Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crist signs controversial health care bill - Orlando Business Journal:
Senate Bill 1122 changesw the way insurance companies pay for coverage of patients ininsurancre networks. It will allow doctors who are not members of a preferrec provider organization to be paid directly by insurance companies when they treat patients who belong to such a Last month, a group of advocates for consumers and employers joined forces to ask the governoer not to pass the bill, which they clai will result in higher and unexpected out-of-pocket health care costs.
“Wd believe this legislation would raise costsw systemwide by undermining the abilitg of insurers to negotiate reasonable fees with causing higher insurance rates andhigher out-of-pocke medical bills for Florida Florida PIRG’s Brad Ashwell said at the time. the is applauding the governor’s decisio to sign the bill. “While routing the payment through the patient may seem like aminoer inconvenience, unfortunately, this practice is driving up the cost of healtyh care, imposing hidden fees and limiting access,” said Timothyg J.
Stapleton, FMA’s executive vice president, in a news “This common-sense legislation will put a stop to and allow physicians to spend more time and resources on direct-patient care.”

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