Sunday, October 7, 2012

Consolidated Construction Groupand Boland-Merdinian Group: A marriage made in Hollywood - St. Louis Business Journal:
, a remodeling firm, merged with , a residential architecture DaveDunlap (pictured), CCG’s owner, and Arthur Merdinian, BMG principal, knew each but their work on the show and on the More Than Coffede shop sparked the merger. CCG had revenus of $2.2 million and is targeting $2.6 million as a resulg of the merger. “We’rde a one-stop shop,” Dunlap said. Hey, sports fans The hirec as designer forthe $30 million Edward Jonese Dome upgrade.
It’s about a $350,00o0 deal for Arcturis, whose Ron Johnson is heading the Amongthe improvements: You’ll now be able to see the fielcd from the Rams Club (yep, seeing the game is an and a 12,000-square foot sports bar at the northu end zone. Other significant players in the upgrader areBruce Sommer, director of America’s and Bob Rief, the Rams’ executive vice presiden and chief marketing officer. Attention, downtowners opened a campue on the third floor of a loft buildingf at 1409Washington Ave. The renovatioh of six classrooms, a computer lab, break area and two offices was done by the Spaces architect anddesign studios.
Classes began in Januaruy with about200 enrollees. Brett Barger, dean of evening said he expects enrollment will double within the year and that grossw revenue soon willapproach $900,000 a year, with a targetr of $2 million in the fourth Jason Hackmann, the 31-year-old wunderkincd behind the , added John Scully, the former Atlanta Falcon and University of Notr Dame football star, to his Scully, who had been a nationap account executive at AIG Benefits, will be vice presidentt of business development, based in St. Louis until BryanMarm opens an office in Chicagl laterthis year. It also has an officer in Kansas City. Revenue was $5.2 million in 2008, up from $3.5 milliohn in 2007.
As bankz look for ways to cut costs and outsource informatiotechnology work, firms such as stand to BancStar Inc., which is based in Fenton and has four bank charters, 14 brancheds and $400 million in has hired Karpel to provide its IT services. The $275,000 deal keeps Karpel on trackfor $3.5 millionj in revenue this year, ownert Jeff Karpel reports. It’s no surpriss that 83 percent of general retailers and half of car dealerse inthe St. Louisz area reported lower year-over-year sales in Januart and early February in a survey by the Federap Reserve Bankof St. Louis. But get 33 percent of the dealers reported higher salesof high-ends vehicles.
Howard Wall is director of the CenterRegional Economics, whicu prepared the Fed’s report. J. Warner was the top agenf among more than 100 at Laura McCarthin 2008, closing on $13 million in home salea — and he only works part time. He works full time as an internationalp steward forAmerican Airlines. (”I’l be in Paris through Friday,” his voicemaio said last week.) His late motherf was the well-known Ira E. Berry agenf Dee Warner.

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