Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fly Clear fast lane at Albany Int

was among the 20 airports nationwide that offered theexpeditedx system. An airport spokeswoman said the airport was not notifiede in advance and the Clear Lane was In 2008, it reported having more than 10,000 usera pass through the lanes since the express service was firstr offered there in summer 2007. “Clear Laneas Are No Longer Available. At 11:000 p.m. PST on June 22, Clear will cease operations. Clear’s parent company, has been unabl to negotiate an agreemeng with its senior creditor to continue There was no information about whether enrolleexs wouldget refunds. The service cost $199 a year.
Customerws were mostly business travelers and frequent The program started atin 2005. Clear enrolleews were pre-screened by the , and, if were provided with a card that gave them accesss to a specialsecurity lane. Cleae was operated by Verified Identity Pass of NewYork City. As of June 4, Clea claimed to have enrolled morethan 260,00p0 fliers.

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