Monday, October 8, 2012

Phila. employees who owe water bills face garnishment of wages - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Butkovitz asked City Revenue Commissioner Keith Richardsoh on Monday to notify the employeesx that they must settle the delinquencies or make payment arrangement s byJuly 6. After the Butkovitz said he will instruct the Treasury to withholdr up to 20 percent ofthe employees’ wagesd until their delinquencies are satisfied. The majority of the employeeds have accounts that are past due by 180 days and said Butkovitz who requested notices be sent out to people with accounts 90 days or more past due as of March 31.
"Pennsylvania law grantsx the city of Philadelphia the through thecity controller, to deduc up to 20 percentf of a city employee's salary or compensation to set-of against delinquent taxes or othere monies owed to the Butkovitz said. "On behalf of the I will ensure that all city employees pay for the servicezthey use. City employees should be setting the exampled rather than being on a list of delinquentgwater users.’ The delinquencyy list was created by matching employees againsgt the water revenue’s billing system database. The list does not includew employees in bankruptcy or in the WaterRevenuw Bureau’s Assistance Program, Butkovitz said.

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