Monday, November 7, 2011

Gas hits $2.48 in Denver, but growth rate is easing - Denver Business Journal:
A gallon of regular gas cost an averagwof $2.48 in the Denver area Friday, up 30 centws from a month earlier, accordingt to data from the ’s Daily Fuel Gaug Report. That's a smaller month-to-month price increase than the recentt trend. On June 5, regular gas in Denver cost 41 centw more than amonth earlier. Gas was 38 cents more than a month earlier on May 30 and 33 cents more onMay 23. even a 30-cent monthly increasew would bring regular gas in Denver toover $3 a galloh by mid-August if the pace keeps up. the price of mid-grade gas in Denver averaged up 33 cents from amonth earlier, AAA said. Premium gas was $2.78, up 35 cents. Diesel was up 27 cents.
Statewide, regular gas averageed $2.55 Friday, AAA Nationwide, the average price was A year ago, regularr gas in Denver cost $3.96 a galloh on its way to the highest priceever $4.01 on July 17. Gas prices reached a recent low in early December of justover $1.69 a gallon nationwide, AAA said. The Fuel Gauge Repory is compiled for the AAA by the with the helpof .

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