Saturday, January 1, 2011

Facebook, VCs give 18 developers seed money - South Florida Business Journal:
The companies were chosen from more than 400 developersd and entrepreneurs from around the world who appliedc in a competition sponsoredby Facebook, and . The two venturre funds will invest morethan $500,000 into the companies in exchang for equity. Two non-profits that will not get funding were also chosemn to participate in theincubator program, which will be run by Dave McClurd of Founders Fund. The incubator programk will operate out of oneof Facebook’ws Palo Alto offices from mid-June to the end of at which point all of the startups will present to Silicojn Valley angel and venture capitak investors.
According to Facebook's Web site, the companiee and nonprofits selected include: : Find friendsx of friends to date...or play matchmaker! If you're single, you can searchg your friends' friends and ask for If you're taken, you can set friends up. Friends of friends are the best peoplsto date. It's social dating via friendly intros. : Funjo is an avatar-based socialp networking app for the iPhone and iPod satisfying users' desire to express themselves and communicate with others in a fun, creatived way. The team has more than five yearsa of experience in the mobile market in both South Koresa andthe US.
: Gameyola is a distributio and monetization platform for casualFlasnh games. Flash games currently monetize poorly, but Gameyolq solves this problem by providing Flashj developers tools to sell virtual goods and to acquire user throughsocial channels. (private beta): From keeping track of your kids to protectinhg your identity and getting back yourlost stuff, Life360 is the place you go to keep your family secure, and prepared for daily life. : Churchex create their own sociap networkson They extend their community between Sundays with tools to connect and engage their members.
Over 30,000 church congregations are representedon Navify: Navify is a visual encyclopedia that combinesz Wikipedia articles with images, videos, and It is the only general encyclopedia that allowsz you to listen to music videos, watch movise trailers, and browse news and celebrity photo galleries. : Simplifgy the way you manage Facebook and othedsocial networks. NutshellMail consolidates activity from all your accounts into a singl e email digest delivered onyour Don't let email alerts clutter your inbox. Get informed, not Get the Nut! : Bringg your blog to and Facebook toyour blog.
Pull your Feed to your profilee andbusiness pages, add widget s to promote your network, and read the news from blogs you follo w on the largest community of bloggers and blog lovere on Facebook. : Paradis e Paintball is the first game developedron Cmune's next-generation socialo gaming platform. It is the first 3D multiplayer FPS gameon Facebook, Applre Dashboard, and Mac and PC. Play with up to eight friends and buy virtual itemss to enhancethe gameplay. : Photos I Like is a digitaol media sharing and discovery site emphasizing lightweightsociak content, self-expression, and communities. : Combines the successa of resident referral programs with the power ofsocial networks.
Residents refer theier community to friends through social networkslike Facebook, and emaik to earn rewards and live with : RUNmyERRAND is a social networking inspired web and mobilse marketplace that provides peoplr and businesses an easy and trusted way to get everydagy tasks done in their own hyperlocalk community. : RunThere is a social-networking servicer for runnersand cyclists. Users can map and measurew their favoriteroutes (no GPS keep a running/biking log, and find athletees and routes nearby Sortuv: Sortuv lets you stary with something you and discover more.
Insteaxd of searching for a "greag restaurant" just say what you mean: "Find me a place sortuv like Spagolin Seattle". Check them out , , and . / : Travel Brain by GeckoGo helps youtracl (and show off!) your travels, share experiences with others, and discoverr new places to visit. Learm from the knowledge of over 600,000 and get expert guide info from their Bradt TravelGuides partnership. Weardrobe (private beta): Weardrobe is a fashion-focuse d community for discovering different ways towear clothing. Weardrobe provideas a platform for people to sharde reviews of theirown clothing, post photos of theier looks, catalog their closet and searchh for style inspiration.
: Workstir is a communit that connects users with trustworthy localservices providers. Anyone can post a job and choose a provider with confidence by browsing theirpast reviews. For businesses, Workstir provided a wealth of jobs in their areaof expertise. Worldlty Developments (private beta): Worldly Developments is building online servicexs that will help you connect with the places and events in your local Its first product makes it a snapto plan, and communicate around group activities.
: Sama is Sanskritg for "equal" – Samasource finds and trains reliable QA professionals to test Facebookk apps witha user-friendly interface that lives on Facebook With Samasource, developers lower costs, reduce poverty, and improvde their applications. Vittana: Vittana enabled you to lend directly to studentss in thedeveloping world, $25 at a Their mission is to bring student loans to the developin g world through the power of person-to-persobn microlending.

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