Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Price Chopper shoppers can save money at Sunoco - East Bay Business Times:
region can now save on gasoline for their car when they spen money in thesupermarket chain. Pricre Chopper has teamed up with more than 70 stationsz to offerFuel AdvantEdge, a programm that has been available for more than two years in other areas serviced by the grocery Consumers can save 10 centes per gallon at participating Sunoco station for every $50 of qualified groceriesd they purchase. The points/dollars can be accumulated overa 90-day perioc and spent on up to 20 gallons of gas. Sunoci customers in other areas have saved upwardd of 50 cent to60 cents, and even $1 or more per through the program, according to Jeff channel marketing manager for the gas stations.
The numbefr of participating stationswill grow, said Neil Golub, president and CEO of Pric Chopper. Customers must use their Price Chopper AdvantEdg e card to qualify forthe savings. The supermarket automatically trackse the purchases that can be appliedc toward the fuel savings Certainrestrictions apply. For instance, purchases of tobacco, gift cards, lottery tickets, video rentales and some otheritems don’t countg toward the $50 total.

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