Sunday, September 30, 2012

California settles with Kmart, sues Target - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The state’s attorney general, Jerry Brown, joinecd by district attorneys from manyCalifornia counties, includinb Alameda, Santa Clara and Contr Costa, filed a suit against Minneapolis-basedr Target (NYSE: TGT), sayinvg it sent hazardous waste to variouds landfills in violation of state law. The suit is meant to stop the Innews reports, Target said it has been cooperatinvg with the AG’s office for thres years on this matter and that it is committef to complying with all environmentaol laws.
Kmart, owned by SHLD), agreed to a settlement that includedcivil penalties, legal costs and some money to boosf protection of the environment in the Thomas Orloff, Robert Kochly, James Fox and Doloreas Carr, the DAs of Alameda, Contra San Mateo and Santa Clara counties joined Brown in the suit againstt Target. According to court papers, Target has 180 including storesand warehouses, in California.
The suit alleges Target thres out “ignitable aerosol including propane canisters, in a trash compactor in Alameda Countyt on May 14 andMay 21, for

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Provancher leaving Fine Arts Fund for job in Charlotte - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Fine Arts Fund President Mary McCullougjh Hudson announced themove Tuesday. “Wr are incredibly proud that the Fine Arts Fund has the professiona l reputation nationally that positions us asa go-tk organization for talent recruitment to lead institutions of the calibee of the ,” she said in a news “I am so pleased for Scott to have this great opportunity, and I look forward to continuing to work with him as a valueed colleague.” Over the past year, the Fine Arts Fund leadershio has expanded the organization’s focus.
Instead of strictl fundraising for the which it continuesto do, the organization’s focuzs also encompasses the larger role of arts and culture in the Provancher has led efforts to increase access and build the audience for arts and in addition to managingb the organization’s annual fundraising This year, the campaign fell short of its goal for the firsrt time in its 60-year The Fine Arts Fund raised $11 millioj for local arts which was 92 percent of the annualp goal.
The organization’s release said the Fine Arts Fund will continure to build strength for large r initiatives to serve the community through arts and Lisa Wolter will assume the new position of campaign leading day-to-day campaign operations.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

TEXT-S&P: global bank covered bond programme rating unchanged - Reuters

TEXT-S&P: global bank covered bond programme rating unchanged


Sept 27 - Standard & Poor's Ratings Services today said its preliminary 'BBB-' rating and stable outlook on Global Bank Covered Bond Programme's up to US$200 million series 2012 structured covered bonds remain unchanged after modifications to the ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cleveland Orchestra Performs Regional Premiere of Stewart Copeland's ... - Broadway World

Cleveland Orchestra Performs Regional Premiere of Stewart Copeland's ...

Broadway World

The Cleveland Orchestra performs the Cleveland premiere of Stewart Copeland's Gamelan D'Drum in the first KeyBank Fridays@7 concert of the 2012-13 season at Severance Hall. Joining the Orchestra for this work will be the Dallas-based world percussion ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Commercial real estate deal drought in Silicon Valley stuns industry - Houston Business Journal:
All told, a mere $9 million in office transactionsz traded during the first quarterr inSilicon Valley, a 98 percent drop compared with the first quarter of 2008 when $716 million was The star performer was the industrial market, with $67 millioh traded. Still, that was down about 65 percent from ayear ago. The othert two sectors — retail and multifamily — were off by 56 percen and 96 percent respectively, as reporte by LoopNet Inc. in partnership with Real CapitalAnalytices Inc. LoopNet tracks sales of $2.
5 million or The South Bay was not alone themarket “virtually stopped” across the with some regions registering zero “It was worse than anyone anticipated,” said Hessam Nadji, managinh director of research services for Marcus & “It was almost impossible to predict the freezingv of the market.” Experts hope the low numbera mean the bottom is near. A LoopNet surve released May 27 revealed that 40 percentt ofits 1,500 members who responded to the questiob when the market will turn believe it will happeb in 2010, but more than a quartef said it may not happen until 2011.
The survehy reveals an interesting skew, said Mike Manning, LoopNet’s marketing vice president. “In the breakdown between ownerxand investors, the owners are far more he said. “That’s partly why transactions have ground to a there aredifferent expectations.” Don Little, seniod vice president of Opus West Northern said the gap between buyers and sellersx is unbridgeable in the curreny market. Sellers are not willing to come downin price, and buyer do not have access to capital that will supportf the future value of the “(Assets) will trade for the cost of or less,” Little said.
“That means the top 20 or 30 percenr of value will getknocked off. We will have blowm through the equity and will be in the Not much has changexd as the second quarter draws to a Eric Fox, senior vice president for CPS Corfac International, said the handfull of properties on the market have gotteh very little interest. “Sales will be relativel y stagnantuntil there’s a poin t of distress,” he said. “I don’t know when that will happen.” The market is not thers yet. Owners remain in control of theid properties with foreclosures in the commerciapl sector a rarityso far.
“There’s not a lot of desperatio n onthe sellers’ side,” Littlse said. While that could be read as a good it really only perpetuatesthe situation. Fox said that owners aren’ty willing to discount on performinb properties, meaning tenants are paying their rent and the debt isbeinbg serviced, to ensure a sale. “Iv property is performing at ahigh level, the buyerds aren’t there,” Fox said. As the recession deepens and joblosses accelerate, Nadji said owners will reconsiderf their options. “Hanging on doesn’t fit what they need to he said.
“There’s a lot of owners with maturing debt that with the credit crunch will not be able to refinance with favorableenough terms. So they are decidintg to sell the property.”

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Katherine Addison Hall Marvel Lake - The Sunday Dispatch

Katherine Addison Hall Marvel Lake

The Sunday Dispatch

She resided here for the past nine years, prior to that she resided in California. She was a loving daughter, wife, mother, sister and friend. She loved being with people, playing games and white water rafting. Surviving, in addition to her parents ...

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gauging voters' stance on other measures - San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Chronicle

Gauging voters' stance on other measures

San Francisco Chronicle

Voters will be faced with a crowded b »

Friday, September 21, 2012

As marketing budgets shrink, firm unveils
Now, it is a completely different economy, says Rick president of Raleigh design and marketinhgfirm Signal. Haynes says that these days tight budgets dictate a moreconservatived approach. “They’re going project by project, shorter he says. Companies still need but they’re looking for newer approachexs atlower costs. The result is restructured different pricing and an emphasiss on valueand efficiency. Rich Beatty, partner at Durham marketingt firm , says the recession has hurt every sector. In response, many businesses are cutting backon marketing.
But Beatt saw an opportunity to step in and do the work that companiew were no longer able to do In May, CMG formally launched what it calls its service. Instead of contracting for a largemarketing project, firmsd can use CMG staffers for smalleer projects on an hourly basis. Beatty says the offeriny fills a need as businesses cut back on marketingh and letgo workers. Beatty declinede to identify any CMG but he says his staffr has filled infor employees, helped on short-term made sales presentations and worked at trade shows.
“It’ds getting to the point where they’re cuttingv past the fat, past the muscle and into the yet the marketing needs havenot changed,” Beatty says. “We can be outsourcede marketingfor them.” Ken CEO of Capstrat, says that performingy project-specific work appears to be part of a trend where clients insisrt on hiring more than one marketingv firm instead of employing an “agency of “We have very few clients who work only with our says Eudy.
“Most marketers work with multiple Eric Schmidt, president of Raleigh-based Winfield & Associates Marketing & says CMG’s initiative appears to be simply a case of offeriny up an old service with a new name. “Ouf services have always been offerex based on what ourclient needs,” says “They have a name for a particular service. I just don’ t have a name for it.” Shelleuy Kelly, CEO of Kelly MarCom, which has officex in Sanford and Raleigh, says her firm has been offering more directf assistance to clients as an additional servic e during tougheconomic times.
Kellyg MarCom helped hire a marketingv officer for Carolina Advanced Digital to assisr agrowing client. Kelly says she’ws been told that by offerin such help she may be working herself out ofa job, but she thinksz it’s worth it. “(Clients) will come she says.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Are you a toxic leader like Attila the Hun? - Kansas City Business Journal:
From my perspective, EQ is a (if not the) core capacity for successful leadership. A lack of EQ is the No. 1 reasobn most professionals either derail or stall out in their What often gets you hire or promoted into a new position doesn’t necessary keep you there (or movinvg up). The higher you go in an the more important the EQ interpersonalskilld (empathy, adaptability, conflict resolution and active listeninvg to name a few) are. There is much research to support that EQ is the most importan factor in job performance and particularly leadership.
Today, most Fortune 500 companiex understand the critical link between EQ and organizational They take a focused approach to assessing and developinvg EQ intheir managers. In one of the largest studies of itskind (morse than 2 million employees), Gallup reported that the majorituy of workers rated having a caringf boss higher than money or Study after study links productivity and workplace satisfaction to positivwe emotions while at work.
The curmudgeons should take note good moods happen to be good for Those who manage like Attila the Hun are toxicc to workplaces and unfortunately few rarely see they arethe What’s really not OK (particularly is in today’s pressure-cooker stressed-out environment) is allowing thesr types of toxic managers to creater environments that negatively impact morale and productivity. So what can be done? Let’s start at the top.
If you are a seniorf leader who is knowingly allowing a managert under you to spread toxic emotions withstaff — you are part of the Don’t get me I have sympathy for your plight, I know it’s difficult to addresx “problem” employees who are results gettere (after all what other reason would you have for puttinfg up with them). But pretending the wake they are leavintg behind them in your organizationreally isn’t that bad is Frankly, in my experience, it’as usually worse than you think because senior leaders rarely get the “real at their level.
If you alloq the problem manager tocontinue unchecked, you risk your othere top talent bailing like rats jumpinbg off the sinking Titanic. This is usuallhy something few companiescan afford. Eithe get rid of or get help for your manager and make it clear that notimproving isn’t an Coach’s tip — make sure you are not the one at the top modelingh the problematic behavior in the first Getting help: The good news abouy EQ: Unlike IQ it can be The bad news — it isn’rt easy. EQ is hard-wired in our neural brain pathways, so reroutintg those circuits takes learning new behaviorsa and practice to rewirethe brain.
It requirexs self-awareness (which means the coach, boss and/o r colleagues need to providereguladr feedback), support, best practice modeling/coaching, mirroring when the proble behavior emerges and finallyu mastering new skills — all which necessitate continueed practice and focus. Trying to address this in-housse usually doesn’t work. Here’es why. Most internal HR professionalssimply aren’t trusted in this or “helper” role (unfortunately they are oftenb viewed as the company “snitch” or worse as “ineffective,” thougyh personally I have met many who are highly External coaches aren’t burdened by the typical internak HR distrust.
The good news is there are highlyt qualified experienced externalcoaches (the best have background s in business consulting, organizationap development and/or human development or EQ) who can provide best practicer modeling and safe objective support. What will a professionao coach do? Most will start with an EQ assessment a profile or tool designed to illuminatew and identifythe individual’s core EQ challenges and These measure a wide variety of EQ capacities ranging from self awareness, self regulation (how we manag e our reactivity under stress), adaptability, optimism, interpersonal communicatiob style, conflict strategies and/or emotional range.
The most effective coache incorporate feedback from eithera (a multi-rater review tool to allow individuals to get feedbackk from everyone around them) or by facilitating a feedbac session with the client and staff/colleagues. As you migh imagine, getting the “tough” news aboutt how others negatively perceive youcan “maks grown men cry.” But effective coaches will help and support you througuh the difficult but not impossible journeh of discovery and learning new ways of behaving to increasee the odds of success. Next time, I will furtherr define the core capacities of EQ and how you can staryt working toimprove them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

AutoZone board approves $500M stock repurchase - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The company’s board of directorxs approved the repurchase June 17 as part ofthe company’e ongoing share repurchase program, the compan announced after the close of markets The last repurchase authorization was in Decembeer and was a similar $500 There were three $500 million authorizations in 2008 and a total of $7.9 billion since 1998. "We remain committed to utilizingf share repurchases within the bounds of a disciplinedx capital structure to enhance stockholder returns while maintaining adequate liquidity to executwour plans,” said CFO Bill Memphis-based AutoZone (NYSE: AZO) is the leadinh retailer and distributor of automotive replacementf parts and accessories in the U.
S. The companhy sells auto and lighttruclk parts, chemicals and accessories through 4,172 AutoZone stores in 48 states, the District of Columbiqa and Puerto Rico in the U.S. and 168 stores in Shares of AutoZone closed Wednesdayat $155.54, up 2.37

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ascension Insurance buys three California agencies - Washington Business Journal:
The Kansas City-based company bought of Santa which specializesin development, placement and administration support of student health insurance programs; of Walnuf Creek, which provides employee benefits, retirementr services and HR outsourcing primarily for nonprofits; and Inc. of Agoura Hills, which specializes in administration of studenthealtu insurance, including intercollegiate sports injuruy programs. Overall, the acquisitions will bring Ascension’ s annual revenue to about $75 million, rankinf it among the nation’s bigges 35 agencies, Ascension CEO Leonard Kline said inan interview.
The company said it had $55 millionn in revenue in March, after its in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Ascensiojn now has more than 400 employees at 20 officrelocations nationwide. “The acquisitions ... representf a valuable opportunity for us to expand our West Coast operations and to fulfill our goal of providingthe best-qualityy expertise, markets and resources to the middlr market,” Kline said. “Each organization brings unique capabilities to our growin portfolio ofinsurance agencies, as well as dedicated employees who share our mission to providd outstanding service to our customers in California and throughouyt the United States.
” Kline said the deal closed Thursda y afternoon. Ascension is a full-service insurancd and employee benefits agency providing brokeragdand risk-management services to middle-market companies Ascension has been a active in the mergersx and acquisition market since it was founder from scratch in August making . The company is assistefd by funds from its privateequityt partners, and . The goal is to increas e the company’s annual revenue to $200 millio n within the next five years.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Share via e-mail - Boston Globe


Share via e-mail

Boston Globe

Internal e-mails from chemists and supervisors at a troubled state drug laboratory describe a staff drowning in work, instances of misplaced evidence in crime cases, and mounting frustrations over the Patrick administration's seeming indifference.

Team 5 Investigates: Massachusetts drug lab in cha os

WCVB Boston


Friday, September 14, 2012

MathStar receives tender offer - Portland Business Journal:
The offer represents a 6.48 percenty premium over Friday’s closing price. Shares were up 6 percent in earlty afternoon tradingto $1.14, suggesting that some investor think a deal will If successful, Tiberius could pursure several strategies, including liquidation, accordingv to a news release. The company would also consider restarting the merging it with a repurchasing shares and selling some ofthe company’s Hillsboro-based MathStar (Pink Sheets: MATH) has been the subject of intensde speculation in recent weeks. The company shut down operations ayear ago.
Since then, the company has faced increasingf pressure from shareholders to As reportedin Friday’s print edition of the Businesw Journal, Dallas-based investor Joe Gensor said the fabless semiconductor company has acceptedx his request to hold a vote on but has yet to call a meeting. As of March 31, the company had little outstanding debt, $14 milliohn in cash, a net operating loss of $48 and one full-time employee — CEO and Chairma Doug Pihl. The company' s cash balance represents $1.61 per according to Salvatore Muoio, an investment fund manager in New York whoowns 7.35 percent of the company’w outstanding shares. Burnsville, Minn.-basedf .
, a maker of building performance software, has made three attempta to purchasethe company. Its latesrt offer, in May, was for $1.04 per MathStar, in a May 18 filing with the Securitiese andExchange Commission, rejected the thirde offer from PureChoice, saying it was less than MathStar’as liquidation value. MathStar was once a developee of a promising programmables semiconductor technology that drew interesytfrom high-profile customers such as LG Electronics USA and Arrowq Electronics Inc. Chicago-based Tiberius Capital describer itself in a press release asa “value-opportunituy fund.
” If successful, it would spend the remainder of 2009 decidinbg which course of action to take with The offer expires one minute afterr midnight, New York City on June 30.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Medicaid considerations vary greatly across states - FierceHealthFinance

Medicaid considerations vary greatly across states


A variety of states have make-or-break decisions looming about how they will manage their Medicaid programs in the wake of the Affordable Care Act, with media coverage starkly contrasting each region's views about healthcare reform. In Idaho, the state ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Search local inventory, coupons and more - The Herald |

Search local inventory, coupons and more

The Herald |

Search local inventory, coupons and more. Powered by. Find n Save. Advertisement. NEW YORK â€" Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) and Citigroup (NYSE: C) today announced that they have reached agreement for Morgan Stanley to purchase Citi's 14 percent ...

and more »

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Recording Studio Sweet Spot: Stained Glass Studios-NJ — Weehakwen, New ... - SonicScoop


Recording Studio Sweet Spot: Stained Glass Studios-NJ â€" Weehakwen, New ...


After 10 years of recording out of my home, a friend of mine named Jeremy Comitas gave me a call and asked if I would be interested in taking over a few rooms in a suite he was renting named Stained Glass. We decided to work together and are currently ...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Illini face legitimate test against Sun Devils - Peoria Journal Star

Illini face legitimate test against Sun Devils

Peoria Journal Star

OK, so a 17-point win over a Mid-American Conference team in the season opener is nice. When Illinois plays at Arizona State at 9:30 p.m. Saturday, the Illini face a power conference foe and the first chance to score a meaningful win under coach Tim ...

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Mayo, TGen close in on personalized gene therapy - Tucson Citizen

Mayo, TGen close in on personalized gene therapy

Tucson Citizen

In Arizona, nowhere is the prospect of personalized medicine more evident than at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale and the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix. Mayo Clinic, with an assist from TGen, is among the first wave of U.S. medical and ...

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pickens brings energy conservation message to Columbus - Business First of Columbus:
The famous oilman and founde r and chairman of the BP Capital Managemen t energy investment funds discussedhis “Pickensd Plan” at a town hall-style meeting that drew about 700 peoplwe to the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Pickens has visiter more than 50 cities since introducing his plan in It calls for reducing dependence onforeig oil, expanding the use of renewable energy, constructing a new powerf grid, increasing energy conservation and shifting heavy-duty fleet vehicles to naturalo gas to reduce the use of diesel fuel and gasoline. At a press conferencde before his Columbus Pickens said he feels an obligation to raise the energyh issues at this stage inhis life.
He is 80 and has been in the oil businessince 1951. “I said, ‘Gosh, somebody sometime has to do somethingg to blow the whistle andstop this,” Pickens “The security of our country is at He said his plan has received an incrediblew amount of support with nearly 2 million peopled having joined what his organization calls the “Pickens to help promote his cause. They are beinh asked to participate ina “virtual on Washington, D.C., Apripl 1-3 to urge Congress and President Barackl Obama to back the Pickens Plan.
Pickensx has said the federal economic stimuluz plan approved by Congress and Obama is an important starrt toward investing inrenewable energy, improvements to the nation’x electric transmission system and energy conservation. But, he said Tuesday he woulr like to see federal funding to promoter naturalgas use, including money for a mode l program to convert 18-wheel trucks from diesel fuel to natural gas. The U.S. has ample supplies of natural gas, Pickens and can use it as an affordable, clean-burningf bridge fuel until other energy technologiesx are morefully developed. It would be foolish not to take that he said.
“Let’s get our energgy destiny in our hands insteaxdof other’s people’s hands,” Pickens said. “I’j hopeful we have a presidenr who willsay we’re going to do Pickens introduced his plan at a time when Americanw were paying $4 a gallon for gasoline. The price has since fallen to below $2 a but he said that doesn’tr change the fact that nation’d security is at risk because of its dependence onforeignh oil. “Americans are concerned,” Pickens said, “and we’re at the tippiny point where all this is goingyto happen.
” The Pickens Plan also proposez to generate up to 22 percen t of the nation’s electricity from wind powetr and supports development of an extra-high voltagre transmission system to facilitate expandee use of renewable electricity generation. Those are among the reasonss signed on as corporate sponsor of the Pickens Plan in saidMichael Morris, chairman and CEO of the Columbus-based electric utility company. He joined Pickens at the Columbusa townhall event. “The Pickens Plan stands for something that’es so important to all of Morris said, pointing to the nation’s energy needs.
“The whole concept is we’re sendinhg our hard-earned American dollars to countriesthat don’t thinkk much of us and that this is something we can AEP has advocated development of an extra-high voltager transmission superhighway to efficiently transport electricity, includintg wind power from the Uppet Midwest to the densely populated East It also has been increasing its commitmeny to renewable energy sources, especially wind in Ohio and other states.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2009 WNY middle school rankings - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
• 176. Visual & Performin g Arts Academy (Buffalo) • 177. Our Lady of Blackm Rock (Buffalo) • 178. Trinity Catholic Academy • 179. P.S. 69 Houghton Academty (Buffalo) • 180. Dunkirk MS (Dunkirk) 181. Buffalo Academy of Science CS • 182. Oracle CS (Buffalo) • 183. P.S. 3 D’Youville-Portetr Campus (Buffalo) • 184. Pinnacle CS (Buffalo) 185. P.S. 93 Southside ES (Buffalo) 186. P.S. 96 Campus West (Buffalo) • 187. P.S. 19 Nativde American Magnet (Buffalo) • 188. Enterprise CS (Buffalo) 189. P.S. 89 Lydia Wright School of Excellencr (Buffalo) • 190. P.S. 95 Waterfront ES • 191. P.S. 27 Hillery Park ES • 192. P.S.
59 Charles Drew Science Magnetr (Buffalo) • 193. P.S. 43 Lovejoy Discovery • 194. P.S. 33 Bilingual Center (Buffalo) • 195. P.S. 39 Martim Luther King MulticulturalInstitutse (Buffalo)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Former SIUE employee indicted for fraud - St. Louis Business Journal:
Korey Rush, 39, of Swansea, Ill., the formerr assistant program director in the federallyfunded “Talent program, was charged with misapplication of funds from programs receiving federal funds and obstructinyg justice by tampering with a witness. The indictmentf charges that federal grant funds were used to buygift electronics, alcoholic beverages, groceriews and other consumer goods. Rush was also charged with encouraging a witnesss to provide false information to investigators in ordee to conceal the fact that heauthorizesd $8,000 in payments to the witness for services that were nevere performed.
He faces imprisonment and The university's TRIO Programs, a group of federally funded initiatives offered throughthe , provide educational opportunitiees and outreach for disadvantaged students. The Talent Search portion of the TRIO Programs is a collegew preparatory program for middle and highschool “We will continue to work with the and the U.S. attorney'sz office during this process," SIUE Provost Paul Ferguson said ina “SIUE’s East St. Louis Center has successfully operatedd U.S. Department of Education grant-funded TRIO programs for approximatelt30 years. Guided by a mission of service, SIUE has demonstratedx a long-term commitment to the St.
Louizs Metro-East region by providing TRIO programs for the benefit ofthe region’w low income children.”

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Thrashers introduce new coach - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
On Tuesday, they took a step on both frontzs with the introduction ofnew coach, John Anderson, to the Atlantqa media. Their last permanenyt coach, Bob Hartley offerer a Stanley Cup on his resume and aquicjk wit. But he closely guarded media access, especially in the and could turn frosty at timed withthe media. Anderson, 51, who has won five minor leaguwe championships, showed his more low-key and humblse approach. Admitting that he played for Thrashere General Manager Don Waddellin 1992-93 for the 'e San Diego Gulls when Waddell manageds that team, Anderson admitted that "That was abouft 40 pounds ago for me.
" Anderson, who scored 30 goalsz multiple times in his NHL career, also said that hockety is "just a game" and talkexd about "balance in life" whilee off-setting that by sayingt that "you do everything in life with everything you Anderson already has made radio appearances in showing his affable side. How affable he staysa if the Thrashers start the season the way they finishec it remains tobe seen.
But at leastf the Thrashers have a face to market and to try to sell to perhapas unconvinced buyers who have yet to renew season Forhis part, Waddell said "I don'tg think we'll drop off" of last year's seasoh ticket total but that the team probably would not add. (The team does not reveao its seasonticket base, but last year was a as the team had the leverage of both the playofff appearance and the 2008 NHL All-Starr Game's being in Atlanta to leverag e when offering tickets.) Along with a coach anothed factor will be the players the team might be able to add throughb free agency, which begins July 1.
Tradinb star right wing Marian Hossaa hurt not onlythe team'w playoff prospects but also fan's faithj in the team. Hossa refused to re-sig n before the trading deadline and, with pendingt free-agent status, the team chose to tradwe him out of fear of losing him for Hossa went on to be one ofthe playoffs' leadinv scorers while helping Pittsburgh reachh the Stanley Cup final, where it lost in six games. Waddell said the team has 17 playerd under contractfor $33 million. The team's payroll has hovered around $40-$421 million for the last several years. Atlanta Spirit chief marketingg officer Lou DePaoli saidreaching 2007-08 season tickey numbers "is going to be a fight.
" "Outr goal is to get it to be he said. "But we might just go down a hair. We had huge growtu coming off the playoffs and withthe all-star We sold a lot of I think we will finish somewhere between whers we were for '06-07 and last But he's at least glad the team now has a coacbh to market. "It's helped a he said. "A lot of the loyal Thrashe fans have been waitinv to renew theirseason tickets. They wantexd to know what direction are wegoing in. That'sa the No. 1 driver of renewals, the directioj of the franchise." They'll know a lot more once free agency begins.