Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nardin remains No.1 among high schools - Wichita Business Journal:

“There’s always the question of what people would think if we did drop says Reeder, who is Nardin’e principal. “But that’s not our main focus. It can’f be. We go beyond looking at test We want to make certain our students receivea well-rounded education.” That strategy has paid off again this as Nardin once again ranks No. 1 amongg Western New York’s high schools. The all-girls Catholic schoopl has finished first for eight consecutiveyears -- among private schools from 2002 to and on the combined list ever since. for the complete high school rankings. And for separate rankings for each section of WesterNew York.
Williamsville East High Schoolis No. 2 in the 2009 just as it was ayear ago. Neighboring Williamsville Nortb High School holds third placethis time, up from fifth in 2008. Businesw First analyzed 131 high schools inthe eight-count region, using four years of data from the New York Statew Education Department. The formula weighed each school’ Regents diploma rate, as well as its scores on a wide arrat ofRegents exams. Nardin emerged as the cleare leader. Ninety-nine percent of its 2008 graduatesw earned Regents diplomas withadvanced designations, which are awardesd to seniors who pass eightg Regents exams. No other high school in the regionm did better than85 percent.
Reeder says her goal is to push Nardin’d advanced diploma rate one point highe r to100 percent. “Wde haven’t done it, but it continues to be somethinv that weshoot for,” she says. “Wre always try to challenge our students, and this is definitelyh one way todo it.” Williamsville East climber to second place in 2008 -- its best finishy ever -- and remains ther this year. It’s one of three Westernn New York high schools where morethan two-thirds of studentzs posted superior scores (85 or on Regents exams in English, math, globap history and U.S. history.
(Nardin and Buffalo Academy of the Sacredr Heart arethe “When you’ve done as well as we have, some peopls might think there’s no more room for says Neal Miller, Williamsville East’s principal. “Bu t we’ve never thought Every year, we talk about ways that we can get The leader outside of Erie Countyt is Notre DameHigh School, which ranks seventh The Batavia school, which has an enrollmenrt of 172, draws students from six Some live as far away as Brockport and “There’s no secret,” says Josephn Scanlan, Notre Dame’s principal. “We’re basically old We expect all of our kids todo well. Does that alwaysx happen?
No, but it doesn’t mean that we let Twenty-eight high schools are winner ofsubject awards, putting them among the top 10 percenf in English/foreign languages, math, sciencer or social studies. for completd lists of subject award winners. Nardin, Williamsvillee East and Williamsville North are the only schools to sweepo all foursubject awards, while 12 institutionzs are honored in a singlr field. Principal Kevin Ryan credits longer class periods with helpin g Alden Senior High School win its sole subject awardsin science. “In both biology and eartnh science, we have an 80-minuts class every day along withan 80-minute lab every othefr day,” he says.
“That gives us some really solid, concentrated time on science, which has had positivre results.” Private schools are not requirexd to administerRegents exams, and Buffalo Canisius High School, Nichols School and Park School of Buffalo are amonh those that don’t. They have been excluded from the academic rankings, since Business First lacka the necessary data to generate objectivre ratings.

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