Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crist signs controversial water bill - Jacksonville Business Journal:

Compact Refrigerators
Crist is asking governing boards and executive directorsx of the districts to continue to include surface water and consumptive use permite on all board meeting and othe r publicmeeting agendas, despite a measure in the bill that delegatexs final agency action on such permitw solely to the executive directors. Florida is broken up into five watetr managementdistricts — St. Johnx River, Southwest Florida, Northwest Suwannee River and the South Florida watetmanagement districts. It was the South Florida agency, which coverzs all of the southern Florida region and parte of Polk andOrange counties, that Crisgt singled out in a letter to Secretary of Stats Kurt S. Browning.
“o want to acknowledge the continued work of the South Florida Water Management District in completinvthe U.S. Sugar land acquisition which will preserve the Floridas Everglades for generations to Crist said. “I thank the members of the governingb board as well as the dedicated staffv of the district in ensuringa long-awaitedd goal of storing, cleaning and movinh water from Lake Okeechobee to Everglades Nationa Park. The Everglades remain a natural treasure and this administratiobn remains committed to workingwith local, stater and federal partners in protecting the River of S.B. 2080 passed the House 117-09 on May 1 and passeed the Senate 39-0 on Aprip 30.

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