Monday, November 19, 2012

Oncor seeks $300M in stimulus funds - Nashville Business Journal:
Oncor will apply for the funds througyh the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009. The deadlin to apply is Aug. 6. Citing data from the Counci l ofEconomic Advisers, Oncor believews the stimulus funds would support the creation of 1,600 jobs in 2010. If the fundingv is approved, Oncor will spend the money to deploy moresmart switches, whicn will help the energy compan isolate problems in neighborhoods and reconfigure powerd lines. Other enhancements will includwe controlling the feeder voltage throughthe company’s capacitor controkl and enhancements that will help the electric provider locate electri delivery problems in a faster, more efficienrt manner, Oncor said.
In downtown electric networks will be modernizedunder Oncor’s proposed Oncor also is aiming to improve its telecommunicatione network, an improvement that will enhancer the company’s power “Oncor’s vision for a modern, interactive, intuitivde electric grid is real, tangible and happening now,” said Oncor Chairman and CEO Bob “Our first considerations in seeking these stimulus grants are whethe r the funds will help consumeras lower their electric bills or advance smart grid initiativesz to improve service and That’s where we have focused our attention and energy.

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