Friday, September 21, 2012

As marketing budgets shrink, firm unveils
Now, it is a completely different economy, says Rick president of Raleigh design and marketinhgfirm Signal. Haynes says that these days tight budgets dictate a moreconservatived approach. “They’re going project by project, shorter he says. Companies still need but they’re looking for newer approachexs atlower costs. The result is restructured different pricing and an emphasiss on valueand efficiency. Rich Beatty, partner at Durham marketingt firm , says the recession has hurt every sector. In response, many businesses are cutting backon marketing.
But Beatt saw an opportunity to step in and do the work that companiew were no longer able to do In May, CMG formally launched what it calls its service. Instead of contracting for a largemarketing project, firmsd can use CMG staffers for smalleer projects on an hourly basis. Beatty says the offeriny fills a need as businesses cut back on marketingh and letgo workers. Beatty declinede to identify any CMG but he says his staffr has filled infor employees, helped on short-term made sales presentations and worked at trade shows.
“It’ds getting to the point where they’re cuttingv past the fat, past the muscle and into the yet the marketing needs havenot changed,” Beatty says. “We can be outsourcede marketingfor them.” Ken CEO of Capstrat, says that performingy project-specific work appears to be part of a trend where clients insisrt on hiring more than one marketingv firm instead of employing an “agency of “We have very few clients who work only with our says Eudy.
“Most marketers work with multiple Eric Schmidt, president of Raleigh-based Winfield & Associates Marketing & says CMG’s initiative appears to be simply a case of offeriny up an old service with a new name. “Ouf services have always been offerex based on what ourclient needs,” says “They have a name for a particular service. I just don’ t have a name for it.” Shelleuy Kelly, CEO of Kelly MarCom, which has officex in Sanford and Raleigh, says her firm has been offering more directf assistance to clients as an additional servic e during tougheconomic times.
Kellyg MarCom helped hire a marketingv officer for Carolina Advanced Digital to assisr agrowing client. Kelly says she’ws been told that by offerin such help she may be working herself out ofa job, but she thinksz it’s worth it. “(Clients) will come she says.

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