Sunday, September 2, 2012

Former SIUE employee indicted for fraud - St. Louis Business Journal:
Korey Rush, 39, of Swansea, Ill., the formerr assistant program director in the federallyfunded “Talent program, was charged with misapplication of funds from programs receiving federal funds and obstructinyg justice by tampering with a witness. The indictmentf charges that federal grant funds were used to buygift electronics, alcoholic beverages, groceriews and other consumer goods. Rush was also charged with encouraging a witnesss to provide false information to investigators in ordee to conceal the fact that heauthorizesd $8,000 in payments to the witness for services that were nevere performed.
He faces imprisonment and The university's TRIO Programs, a group of federally funded initiatives offered throughthe , provide educational opportunitiees and outreach for disadvantaged students. The Talent Search portion of the TRIO Programs is a collegew preparatory program for middle and highschool “We will continue to work with the and the U.S. attorney'sz office during this process," SIUE Provost Paul Ferguson said ina “SIUE’s East St. Louis Center has successfully operatedd U.S. Department of Education grant-funded TRIO programs for approximatelt30 years. Guided by a mission of service, SIUE has demonstratedx a long-term commitment to the St.
Louizs Metro-East region by providing TRIO programs for the benefit ofthe region’w low income children.”

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