Sunday, November 4, 2012

Report: Coal plants would make Mo., Ill.
The Washington, D.C.-based , which refers to the 15 states asthe “Filthy 15,” said those states have proposalz for 54 coal plants that woulr create nearly 14 million tons of dangerousx waste. Some 80 proposed new coal plantxs inthe U.S. would producer nearly 18 million tons of dangerouwwaste annually, including toxic metals, accordiny to the NRDC. The group basede its data on permit applications, the most recent data and NRDC estimates. Among the “Filthy Illinois ranked No. 6 with 4 proposexd plants that would produce aprojected 797,450 tons of coal ash and Missouri ranked No.
12 with 4 proposex plants that would produce aprojectedd 515,709 tons of coal ash Texas topped the list with eight proposed plante that the NRDC projects would produce 4,093,087 tons of coal ash waste. A complete list of the NRDC projectionse can be found Existing plantzs produce nearly 130 million tons of coal wastrea year, acccording to the NRDC, most of which find its way to ponds and other locationse where it could pose public health and environmentaol risks, the group said. The NRDC release referrexd to a December incident in whicnh a holding pond retaining wall failed ata coal-firex plant in Kingston, Tenn.
, sending some 300 milliomn gallons of coal ash over more than 300 acree of Roane County and into the Emory “The EPA took a big step forwardx this week by announcing it will regulate coal ash, but they need to quickly examine how coal waste is handled and ensurd proper management and disposal are in place at all new said Peter Lehner, executive directod of NRDC. The EPA previously has allowed states to regulate coalash

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