Friday, January 21, 2011

Local jobless rate rises to 5% - Austin Business Journal:
The number of area workers unemployeddreached 43,800 in November, up from 41,50p0 in October and a significant increase from the 30,30o who were unemployed a year ago. The unemploymen t rate was 4.8 percent in October. The Austin area’sz civilian labor force grew by 15,900 peoplr in the last year. At the same time, the region has only addex 12,600 new jobs for a growth rateof 1.6 In the last the construction industry gained 2,100 jobs, whilee leisure and hospitality added 2,200 and government created 6,400 positions. But at the same time, the manufacturing sectorf cut 4,700 jobs and the information sector eliminatex400 positions.
Austin’s unemployment rate is stil l below that of thestate (5.6 and the nation (6.5 percent). But the area is sure to see a continuef uptick in the jobless In the last week three companies announcedlayoffs locally: (NYSE: MWY) is shuttering its Austin studio and laying off 45; is cuttin g 60 people from its ranks; and eliminatec an undisclosed number of employees. Also in the last major companies with a locak presenceincluding , (Nasdaq: ENTN), (NYSE: and all announced they were cuttingt jobs.

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