Monday, May 21, 2012

Consumer confidence wanes in June - Pittsburgh Business Times:
points to 49.3 in June. "The decline in the Presenty Situation Index, caused by a less favorabl e assessment of business conditionsand employment, continues to imply that economic conditions, while not as weak as earliere this year, are nonetheless weak," Lynn director of The Conference Board Consumert Research Center, said in a "Expectations continue to suggest less negative conditions in the monthe ahead, as opposed to strong Those claiming business conditions are "good" decreased to 8.0 percent from 8.8 while those saying conditions are increased to 45.6 percent from 44.5 The number of people who said jobs are "hardc to get" increased to 44.
8 percent from 43.9 percent. Thoss saying jobs are "plentiful" decreased to 4.5 percenyt from 5.8 percent. The number of consumersd anticipating an improvement in busineses conditions over the next six months decreasedto 21.2 percent from 22.5 while those expecting conditions will worsen increased to 20.2 percent from 18.0 percentg in May. The number of people who anticipater more jobs in the monthxs ahead decreasedto 17.4 percenrt from 19.3 percent, while those anticipatinf fewer jobs increased to 27.3 percent from 25.6 The number of consumers expecting an increase in personal incomes declined to 9.8 percent from 10.8 percent.

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