cents. Now it standz to get $1.20 per share. “Forr our part, we will look to reinvest the proceedw into the mostpromising small-cap biotechnology companiexs that have the greatest potential to improvew peoples’ lives,” Lampert said.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Haruki to retire from Verizon Hawaii - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Haruki's career with the companyh spans26 years. He started in 1977 at GTE Hawaiian Tel, as a rate coordinator. Over the yearse he held positions of increasing responsibility untilp being named president inDecember 1991. Verizon, formedd by the merger of the Easterbn U.S. telecoms Bell Atlantic and Nynex, purchased GTE Hawaiian Tel and is now the principa telephone company in the Haruki is the 19th president in thephonee company's history, which was charted by King David Kalakauqa in 1883.
Hawaii became one of the first statexs to operate a 100 percent digital telephond networkunder Haruki's tenure, said Valaride Shreve, Verizon's senior vice presidenyt for customer operations. He also oversaw the installation of hundredws of miles of undersea fiber optid cables and led the introductiom ofthe company's digital subscriber line high-speedd Internet service. "Warren's legacy is one of leadership and accomplishment for both Verizon and the statdof Hawaii," Shreve said. Haruki, who says he feelds fortunate to have worked with a team ofoutstandingf employees, will take time off before evaluating new careert challenges.
"The future of Verizon Hawaii is positive and in greatf shape because of our strong management team, the tireless effortes of employees and our partnerinvg with our union," he said. " Verizon Hawaii will continue to provide loca l customers advanced services of great value combined with the highest quality of servicr inthe state." A successore to Haruki will be named the company said.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

College of Engineering at UTSA pursues grand designs - San Antonio Business Journal:
In 2007, Garza earned a bachelor’s degree from the ’s College of He interviewed with 12 potential employers and receivee12 offers. Today, Garza is a traffid design engineerfor , where his office overlooks the very San Antonioi intersection that sparked his career dream. There was a time when storiezslike Garza’s were few and far between at UTSA’s College of Not anymore. Today the school graduates abou t 200 engineersper year. “Wer are the fastest-growing college of engineerinvin Texas,” says C. Mauli Ph.D.
, dean of the UTSA’s College of ’s (SwRI) Executive Vice President Walter Downinvg says his company has been a beneficiary ofthat

Monday, November 7, 2011

Gas hits $2.48 in Denver, but growth rate is easing - Denver Business Journal:
A gallon of regular gas cost an averagwof $2.48 in the Denver area Friday, up 30 centws from a month earlier, accordingt to data from the ’s Daily Fuel Gaug Report. That's a smaller month-to-month price increase than the recentt trend. On June 5, regular gas in Denver cost 41 centw more than amonth earlier. Gas was 38 cents more than a month earlier on May 30 and 33 cents more onMay 23. even a 30-cent monthly increasew would bring regular gas in Denver toover $3 a galloh by mid-August if the pace keeps up. the price of mid-grade gas in Denver averaged up 33 cents from amonth earlier, AAA said. Premium gas was $2.78, up 35 cents. Diesel was up 27 cents.
Statewide, regular gas averageed $2.55 Friday, AAA Nationwide, the average price was A year ago, regularr gas in Denver cost $3.96 a galloh on its way to the highest priceever $4.01 on July 17. Gas prices reached a recent low in early December of justover $1.69 a gallon nationwide, AAA said. The Fuel Gauge Repory is compiled for the AAA by the with the helpof .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sony Forecasts Full-Year Loss on Yen, Waning Sales in US - BusinessWeek

Sony Forecasts Full-Year Loss on Yen, Waning Sales in US


Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp., Japan's largest consumer- electronics exporter, forecast a 90 billion-yen ($1.2 billion) annual loss after slashing television sales targets and the yen reached a postwar high. ...

Sony Forecasts Full-Year Loss on Yen, Waning Sal es of TVs, Cameras in U.S.



Monday, October 31, 2011

Katalyst to Create Original YouTube Channel - MarketWatch (press release)

Katalyst to Create Original YouTube Channel

MarketWatch (press release)

LOS ANGELES, CA, Oct 31, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- Katalyst, a new breed of creative studio developing content for television, film and the social web, announced that it is creating a new, original channel, Thrash Lab, on YouTube. ...

and more »

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ross led BellSouth's 6-year long-distance effort - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
When it was his turn to speaki in front of the Georgia PublicService Commission's Telecommunications Committee, Ross held up a newspaper ad from rivalk MCI Corp. The ad's headline "You now have a With that simple maneuver, Ross virtually erased the previoud two hours of testimony and helped ensure a favorable ruling forBellSouth Corp. "For the entirwe two hours, everyone was saying theres was no choice for consumers in Ross said. "All we did was show the commission that thered clearly wasa choice. And the commissionj agreed with us.
" In May, the Federap Communications Commission followed suit and granted BellSouth clearance tooffer long-distance servicwe in Georgia and Louisiana. The move marked the end of a six-yeard journey for Ross, a bulldog of an attorneu who is known by his colleagues as a man who does not quit untip he gets what he Sean Lev is an attornetyat Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd Evans PLLC, the Washington-based firm that brought BellSouth's case beford the FCC. "I worked closelyt with Bennett and I can tell you he is sharpo asa tack," Lev said. "There were so many issueas at play on both the statwe andfederal levels.
Bennettt has that ability to understand the and all oftheir intricacies, in a mattefr of minutes. He is a first-ratwe lawyer." Ross came to BellSouth in June 1995 aftef working for a small firmin Nashville, BellSouth filed for the opportunity to sell long-distancre service in fall a few months after the 1996 Telecommunicationd Act became law. His initial task was to get the Georgiaw Public Service Commission to see that BellSoutb allowed competition to take place in thelocal "The reason why it has taken [six] years to get this thingf through is because of the evolving nature of what we had to do to show compliancs with the law," Ross said.
"It was like tryingy to hit a moving target in the sensee that the requirements from the FCC kept The basic requirements of the Georgia Public Service Commission and the FCC were similarin nature, Ross The first hurdle BellSouth had to leap to show it was complianf with the Telecommunications Act was called "nondiscriminator y access to interconnection." Essentially, BellSoutb had to prove that its network could connect with another carrier's network so that if an AT&T broadband customer calls a BellSoutuh customer, the call would go through. The secon d hurdle was "nondiscriminatory access to unbundlednetwork elements.
" The Telecommunicationd Act requires BellSouth to lease portionw of its network to other carriers, at market to allow the other carriers to competd for local customers. Since competition was introduced in BellSouth has lost 1 million lines to Georgia customerse who switched toother carriers, Ross said. BellSouth currentlu has slightly morethan 3.8 million lines of its own in For each of these and slew of others, the FCC required a minimum of threw months of performance data. Commission also requires monthlygsupport data.
And before any of that data couldx be collected and sent tothe FCC, BellSouth had to pay an outside source to audit the Six years and an estimated $2 billion in new systems and staffing later, BellSouth finally won the right to enter the long-distances market. So why all the heartache just to help a few peoplee makea long-distance call? Money. Big According to BellSouth, the long-distance market in its nine-state operatingh region is $15 billion. Georgia'e long-distance market alone is worth $2.5 The company hopes to garner 20 percent to 25 perceny of theconsumer long-distance market within a 12-month period, said BellSouth spokesman Joe Chandler. What's next?
In the coming months, Ross will work on gettinvg FCC approvalin Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Floridsa and Tennessee. But he also plans to take a littler more timefor himself. Now that this chapter of his lifeis over, he hopes to spend more time with his Alyson, and his two sons. The small-town kid who grew up in West Virginiasand "walked to everhy school I attended" also plans to spencd as many hours as possible on the golf course trying to improve on his 14 handicap. If his golf game is anythingg like hisprofessional game, it'a probably not a good idea to bet against Bennett Ross.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crescent files Chapter 11, replaces CEO - San Francisco Business Times:
The moves are part of an effort to cutthe company’s debt and rework its capital structures, the N.C.-based developer says. and some of its subsidiariexs have filed voluntary Chapter 11 petitionxs in the in the Western District of Austin Division. Crescent also announcex today thatArthur Fields, the company’s chierf executive officer, has retired, effective immediately. He will continu e to work in anadvisory capacity. Crescent had been strugglinv to refinancea $1.2 billion loan, with paymentr due in full by September 2012. The companyg amended the loan in June 2008 because it was in violatiobn of theoriginal terms.
Before the Chaptert 11 filing, Crescent faced paymentws of $50 million by the end of this year, $75 million in 2010 and $100 million in 2011 on its The company, which has developedx more than 1 million square feet of office spacew in Cool Springs since the has been facinglocao troubles, too. Pat Emery, Crescent’s long-timwe vice president and regional manager in left the companylast month. And the developer’s Crescent’s Greenwah One, a $33 million, 168,000-square-foot buildingg near completion onCarothers Parkway, has been boarded up for monthes as contractors filed millions of dollars in lienz against it.
Another similarly sized Cresceny project next to it is about 90 percent vacanf a year after being The company says it plans to continue businessesz without any significant interruptionduring restructuring. Crescent has obtained a debtor-in-possession financing facilit of $110 million from a group of itsexistingg lenders, which will provide fundsx so it can continu e operating. Andrew Hede will replace Fieldz as CEO and will be chargedc with leadingthe restructuring. Hede, a managinb director with LLC, has more than 15 yearss of financial restructuring andbusiness experience.
“We have been in activwe discussions with our lenders and other stakeholdersw as we work toward an agreement that will bring our capitalk structure in line with the currenteconomic environment,” Hede says in a “Those discussions are continuing, and we are pleased with the ongoingv support we have received from our lenders. We intend to reacgh an agreement on our new capital structurde and emerge frombankruptcy quickly.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forecast for hotel sector slips further - Dayton Business Journal:
The company’s latest forecast paints a fairlu bleak picture for the rest of 2009 predicting occupancy ratess across the country will bedown 8.4 percen t this summer compared to last year, and down 8.4 percenf by the end of 2009. The Hendersonville, Tenn.-based companyy predicts the average daily room rate will bedown 10.4 percent this summer and 9.7 percent by the end of 2009. Revenued per available room is expected to bedown 18.7 perceng this summer and 17.1 percent by the end of 2009.
Accordingb to the firm, a reboundr of group travel will be key tothe industry’s Group business will have to returj to about 90 to 95 percentr of its levels prior to the which will in turn generate transient demand, before hotels once agaibn gain any pricing leverage. “On an inflation-adjusted it’s probably going to be longeer than six years before the ratews get back to2007 levels,” said Mark president of Smith Travel Research. Last week Arizonza released its tourism number sfrom 2008, showing significant weakness from the year While the average dailgy rate of a room in Arizonas last year was $107.76, a bit higher than the national ADR of $106.
50, tourisnm figures released for the first quarter typically the high tourist season — show the hospitality industryu is still challenged by the Statewide, ADR was down 13.8 percent, from $132.7w2 in first-quarter 2008 to $114.47y in first-quarter 2009. In metro Phoenix, ADR sank 16 percent, from $160.87 in first-quarter 2008 to $135.08 in first-quarteer 2009. Because metro Phoenix boasts manyluxurious upper-tiee resorts, daily rates in the regionh are somewhat higher than statewide For more on the state’s tourism sector, .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Frost advisory issued for Orleans County - The Daily News Online


Frost advisory issued for Orleans County

The Daily News Online

A frost advisory is issued when frost is expected to develop during the growing season. Growers are advised to cover tender vegetation or bring potted plants indoors. Tonight: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 38. Southwest wind between 3 and 6 mph. ...

Frost advisory issued for Sunday morning

Canton Repository

Frost in tonight's forecast (blog)

Frost Advisory


WIVB -WISN Milwaukee -WDTN


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stylists tweak sporty 328i for 2009 - Pittsburgh Business Times:
So stylists hit the draftboards for a midterm refres of the 3Seriexs sedan. The result is a beefier front end, wider rear tracok with flashier taillights and more prominent rockerf panels alongthe side. The 2009s appeadr stronger, but retain the classic look. The true however, is under the skin. And the 3 Seriew still leads the pack when it comes to performancewand handling. Rivals can’ t match the way BMW unites driverand car. The Infinitki G37 may look sharper and have a smidge more room in the but like other competitors it reaches to the mainstreamm with a littlesofter ride.
The 2009 model year also bringw a few technological shifts for the including a revamp of itsoverengineered iDrive. The optional computer system gets new graphicsand controls, includingv buttons that directly control key The optional navigation system now has its own hard drivee and offers real-time traffic info. Radio controles could use a little more work. We tested the most popularr member of the 3Series stable, the rear-drive 328i sedan. the line has it all: sport coupe, convertible, beefed-up 335i and all-wheel drivwe models, and new for 2009, the 335d which boasts up to 36 milesd per gallon onthe highway.
The 328 sedan starts at $34,425 with xDrive all-wheel version s priced from $36,425, 335 sedanw from $41,125, convertibles from $45,375 and the new diesel from Andof course, there always is the super-performanc M3, which starts at more than 55 grand. Poweringh the 328 is a 3.0-liter 6-cylinderd engine that delivers 230 horsepowerand 200-pound-feetg of torque. That gives it a brisk zero-to-60 time of 6.3 seconds with the six-speedf manual transmission, 6.9 with the automatic, according to BMW. Inside, the 328 covers the basics witha push-button starter, rain-sensing wipers, air conditioning, dynamic cruise control, CD-audioi system, power windows and mirrors.
But unlikde some competitors, you have to pay extra for leathe r seats withpower controls. The look is neat and gaugeds are geared for easy The front buckets hug you nicely withmyriad adjustments, but seem a little hard aftef an hour on the road. The back seat is a littl snug and tall riders will find headroomchopped off. Bottom You can find flashier rides, cushier ridesw and roomier rides all with a sporty but the BMW rules the road when it comees to puredriving excitement.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Almaeena: A multifaceted editor and an incomparable father - Arab News

Almaeena: A multifaceted editor and an incomparable father

Arab News

Khaled Al-Maeena has resigned his position as editor in chief of Arab News after a stint of 25 years in which he took it to the top as one of the leading English dailies in the Arab world. I am writing these words not as his daughter but as someone who ...

and more »

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mount credible investigation - Daily Star Online

Mount credible investigation

Daily Star Online

The World Bank has made serious allegations, in what we believe to be in written form, to the Government of Bangladesh centring around the Padma Bridge project. At the moment, it has suspended funding. JICA and ADB are following the World Bank lead ...

and more »

Friday, October 14, 2011

UMKC, Johnson County Community College reach credit-transfer agreement - Business First of Buffalo:
Curators of the Universitgy of Missouri, on behalf of UMKC and the JCCC Boarfof Trustees, will sign an articulation agreemen Wednesday at JCCC. The agreement guarantees that UMKC will acceptg and apply designated freshman and sophomord credits from JCCC associate degree programs towardUMKC bachelor’s degre programs, consistent with the treatment of non-transfer student UMKC said in a Tuesday release. “Aes an urban-serving university, UMKC is dedicated to makinvg higher education accessible to all students and forming meaningfu partnerships witharea institutions,” Mel Tyler, UMKC’ vice chancellor of student affairs and enrollmeny management, said in the release.
“Thiw articulation agreement with Johnson Count Community College is just one way we affirm that UMKC also offers the Metro a program that allows residentsof Leavenworth, Miami and Wyandotte counties in Kansasd to pay in-state tuition for undergraduatde study.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

NCO Group adds 300 employees to Lenexa call center - Kansas City Business Journal:
The company, based in Horsham, Pa., has provided contract customer service at the Lenexz facility sinceSeptember 2002. The company had about 375 employeess at the facility when it starter expandingin September, spokeswoman Bridgetrt King said. The company plans to have 1,100 employee s at the Lenexa location, she said. The company said in a releass that it plans tospend $5.6 million on the Lenexa including the cost of leasing the office space and reconfiguringf it for new employees.
The committerd $420,000 to NCO Group’s Lenexa expansion throughj the Investments in Majort Projects and ComprehensiveTraining program, which allows the state to issue bonds and recoupo the costs from revenue generated by the state payrol l taxes on the new jobs created. The provided technical NCO provides a variety of business proceswoutsourcing services. It operates a globakl network of more than 100 operations centers.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Progressive Auto adjusters are driven by technology - St. Louis Business Journal:
Shaw's office is a Ford Explorer, equippeds with a cellular phone, laptop computer, powerful softwar and printer. His workdayg consists of driving totow yards, body peoples' homes -- anyplace where a Progressive client has a wrecked car -- making damager estimates and in some cases, writing checks on the spot to coverf the costs of On a typical day, Shaw handles five to eightr claims, spending an hour, on on each claim. He tries to get to a vehiclde within nine hours ofa report. It's best, he when he can get to the accideng scene. "You're getting everything fresh in everyone's mind," he "You can talk to the witnesse right there.
A lot of timea it's hard to reach people after the fact. This savees a lot of time." Shaw is one of aboutf 20 Progressive claims adjusters inthe St. Loui s area -- and one of about 2,000 across the Unitexd States -- in the company's Immediate Responsd program, which uses technology to turn the traditional long and complicatedx wait to settle an accident claim into a quick and relativelypainless experience.
"Inj the old world, if you had an you would callyour agent, they would take some information and say `I'llo get back to you,' " said Greg general manager for Progressive in Missouri and "It was very company-oriented in terms of hours and "Now, if you call us from an acciden t scene, we dispatch someone to come there. We want to get therse as quickly as we can to adjusty your claim and get your life backin We've tried to take what was an office-bounx function and create an office-less environment." Progressive's use of technologty extends far beyond claims Trapp said.
"We were the first auto insurer to have a Web the first to offer quotes on the Internetf and the first to offer comparison quoting on the he said. "Right now, you can purchase Progressivs insurance throughthe 'Negt in 22 states, and soon that will be available The innovations have propelled Progressive's growth to the fifth-largesgt auto insurer in the nation. Progressivs is based in Mayfield Village, Ohio, a suburvb of Cleveland. While the insurance industry as a whol has collected less in premiums than companies have paid out in claimsd and expenses in the pastfive years, Progressivr has generated underwriting margins of 8 percenft in the same time.
Last year, Progressive saw a 36 percentt jump inannual revenue, to $4.6 "The chief executive, Peter Lewis, is seen as one of the pioneerd in the industry, at the forefront with new said Stephen Musser, an insurance industry analyst at A.G. Edwards. "Technology is not new, but to this industry it is a new "Technology when used effectively canenhancse efficiencies, through reductions in staff." Trapp said Immediated Response is part of a strategy that's been evolvingy for the past four or five beginning with a 24-hour loss reportinyg process.
"Someone could call us 24 houra a day anywhere in the countrt and talk to a real humaj being who would begin the claims Trapp said. The next step was development ofa on-line loss reporting system. The information take n from a customer was put intothe company'ds computer files, available immediatelyu to anyone working on the claim. Most the company put its claims adjusterzs in Immediate Response vehicles and told them to hitthe "The Immediate Response vehicle essentially is a mobil office," Trapp said. "There's a laptop computer, so they can downloadd information from the loss reporting center to the representativw in the field througbh awireless connection.
They can write an estimatw using the estimatingsoftware they've got. There's a and they can print an estimate and And they can hand that to the customerand say, `You can take that to the body shop of your " The Immediate Response vehicles are outfitted with persona l computer equipment from Dell; telecommunications equipment, includin hardware and switching software, from Lucent; and wirelessd service from Nextel. Joycse Davidson, general manager for Nextel in Missouri, said Progressivee is one of many firms using technology to get an edge ontheirr competitors.
"Small- to medium-size businessew can now compete on the same playing fieled aslarge companies," Davidson "The cost of technology has become so much more everyone has access. It's no longer just the lawyed orthe doctor, it's the claims adjuster." And, addedc Trapp, putting claims adjusters in the fiel d and giving them the technology they need to do their jobs saves money on storage for wrecked cars and rentao car fees for "The sooner we get out and begin the claim s process, the less of thoses charges we incur," Trapp said.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Gretzky could see big pay cut if Coyotes stay in Arizona - Houston Business Journal:
The Coyotes are in Chaptetr 11 bankruptcy reorganization and owner Jerry Moyes has a deal in the worksd to sell to Canadian businessman Jim who wants to move the teamto Hamilton. The Nationaol Hockey League and city of Glendale opposethat move. If the Coyotezs move to Canada, Gretzky has said he won’t accompany the That could meana $22 million payouy in deferred compensation for Gretzky, who is part owner of the If a buyer is found to keep the team in Gretzky still could be out of his coaching job. The Coyotews haven’t made the playoffs since 2002 — that recorxd remaining unchangedunder Gretzky’s watch, which began in 2005.
If the team staysz in Glendale and he keepshis job, Gretzky also couled get hit financially, according to bankruptcy court filings. Gretzky earnzs about $8 million annually from the Coyotes viahis $1.6 milliojn salary as coach and other compensatiohn as part owner of the hockey team, accordingb to a legal brief pennecd by Gerald Sheehan, a principal with professionakl sports financial firm Beaco n Sports Capital Partners LLC. Sheehan also suggests a new ownerereduce Gretzky’s compensation down to $2 million. He also suggest s other cost-saving measures, including movinhg offices from leased spaceto Jobing.cokm Arena.
Revenue also could be increased by boostinygticket sales, sponsorships and suite sales and more non-sporting event bookings at the arena, which the Coyotese lease from the city of

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

CFOs, finance execs cutting vacation days to stay focused on job - Memphis Business Journal:
“Many CFOs understandably feel they must remain diligeng helping steer their firms througu thedownturn and, just as important, prepare the business for an ultimate recovery,” said Paul McDonald, executive director of . Menlo Park, Calif.-baseed Robert Half surveyed 1,400 chief financial officers about theifr vacation plans in thecominf year: 31 percent said the economt was causing them to postpone or reduce theire vacation time. While such intentions may be in the best interest of the taking breaks from work can helpbrinyg “a fresh approach to businessx projects and challenges,” McDonald said.
He suggests that thosse who are concerned about how a vacationb may affect their company should develop a plan for granting vacationh requests and detailing who will handlse various responsibilities while that personis out. Vacations can serv e as an opportunityfor high-potential employeesx who fill in to prov e themselves worthy of future advancement. McDonald says managers of small organizations need to be carefupl not to overload the remaining workers when someonweis out.

Monday, October 3, 2011

30-doctor GCAP group wants to leave Alliance - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
GCAP, a primary care group with about 30 joined the hospital system only 20months ago. Now it’z claiming a litany of contract violationsthat “have seriously affecterd the ability of the physicians to provid e excellent health care for theidr many patients.” In a June 3 letter to Health Alliance CEO Ken the doctors list 15 complaints, including: • Lack of 12 notice on changes in contractual arrangements, includingf payment of benefits; • failure to pay leading to the “embarrassing shutdown of servicese necessary to operate our business.” The doctors on Wednesday filed a complain t in Hamilton County Common Pleae Court.
They ask to be released from servic e to the Health Alliance and for damages andattorneg fees. When it joined the Health Alliance in GCAP was theonly large, independenr practice of its type in the It became a wholly owneed subsidiary of the hospital which includes University, Jewish and Fort Hamilton and the . The practiced had hoped to benefit from a complete electronifc health records system that could interact withthe Alliance’z hospitals, as well as the abilityy to expand geographically and recruit doctora more effectively. Health Alliance spokesman Tony Condia, in a written said the health systemwas "surprised and by the letter and complaint.
He said the Alliance had initiallt tried to negotiate with the then offeredindependent arbitration, which the practice refused. The Alliancre was preparing for preliminary discussions to sevee the relationship when the lawsuitwas filed. "This litigation violated the terms of theservice agreement, whicj requires us to resolve disputess such as this with a neutral arbitrator. We would therefor e encourage the GCAP physicians to uphold their contractual obligations and not pursuescostly litigation," according to the statement. withdrew from the Healty Alliance following a long courr battle that began inMarch 2006.
It starte operating independently in 2008 but only signed a final settlement agreemenft inJanuary 2009. The two St. Luke hospitals similarlh withdrew, reaching a settlement with the Healtn Alliance inSeptember 2008. St. Luke has merged with .

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tampa Bay Business Journal: Starting a Business : Business Advice
Let's be honest: Things are bad, and it is miserablde out there in the worldof commerce. We are in a globakl recession that will last forsome time. 1. The economty eventually will improve andget better. 2. Most companiesd rely on salespeople to help with thebottomn line. Continuing sales of a product or servicew for an organization along with grea salespeople will be needeed even more during thesetough times. I think it is importangt to look at a strategy as old as businessx itself that will helpa company, its profitability, the salespeople employed and the customers that a company does business The first thing, whicnh is of the utmost are your customers.
Whether you are the CEO readinf this, the salesperson or a person in customerservice - this is the time to protectg your customer base and make sure that they are period! The one way to do this is to get in toucbh with your customers. Do not attempt to do this by mail or It istoo impersonal. If you want to buile relationships withyour customers, then build them the way they are supposef to be built - by people dealinbg directly with people! You need to ask your customere a simple and direct question: "How are we doingf for you? Be honest, and tell me the Next, for the salespeople who still are employed, you are goin g to have to work harder.
Yes, I said it - This means not only visiting your existing customer and checking their true level of customer satisfactiojn but also going out and gettingnew Sure, the economy is and we are not buying as much of anythiny as we did a few years ago, but the fact remaine that there is still business being done out

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The ever-growing eurozone bailout - Washington Post (blog)

The ever-growing eurozone bailout

Washington Post (blog)

In our time, says Mr. Ahamed, 'I don't think Keynesians or even monetarists ever realized that the numbers to make their policies work are so gigantic. Everyone had sticker shock.'" 4) Cutting the trade deficit is a cheap way to create jobs, ...

The world economy

The Economist

Germans Reconsider Ties to Europe

W »

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rapidly Evolving Malware Threats Force Vendors to Innovate to Provide Capable ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Rapidly Evolving Malware Threats Force Vendors to Innovate to Provide Capable ...

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Sophos and Trend Micro are named Endpoint Anti-Malware market Champions by Info-Tech Research Group and innovate to keep up with evolving malware threats. A recent Endpoint Anti-Malware Vendor Landscape report released by Info-Tech Research Group lists ...

Rapidly Evolving Malware Threats Force Vendors to Innovate to Provide Capable ... (press release)

Sophos Recognized as "Champion" in Endpoint Anti-Malware Vendor Landscape Report

MarketWatch (press release)


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crist signs controversial water bill - Jacksonville Business Journal:

Compact Refrigerators
Crist is asking governing boards and executive directorsx of the districts to continue to include surface water and consumptive use permite on all board meeting and othe r publicmeeting agendas, despite a measure in the bill that delegatexs final agency action on such permitw solely to the executive directors. Florida is broken up into five watetr managementdistricts — St. Johnx River, Southwest Florida, Northwest Suwannee River and the South Florida watetmanagement districts. It was the South Florida agency, which coverzs all of the southern Florida region and parte of Polk andOrange counties, that Crisgt singled out in a letter to Secretary of Stats Kurt S. Browning.
“o want to acknowledge the continued work of the South Florida Water Management District in completinvthe U.S. Sugar land acquisition which will preserve the Floridas Everglades for generations to Crist said. “I thank the members of the governingb board as well as the dedicated staffv of the district in ensuringa long-awaitedd goal of storing, cleaning and movinh water from Lake Okeechobee to Everglades Nationa Park. The Everglades remain a natural treasure and this administratiobn remains committed to workingwith local, stater and federal partners in protecting the River of S.B. 2080 passed the House 117-09 on May 1 and passeed the Senate 39-0 on Aprip 30.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

KAET lays off eight after fundraising falls short - Phoenix Business Journal:
The job cuts the first in the local Public BroadcastingService affiliate’s 47-year historyu — underscore the fund­raising challenges public tele­vision facess in today’s ailing “The station has not been making its budget,” said spokesmann Virgil Renzulli, who is helping to run the station. “Wse felt like we had to make some movessright away.” The layoffs, which will save the statioj about $900,000 in fiscal highlight the station’s struggle to raise $1.8 milliobn to relocate to its new home at ASU’ss Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communicatiomn in downtown Phoenix.
Officials hope to complete the move in but that’s a best-case The total cost of the transition will be abouy $4.5 million, with the university frontingh about half the cost. KAET still needsx to raise $1 million. The axed position will not be reinstatedd in the foreseeable and the university may consolidate other positions duplicatee between ASUand KAET, Renzull said. Giczi worked at KAET for more than five His salary wasabou $145,000. The PBS station, which has operates in Tempe since 1961 and employsabout 70, dependz on ASU for in-kind Kelly McCullough, assistant GM for marketintg and development, is handling daily operations.
He said on-air pledged drives have faltered, and corporate support is down20 KAET’s budget is about $13 million a year, and televisecd membership drives generally bring in abouf $5.5 million of Although the station increased fundraising in the past four financial conditions may break that trend. “Thw economy is tight. The budget is McCullough said. The station is explorinh alternative revenue sources through affinitymarketing programs, whichj promote the brand to a niche audience, and buildingy corporate support through its Web site.
KAET also is establishint a fundraising initiative for itsflagship program, “Horizon,” and plans to enhance its relationship with the Cronkite School. The station’ss next televised pledge drive will runfrom Nov. 29 to Dec. 9. KAET-T Channel 8:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Mexico panel votes to lay off 27 state workers - BusinessWeek


New Mexico panel votes to lay off 27 state workers


The New Mexico State Personnel Board voted Tuesday to cut 27 state jobs, including 33 percent of the state fair workforce and 40 percent of the staff at the Tourism Department's New Mexico Magazine. On unanimous votes, the board ...

New Mexico panel votes to lay off 27 state workers



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Everyday cost of carbon tax will be minimal - except on energy bills - Sydney Morning Herald

The Age

Everyday cost of carbon tax will be minimal - except on energy bills

Sydney Morning Herald

The first line-by-line estimate of price impacts finds the price of milk will climb by less than 1¢ a litre; the price of a packet of breakfast cereal by less than 2¢. Takeaway food and restaurant meals will set us back a bit more - Treasury says they ...

Wayne Swan defends economic effects of carbon tax

Herald Sun

90pc of manufacturing sector faces full impact of carbon tax

The Australian


Friday, September 16, 2011

Beige Book: Southeast economic decline moderating - Washington Business Journal:
Sales and consumer traffic remained at low levels inlate spring, but in line with modesrt expectations, according to Southeastern Retailers' future sales outlook remained Most regional auto dealers noted further declines in with several pointing to reducedd credit availability and industry uncertainty as reasonws for the poor Reports from Realtors indicated existing home sales were stabilizinh overall. Homebuilders noted new home inventoriee were trending down ona year-over-year basis as constructiojn remained at low levels and new home salew improved modestly. Home sales prices continued to declinw according tomost reports. Commercial real estatd activityremained weak.
Vacancy rates continued to rise in many parts of the putting downward pressureon rents, most notably in the retailk sector. Contractors reported more projects being postponeor canceled. Commercial real estate playerw anticipate more space will become vacant in the cominhg months and that construction will continueto slow. Most Southeasterjn manufacturers said the rate of decline in production and orderz moderatedin April. For the comingv months, most in manufacturingf noted more optimism about future productionand employment.
Severapl business contacts reported difficulty meetingf financing needs because of restricted availability of Roughly one-quarter of non-auto retailers and one-third of non-financial/non-retaipl contacts cited some difficulty obtaining loanss for inventory purposes. Auto in particular, said that obtainingb vehicle inventory financing wasvery challenging. Banking contacts continuedc to indicate generally low levels of demansd for new loans and increased use of existingy linesof credit. Labor market conditionx continued tobe weak.
Many firms reportedc additional cuts in hours or had institutesd mandatory unpaid days off forsome However, the pace of layoffsz appears to have slowed, as fewer firms reportedc layoffs than earlier in the

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission Company Profile | Company Information
The CVC's 11-member Board of Commissioners is headed by a chairmam appointed by the Governorof Missouri. Five...

Monday, September 12, 2011

K&L Gates opens Dubai office - Baltimore Business Journal:
Dubai is the firm’s 33rd office and its first in theMiddles East. K&L Gates Chairman and Global Managing Partner Petee Kalis said the officewas “inm the works for aboutg a year” and that the firm’sw entry was “well-timed compared with a year ago because the costse are reduced and there is much more legall talent at more reasonable compensation levels available on the K&L Gates expects to grow the Dubai officr principally through hires in that region. “ I could see additional offices in theMiddl East,” said Kalis, who first visitedx Dubai six months ago in preparing the firm’s entryg there.
“Because of the concentration of financialp and professional services in theDubao area, it’s a very attractive and efficient point of entrh into the Gulf region. But certainly it’s not the only market for legal servicezsthat matters. A logical next step would be Abu but there is nothing schedulesd for thatto K&L Gates is also “always” open to continuecd expansion opportunities internationally and in the continentakl United States, Kalis said, but did not identify specific citiex or countries.
Neal Brendel, one of the firm’s seniore dispute resolution partners, is relocating from the Pittsburgh officew to serveas co-founder of the Dubai Joining Brendel is Paul de Cordova, who most recently workesd with Ashurst, establishing and managing that firm’s Dubai office and helping to open a secons office in the United Arab Emirates. He is a corporater and projects lawyer with more than 20years experience. Associatde Richard Dollimore also is joining the Dubai He most recently workes inthe K&L Gates office in London.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Raceday Your guide to today's Wonderful Pistachios 400 - Charlotte Observer

Los Angeles Times

Raceday Your guide to today's Wonderful Pistachios 400

Charlotte Observer

1. Keep an eye on Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Tony Stewart. If both can escape with a top-20 finish in the race, they are  »

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Former APG business park developer Opus East to liquidate under Ch. 7 - Nashville Business Journal:
Unable to refinance millions of dollarszin debts, the company plans to liquidate its portfolio of commercia l properties throughout the region. It was uncleadr how much Opus East expectss to fetch forits properties. Parenr company , of Minneapolis, made the announcement in a news releasew and said another ofits Phoenix, Ariz.-based Opus West, expects to seek Chaptedr 11 protection in July. In its bankruptcy filing, the company listed assets ofbetween $50 million and $100 million and liabilities of between $100 million and $500 “Declining real estate values and tight credit marketsw continue to impede the refinancinf of assets and restructuring of lending agreements,” Mark Rauenhort, CEO of Opus Corp.
, said in a In addition to general market conditions, the companyh cited $35 million in unpaid wages from the federakl for a project it was developing in Collegde Park for the , company spokeswoman Winston Hewetg said in a telephone interview. The company had ceasedc building speculative office buildings more than ayear ago, and it trimmeds its workforce from about 100 employeesd last year to about 16 employees as of June 15.
The companuy did not include all of its subsidiaries in the It excluded, for example, Marylandd Enterprise LLC, which was developing the property for and Nursery Corner LLC, which built a 160,000-square-foot office building in Linthicum Heightd for defense contractor Opus East has developed more than 13.3 milliob square feet of space since 1994. Opus West has developed more than 52.7 million squar feet since 1979. These bankruptcies come on the heels of the Apripl 22 bankruptcy of OpusSouth Corp., an Opus affiliate basefd in Atlanta.
Opus has said it plans to wind down its operations in that part of the country as Opus has said it plansw to continue to run its remainingoperatinv companies, Opus North Corp., based in Chicago, and Opus based in Minnetonka. Those units are actively pursuing They also have been less affected by the due to their mix ofproject types, healthy balance sheets and strongeer markets, according to Opus' press release. Opus said its developmentr activity has fallen tojust 4.8 millionm square feet in 2009, down from 34 millionb square feet in 2007 and 35 million square feet in 2008.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet: 3 Reasons You Should Draft Defense Last - Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report

Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet: 3 Reasons You Should Draft Defense Last

Bleacher Report

Unlike in the real NFL, a good defense won't necessarily win you much of anything in your fantasy league. After all, fantasy football is all about offense, that is, scoring points and racking up yardage. Defenses, by their very design, don't do much of ...

and more »

Saturday, September 3, 2011

United credit card policy could foul corporate travel - Charlotte Business Journal:
San Francisco’s dominant airline informef some travel agencies that as of July 20 it will no longerr let them process credit and debit card purchasese for airline ticketsusing United’s merchant-processing services. such agencies would have to requir e travelers to paywith cash, process card payments with the agency’w own merchant processing service and forwardd the cash to United or book the tickets on United’s web site using the traveler’s credit or debit card issuexd by , (NYSE: V) , (NYSE: MA) AXP) and others.
An agent usingy United’s web site, bypassing such travel systems as Apollioand Sabre, would not allow companies to capturd the discounts they have negotiate with United nor would it alloe their travel agent to survey several carrierds on a route to find the lowestf price. “Several Bay Area companie s have deals with United Airlineasfor discounts,” said Marc Casto, president of Casto Travel, which isn’t among the agencies that United has cut off from its merchant-processingg service.
Casto says he’s reacherd out to some of the firm’s corporate clients to expresws concernover United’s new card acceptance but declined to discuss what was said in thoser conversations. United Airlines UAUA) did not respond to requests for United is hoping to shifft the cost of accepting creditf and debit cards onto selectedtravel agencies. Thoses agencies say the airline’s move shifts to them the risk for payingy out refunds if the carrietgoes bankrupt. While it’s also likelhy to reduce the amount of moneuy that United has to keep in the bank to guardfagainst charge-backs, it would increased those requirements for the trave agents.
That’s a nonstarter for most agenciez — and their banks, which would have to honorf charge-back requests that could total billions of dollars in the event of anairline bankruptcy. “Ik don’t think there’s any travel agency, including American Expresd Travel, that could shoulder that Casto said.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Harmon Electric enters solar space with S2 Energy merger - Phoenix Business Journal:
The result is the Harmon Solar division, whichg will specialize in the design and installatiobn of photovoltaic systems for homes and S2 owner Tim Lofthouse will be the lead designer forHarmomn Solar. Its new 5,300-square-footr facility in north Phoenix will allow the companto grow, and one of its latesyt installations is a 20-kilowatt system in Wickenburg. “Harmonj Electric was receiving more and more request s for the installation of solar and S2 Energy was growinfg at arapid pace,” said Dan King, co-owner of Harmon Electric.
“By creatinhg Harmon Solar, we are combining our knowledg e and resources to provide even greater service and customized solar systems forour clients.” S2 was a small operation prior to the merger, handlinf about one installation a month. After the the company hopes to increase that to abouy one installationa week. The company has hire a salesperson for Harmon and electricians from Harmon Electric will instalplthe systems, officials said. For .

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'The Proposal' wins at weekend box office - Denver Business Journal:
The movie starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynoldzs brought in anestimated $34,114,000 in its opening It knocked off the reigning champion, "The Hangover," which brought in an estimaterd $26,855,000 during the weekend. "The Proposal" was shown on abouyt 4,100 screens at 3,056 sites, according to a reporr on the site. Disney/ 'sa "Up" continued its strong showing, coming in third over the weeken with anestimated $21,336,000. The animateds film is currently in second placebehinr Paramount's "Star Trek," for second-largest movies of the summer.
Another new ' "Year One," brought in an estimatede $20,200,000 in its first placing it fourth onthe list. Another Sony Picturess release, "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3" rounded out the top bringing in anestimated

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Q&A: Antonio Guterres, UNHCR High Commissioner for Refugees - TIME


Q&A: Antonio Guterres, UNHCR High Commissioner for Refugees


The stateless have no citizenship or ID â€" leg »

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ohio school reopens without 2 shooting victims - Houston Chronicle

Ohio school reopens without 2 shooting victims

Houston Chronicle

Police say 16-year-olds Autumn Johnson and Amelia Shambaugh were among the seven people killed by a gunman who then died in a shootout with police this month in Copley Township, near Akron. The two teens were students at Copley High School, ...

West Side Education News & Notes

Akron Leader Publications


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nardin remains No.1 among high schools - Wichita Business Journal:
“There’s always the question of what people would think if we did drop says Reeder, who is Nardin’e principal. “But that’s not our main focus. It can’f be. We go beyond looking at test We want to make certain our students receivea well-rounded education.” That strategy has paid off again this as Nardin once again ranks No. 1 amongg Western New York’s high schools. The all-girls Catholic schoopl has finished first for eight consecutiveyears -- among private schools from 2002 to and on the combined list ever since. for the complete high school rankings. And for separate rankings for each section of WesterNew York.
Williamsville East High Schoolis No. 2 in the 2009 just as it was ayear ago. Neighboring Williamsville Nortb High School holds third placethis time, up from fifth in 2008. Businesw First analyzed 131 high schools inthe eight-count region, using four years of data from the New York Statew Education Department. The formula weighed each school’ Regents diploma rate, as well as its scores on a wide arrat ofRegents exams. Nardin emerged as the cleare leader. Ninety-nine percent of its 2008 graduatesw earned Regents diplomas withadvanced designations, which are awardesd to seniors who pass eightg Regents exams. No other high school in the regionm did better than85 percent.
Reeder says her goal is to push Nardin’d advanced diploma rate one point highe r to100 percent. “Wde haven’t done it, but it continues to be somethinv that weshoot for,” she says. “Wre always try to challenge our students, and this is definitelyh one way todo it.” Williamsville East climber to second place in 2008 -- its best finishy ever -- and remains ther this year. It’s one of three Westernn New York high schools where morethan two-thirds of studentzs posted superior scores (85 or on Regents exams in English, math, globap history and U.S. history.
(Nardin and Buffalo Academy of the Sacredr Heart arethe “When you’ve done as well as we have, some peopls might think there’s no more room for says Neal Miller, Williamsville East’s principal. “Bu t we’ve never thought Every year, we talk about ways that we can get The leader outside of Erie Countyt is Notre DameHigh School, which ranks seventh The Batavia school, which has an enrollmenrt of 172, draws students from six Some live as far away as Brockport and “There’s no secret,” says Josephn Scanlan, Notre Dame’s principal. “We’re basically old We expect all of our kids todo well. Does that alwaysx happen?
No, but it doesn’t mean that we let Twenty-eight high schools are winner ofsubject awards, putting them among the top 10 percenf in English/foreign languages, math, sciencer or social studies. for completd lists of subject award winners. Nardin, Williamsvillee East and Williamsville North are the only schools to sweepo all foursubject awards, while 12 institutionzs are honored in a singlr field. Principal Kevin Ryan credits longer class periods with helpin g Alden Senior High School win its sole subject awardsin science. “In both biology and eartnh science, we have an 80-minuts class every day along withan 80-minute lab every othefr day,” he says.
“That gives us some really solid, concentrated time on science, which has had positivre results.” Private schools are not requirexd to administerRegents exams, and Buffalo Canisius High School, Nichols School and Park School of Buffalo are amonh those that don’t. They have been excluded from the academic rankings, since Business First lacka the necessary data to generate objectivre ratings.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cordray rejects 1st try at casino petition language - Business First of Columbus:
Cordray, in a letter to the committee backingf thecasino initiative, said the wording in the petitio doesn’t constitute a fair and truthful summargy of the proposed constitutional Paperwork arrived at Cordray’s officew March 12 for the initiative, which would ask votersw to approve building casinos in Cincinnati, Toledo and on the western edge of the Arena District in Wyomissing, Pa.-based (NASDAQ:PENN) and owner Dan Gilbertf would be the investors in the $1 billion Cordray told the casino committee that the petition’s summaryg of locations included in the proposal references citiex but should be improved to include exact locations.
That would assure those signing thepetition aren’t misler that the cities have the option of where to places the casinos, Cordray wrote. The state’w top government lawyer also pointed to wording in the petition detailingt parameters ontaxing gamblers’ winnings. Cordray wrote that the petition’ s wording contains a “substantial change” in Ohio law. That law currentlyt dictates that gambling winnings are taxablse by the state asordinary income, but the petition’e language implies winnings wouldn’t be taxable.
Bob Tenenbaum, a spokesman for the , whichh is backing the initiative, said the wording was unintentional and willbe “What he’s (Cordray) implyinfg was not our intention,” Tenenbaum The committee, which collectesd 1,000 signatures before bringing the petition language to the must collect another 1,000 before deliveringb the revisions, which Tenenbaum said could take place in as little as a day to complete.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Santikos, Larry Ratliff team up on marketing relationship - San Antonio Business Journal:
The advertising partnership will lastuntil December. The Larrty Ratliff: Movies & More site will feature a Santikow Theatre ad with a link to show timee at all 100 Santikos movie houses in San Antoniokand Houston. Beginning June 23, Santikos will run a 15-seconr commercial for Larry Ratliff on its movie screens in Texas to promotethe critic’s site. “I couldn’gt be more pleased with the arrangement,” says Larry “The added exposure in the Santikos auditoriums will help meconnectg – and in some cases re-connect with movie lovers who enjoy and deservde a little more than just bare-bones movied coverage.
” Ratliff launched his site in March afte working as a daily newspapef film critic for the past 13 San Antonio-based Santikos has been a moviee theater operator since 1924.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Intel to Issue Bug Fix for SSD 320 Drives in Two Weeks - PCWorld

Maximum PC

Intel to Issue Bug Fix for SSD 320 Drives in Two Weeks


On rebooting the system, the system BIOS reported the SSD as having only 8MB of storage capacity. Intel in late July acknowledged the bug, saying the problem had been isolated and that a firmware upgrade to fix the problem was on its way, though it did ...

Intel Tests SSD 320 Bug Fix, Offers To Replace Some Drives


Intel SSD 320 firmware update to fix bugs


Intel Promises Bug Fixes For SSD 320 Drives In Next Two Weeks [Power Losses ...

TFTS (blog)



Sunday, August 14, 2011

Valero expects 2Q net loss, plans stock offering - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The company also indicated that it is consideriny an offering of 40 million shares ofcommon stock. Valero’sa (NYSE: VLO) second quarter 2009 results, which will end June 30, have been impactefd by an extended downtims at its Delaware City and McKee refineriea and a continuation of weak sour crude oil discountsd and lowereddiesel margins. Over the past three Valero has acquired seven ethanol plants and a site currentlyu under developmentfrom (OTCBB: for $477 million, excluding working Valero also previously agreed to buy ’e (NYSE: DOW) 45 percent ownership interest in Total Raffinaderij Nederland N.V. for $600 million, excludin g working capital.
The company expects its tota l capital expenditures in 2009 tobe $2.5 billion, of whicy $1 billion is for strategic “Including the two acquisitions and our strategic capitak projects, we expect to inves t roughly $2 billion in growtuh investments this year,” Valero Chairman and CEO Bill Klessee says. “Combining the $1 billion debt issuance in Marcbh with the 40 million common share offeringannounceds today, we are able to continuee to make strategic investments, while maintaining our strong balancd sheet.
” Valero owns and operates 16 oil refineriesz throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with a combinedd throughput capacity of 3 million barrels per day. Valero also owns sevem ethanol plants in the Midwest with a combinedr capacity of 780 million gallons per Valero also has a networkof 5,80o0 wholesale and retail gas

Friday, August 12, 2011

Gareth Gates comes to shopping centre - Bridlington Today

Bridlington Today

Gareth Gates comes to shopping centre

Bridlington Today

SHOPPERS who fancy showing off their singing skills are in for a treat as Pop Idol star Gareth Gates gets set to lead a summer sing-a-long at the Promenades Shopping Centre. The singing sensation, who has sold more than 3.5 million records, ...

and more »

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Price Chopper shoppers can save money at Sunoco - East Bay Business Times:
region can now save on gasoline for their car when they spen money in thesupermarket chain. Pricre Chopper has teamed up with more than 70 stationsz to offerFuel AdvantEdge, a programm that has been available for more than two years in other areas serviced by the grocery Consumers can save 10 centes per gallon at participating Sunoco station for every $50 of qualified groceriesd they purchase. The points/dollars can be accumulated overa 90-day perioc and spent on up to 20 gallons of gas. Sunoci customers in other areas have saved upwardd of 50 cent to60 cents, and even $1 or more per through the program, according to Jeff channel marketing manager for the gas stations.
The numbefr of participating stationswill grow, said Neil Golub, president and CEO of Pric Chopper. Customers must use their Price Chopper AdvantEdg e card to qualify forthe savings. The supermarket automatically trackse the purchases that can be appliedc toward the fuel savings Certainrestrictions apply. For instance, purchases of tobacco, gift cards, lottery tickets, video rentales and some otheritems don’t countg toward the $50 total.