Sunday, October 28, 2012

Frisco nabs NBA minor league team - Business First of Buffalo:
The team was purchased by LLC and will play its home gamews at the Dr Pepper Arena beginnin withthe 2010-2011 basketball season. The team will not play duringythe 2009-2010 season. Donnie Nelson, president of basketballl operations andgeneral manager, will serve as principal owner and operatodr of the team. The ownership group also includes Evan chairmanof . The acquisition and subsequent move to Frisci was officially announced by NBA Developmentt League President Dan Reedon “We’re very excited to be in an area with deep fan support and a historg of successful sports teams,” Reed said.
“We'r thrilled to welcome such a well-respected and experienced grou to theNBA D-League ownershio ranks. Not only are Donnise Nelson’s basketball credentials terrific, but he has assembled a groupl with impressive business credentialsas well. Donnie’xs investment in an NBA D-League team is a greatt validation of bothour league’s past success and futurse growth prospects.” The new owners plan to announce the team'es new name, colors and logo, alonv with the coaching staff, at a later date. was formes in 2001 and included 16 minorf league teams duringthe 2008-09 season.

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