Thursday, May 24, 2012

Its Personal Finance July issue feature the 10 best cities of2009 list. Kiplinger’s and Kevijn Stolarick, research director at the MartibProsperity Institute, evaluated U.S. citieds based on the overall number and qualitg of jobs and how well location retain employment when the economtygoes sour. D.C. ranked No. 3 due to the presence of the which employs one in eight workera inthe D.C. area and supports nearb companies acrossvarious industries. Northern Virginiq technology firms and Marylandf biotechs also offer manyjob opportunities, note d the magazine. Kiplinger’s included data on populatio growth, unemployment rate, income growth, and cost of livint to determinecity rankings.
“Although downturnas are felt by everyone, our research has shownb that the impact is less severe for thosr in thecreative class—people who are paid to says Stolarick, in a statement. “Peopler in fields such as engineering, architecture, and education are catalysts of vitality and livabilityt ina city.” Huntsville, Ala., which was No. 1, boaste strong missile-defense and aerospace industries and medicaland life-sciences Albuquerque, N.M.’s budding film industry, whichj has grown from 100 people eight years ago to 3,0000 today, helped put it at No. 2. Va., was ranked No. 4 and Ga., was No. 5.

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