Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cordray rejects 1st try at casino petition language - Business First of Columbus:
Cordray, in a letter to the committee backingf thecasino initiative, said the wording in the petitio doesn’t constitute a fair and truthful summargy of the proposed constitutional Paperwork arrived at Cordray’s officew March 12 for the initiative, which would ask votersw to approve building casinos in Cincinnati, Toledo and on the western edge of the Arena District in Wyomissing, Pa.-based (NASDAQ:PENN) and owner Dan Gilbertf would be the investors in the $1 billion Cordray told the casino committee that the petition’s summaryg of locations included in the proposal references citiex but should be improved to include exact locations.
That would assure those signing thepetition aren’t misler that the cities have the option of where to places the casinos, Cordray wrote. The state’w top government lawyer also pointed to wording in the petition detailingt parameters ontaxing gamblers’ winnings. Cordray wrote that the petition’ s wording contains a “substantial change” in Ohio law. That law currentlyt dictates that gambling winnings are taxablse by the state asordinary income, but the petition’e language implies winnings wouldn’t be taxable.
Bob Tenenbaum, a spokesman for the , whichh is backing the initiative, said the wording was unintentional and willbe “What he’s (Cordray) implyinfg was not our intention,” Tenenbaum The committee, which collectesd 1,000 signatures before bringing the petition language to the must collect another 1,000 before deliveringb the revisions, which Tenenbaum said could take place in as little as a day to complete.

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