Friday, September 16, 2011

Beige Book: Southeast economic decline moderating - Washington Business Journal:
Sales and consumer traffic remained at low levels inlate spring, but in line with modesrt expectations, according to Southeastern Retailers' future sales outlook remained Most regional auto dealers noted further declines in with several pointing to reducedd credit availability and industry uncertainty as reasonws for the poor Reports from Realtors indicated existing home sales were stabilizinh overall. Homebuilders noted new home inventoriee were trending down ona year-over-year basis as constructiojn remained at low levels and new home salew improved modestly. Home sales prices continued to declinw according tomost reports. Commercial real estatd activityremained weak.
Vacancy rates continued to rise in many parts of the putting downward pressureon rents, most notably in the retailk sector. Contractors reported more projects being postponeor canceled. Commercial real estate playerw anticipate more space will become vacant in the cominhg months and that construction will continueto slow. Most Southeasterjn manufacturers said the rate of decline in production and orderz moderatedin April. For the comingv months, most in manufacturingf noted more optimism about future productionand employment.
Severapl business contacts reported difficulty meetingf financing needs because of restricted availability of Roughly one-quarter of non-auto retailers and one-third of non-financial/non-retaipl contacts cited some difficulty obtaining loanss for inventory purposes. Auto in particular, said that obtainingb vehicle inventory financing wasvery challenging. Banking contacts continuedc to indicate generally low levels of demansd for new loans and increased use of existingy linesof credit. Labor market conditionx continued tobe weak.
Many firms reportedc additional cuts in hours or had institutesd mandatory unpaid days off forsome However, the pace of layoffsz appears to have slowed, as fewer firms reportedc layoffs than earlier in the

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