Thursday, September 22, 2011

KAET lays off eight after fundraising falls short - Phoenix Business Journal:
The job cuts the first in the local Public BroadcastingService affiliate’s 47-year historyu — underscore the fund­raising challenges public tele­vision facess in today’s ailing “The station has not been making its budget,” said spokesmann Virgil Renzulli, who is helping to run the station. “Wse felt like we had to make some movessright away.” The layoffs, which will save the statioj about $900,000 in fiscal highlight the station’s struggle to raise $1.8 milliobn to relocate to its new home at ASU’ss Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communicatiomn in downtown Phoenix.
Officials hope to complete the move in but that’s a best-case The total cost of the transition will be abouy $4.5 million, with the university frontingh about half the cost. KAET still needsx to raise $1 million. The axed position will not be reinstatedd in the foreseeable and the university may consolidate other positions duplicatee between ASUand KAET, Renzull said. Giczi worked at KAET for more than five His salary wasabou $145,000. The PBS station, which has operates in Tempe since 1961 and employsabout 70, dependz on ASU for in-kind Kelly McCullough, assistant GM for marketintg and development, is handling daily operations.
He said on-air pledged drives have faltered, and corporate support is down20 KAET’s budget is about $13 million a year, and televisecd membership drives generally bring in abouf $5.5 million of Although the station increased fundraising in the past four financial conditions may break that trend. “Thw economy is tight. The budget is McCullough said. The station is explorinh alternative revenue sources through affinitymarketing programs, whichj promote the brand to a niche audience, and buildingy corporate support through its Web site.
KAET also is establishint a fundraising initiative for itsflagship program, “Horizon,” and plans to enhance its relationship with the Cronkite School. The station’ss next televised pledge drive will runfrom Nov. 29 to Dec. 9. KAET-T Channel 8:

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