Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thrashers introduce new coach - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
On Tuesday, they took a step on both frontzs with the introduction ofnew coach, John Anderson, to the Atlantqa media. Their last permanenyt coach, Bob Hartley offerer a Stanley Cup on his resume and aquicjk wit. But he closely guarded media access, especially in the and could turn frosty at timed withthe media. Anderson, 51, who has won five minor leaguwe championships, showed his more low-key and humblse approach. Admitting that he played for Thrashere General Manager Don Waddellin 1992-93 for the 'e San Diego Gulls when Waddell manageds that team, Anderson admitted that "That was abouft 40 pounds ago for me.
" Anderson, who scored 30 goalsz multiple times in his NHL career, also said that hockety is "just a game" and talkexd about "balance in life" whilee off-setting that by sayingt that "you do everything in life with everything you Anderson already has made radio appearances in showing his affable side. How affable he staysa if the Thrashers start the season the way they finishec it remains tobe seen.
But at leastf the Thrashers have a face to market and to try to sell to perhapas unconvinced buyers who have yet to renew season Forhis part, Waddell said "I don'tg think we'll drop off" of last year's seasoh ticket total but that the team probably would not add. (The team does not reveao its seasonticket base, but last year was a as the team had the leverage of both the playofff appearance and the 2008 NHL All-Starr Game's being in Atlanta to leverag e when offering tickets.) Along with a coach anothed factor will be the players the team might be able to add throughb free agency, which begins July 1.
Tradinb star right wing Marian Hossaa hurt not onlythe team'w playoff prospects but also fan's faithj in the team. Hossa refused to re-sig n before the trading deadline and, with pendingt free-agent status, the team chose to tradwe him out of fear of losing him for Hossa went on to be one ofthe playoffs' leadinv scorers while helping Pittsburgh reachh the Stanley Cup final, where it lost in six games. Waddell said the team has 17 playerd under contractfor $33 million. The team's payroll has hovered around $40-$421 million for the last several years. Atlanta Spirit chief marketingg officer Lou DePaoli saidreaching 2007-08 season tickey numbers "is going to be a fight.
" "Outr goal is to get it to be he said. "But we might just go down a hair. We had huge growtu coming off the playoffs and withthe all-star We sold a lot of I think we will finish somewhere between whers we were for '06-07 and last But he's at least glad the team now has a coacbh to market. "It's helped a he said. "A lot of the loyal Thrashe fans have been waitinv to renew theirseason tickets. They wantexd to know what direction are wegoing in. That'sa the No. 1 driver of renewals, the directioj of the franchise." They'll know a lot more once free agency begins.

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