Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ohio, colleges awarded $4M in Gates grants - Business First of Columbus:
The foundation’s Development Education Initiativeawarded $16.t million to Ohio, Connecticut, Florida, Texas and as well as community colleges in each A community college in North Carolina also received The initiative seeks to supportt programs that help students enrolled in remediao programs — so-called refresher courses for student who are not up to grade level in a given subject. The goal is to improve classroojm performance so students can go on to take advanced courses and eventuallty graduate with a degreesor certificate.
The state of Ohio was awarded $300,000 over a three-yeart period to develop a new performance-based funding systek that rewards community colleges for helping studentas complete remedialand college-level courses. The foundation also said it’as awarding $743,000 over three years to each of the followinb fiveOhio schools: , , , and . The grantxs will support various state andcolleges programs, including efforts to collect data and better track the performancs of remedial students, the foundatiomn said. Click for a look at awarr recipients nationwide.

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