Thursday, September 29, 2011

The ever-growing eurozone bailout - Washington Post (blog)

The ever-growing eurozone bailout

Washington Post (blog)

In our time, says Mr. Ahamed, 'I don't think Keynesians or even monetarists ever realized that the numbers to make their policies work are so gigantic. Everyone had sticker shock.'" 4) Cutting the trade deficit is a cheap way to create jobs, ...

The world economy

The Economist

Germans Reconsider Ties to Europe

W »

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rapidly Evolving Malware Threats Force Vendors to Innovate to Provide Capable ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Rapidly Evolving Malware Threats Force Vendors to Innovate to Provide Capable ...

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Sophos and Trend Micro are named Endpoint Anti-Malware market Champions by Info-Tech Research Group and innovate to keep up with evolving malware threats. A recent Endpoint Anti-Malware Vendor Landscape report released by Info-Tech Research Group lists ...

Rapidly Evolving Malware Threats Force Vendors to Innovate to Provide Capable ... (press release)

Sophos Recognized as "Champion" in Endpoint Anti-Malware Vendor Landscape Report

MarketWatch (press release)


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crist signs controversial water bill - Jacksonville Business Journal:

Compact Refrigerators
Crist is asking governing boards and executive directorsx of the districts to continue to include surface water and consumptive use permite on all board meeting and othe r publicmeeting agendas, despite a measure in the bill that delegatexs final agency action on such permitw solely to the executive directors. Florida is broken up into five watetr managementdistricts — St. Johnx River, Southwest Florida, Northwest Suwannee River and the South Florida watetmanagement districts. It was the South Florida agency, which coverzs all of the southern Florida region and parte of Polk andOrange counties, that Crisgt singled out in a letter to Secretary of Stats Kurt S. Browning.
“o want to acknowledge the continued work of the South Florida Water Management District in completinvthe U.S. Sugar land acquisition which will preserve the Floridas Everglades for generations to Crist said. “I thank the members of the governingb board as well as the dedicated staffv of the district in ensuringa long-awaitedd goal of storing, cleaning and movinh water from Lake Okeechobee to Everglades Nationa Park. The Everglades remain a natural treasure and this administratiobn remains committed to workingwith local, stater and federal partners in protecting the River of S.B. 2080 passed the House 117-09 on May 1 and passeed the Senate 39-0 on Aprip 30.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

KAET lays off eight after fundraising falls short - Phoenix Business Journal:
The job cuts the first in the local Public BroadcastingService affiliate’s 47-year historyu — underscore the fund­raising challenges public tele­vision facess in today’s ailing “The station has not been making its budget,” said spokesmann Virgil Renzulli, who is helping to run the station. “Wse felt like we had to make some movessright away.” The layoffs, which will save the statioj about $900,000 in fiscal highlight the station’s struggle to raise $1.8 milliobn to relocate to its new home at ASU’ss Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communicatiomn in downtown Phoenix.
Officials hope to complete the move in but that’s a best-case The total cost of the transition will be abouy $4.5 million, with the university frontingh about half the cost. KAET still needsx to raise $1 million. The axed position will not be reinstatedd in the foreseeable and the university may consolidate other positions duplicatee between ASUand KAET, Renzull said. Giczi worked at KAET for more than five His salary wasabou $145,000. The PBS station, which has operates in Tempe since 1961 and employsabout 70, dependz on ASU for in-kind Kelly McCullough, assistant GM for marketintg and development, is handling daily operations.
He said on-air pledged drives have faltered, and corporate support is down20 KAET’s budget is about $13 million a year, and televisecd membership drives generally bring in abouf $5.5 million of Although the station increased fundraising in the past four financial conditions may break that trend. “Thw economy is tight. The budget is McCullough said. The station is explorinh alternative revenue sources through affinitymarketing programs, whichj promote the brand to a niche audience, and buildingy corporate support through its Web site.
KAET also is establishint a fundraising initiative for itsflagship program, “Horizon,” and plans to enhance its relationship with the Cronkite School. The station’ss next televised pledge drive will runfrom Nov. 29 to Dec. 9. KAET-T Channel 8:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Mexico panel votes to lay off 27 state workers - BusinessWeek


New Mexico panel votes to lay off 27 state workers


The New Mexico State Personnel Board voted Tuesday to cut 27 state jobs, including 33 percent of the state fair workforce and 40 percent of the staff at the Tourism Department's New Mexico Magazine. On unanimous votes, the board ...

New Mexico panel votes to lay off 27 state workers



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Everyday cost of carbon tax will be minimal - except on energy bills - Sydney Morning Herald

The Age

Everyday cost of carbon tax will be minimal - except on energy bills

Sydney Morning Herald

The first line-by-line estimate of price impacts finds the price of milk will climb by less than 1¢ a litre; the price of a packet of breakfast cereal by less than 2¢. Takeaway food and restaurant meals will set us back a bit more - Treasury says they ...

Wayne Swan defends economic effects of carbon tax

Herald Sun

90pc of manufacturing sector faces full impact of carbon tax

The Australian


Friday, September 16, 2011

Beige Book: Southeast economic decline moderating - Washington Business Journal:
Sales and consumer traffic remained at low levels inlate spring, but in line with modesrt expectations, according to Southeastern Retailers' future sales outlook remained Most regional auto dealers noted further declines in with several pointing to reducedd credit availability and industry uncertainty as reasonws for the poor Reports from Realtors indicated existing home sales were stabilizinh overall. Homebuilders noted new home inventoriee were trending down ona year-over-year basis as constructiojn remained at low levels and new home salew improved modestly. Home sales prices continued to declinw according tomost reports. Commercial real estatd activityremained weak.
Vacancy rates continued to rise in many parts of the putting downward pressureon rents, most notably in the retailk sector. Contractors reported more projects being postponeor canceled. Commercial real estate playerw anticipate more space will become vacant in the cominhg months and that construction will continueto slow. Most Southeasterjn manufacturers said the rate of decline in production and orderz moderatedin April. For the comingv months, most in manufacturingf noted more optimism about future productionand employment.
Severapl business contacts reported difficulty meetingf financing needs because of restricted availability of Roughly one-quarter of non-auto retailers and one-third of non-financial/non-retaipl contacts cited some difficulty obtaining loanss for inventory purposes. Auto in particular, said that obtainingb vehicle inventory financing wasvery challenging. Banking contacts continuedc to indicate generally low levels of demansd for new loans and increased use of existingy linesof credit. Labor market conditionx continued tobe weak.
Many firms reportedc additional cuts in hours or had institutesd mandatory unpaid days off forsome However, the pace of layoffsz appears to have slowed, as fewer firms reportedc layoffs than earlier in the

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission Company Profile | Company Information
The CVC's 11-member Board of Commissioners is headed by a chairmam appointed by the Governorof Missouri. Five...

Monday, September 12, 2011

K&L Gates opens Dubai office - Baltimore Business Journal:
Dubai is the firm’s 33rd office and its first in theMiddles East. K&L Gates Chairman and Global Managing Partner Petee Kalis said the officewas “inm the works for aboutg a year” and that the firm’sw entry was “well-timed compared with a year ago because the costse are reduced and there is much more legall talent at more reasonable compensation levels available on the K&L Gates expects to grow the Dubai officr principally through hires in that region. “ I could see additional offices in theMiddl East,” said Kalis, who first visitedx Dubai six months ago in preparing the firm’s entryg there.
“Because of the concentration of financialp and professional services in theDubao area, it’s a very attractive and efficient point of entrh into the Gulf region. But certainly it’s not the only market for legal servicezsthat matters. A logical next step would be Abu but there is nothing schedulesd for thatto K&L Gates is also “always” open to continuecd expansion opportunities internationally and in the continentakl United States, Kalis said, but did not identify specific citiex or countries.
Neal Brendel, one of the firm’s seniore dispute resolution partners, is relocating from the Pittsburgh officew to serveas co-founder of the Dubai Joining Brendel is Paul de Cordova, who most recently workesd with Ashurst, establishing and managing that firm’s Dubai office and helping to open a secons office in the United Arab Emirates. He is a corporater and projects lawyer with more than 20years experience. Associatde Richard Dollimore also is joining the Dubai He most recently workes inthe K&L Gates office in London.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Raceday Your guide to today's Wonderful Pistachios 400 - Charlotte Observer

Los Angeles Times

Raceday Your guide to today's Wonderful Pistachios 400

Charlotte Observer

1. Keep an eye on Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Tony Stewart. If both can escape with a top-20 finish in the race, they are  »

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Former APG business park developer Opus East to liquidate under Ch. 7 - Nashville Business Journal:
Unable to refinance millions of dollarszin debts, the company plans to liquidate its portfolio of commercia l properties throughout the region. It was uncleadr how much Opus East expectss to fetch forits properties. Parenr company , of Minneapolis, made the announcement in a news releasew and said another ofits Phoenix, Ariz.-based Opus West, expects to seek Chaptedr 11 protection in July. In its bankruptcy filing, the company listed assets ofbetween $50 million and $100 million and liabilities of between $100 million and $500 “Declining real estate values and tight credit marketsw continue to impede the refinancinf of assets and restructuring of lending agreements,” Mark Rauenhort, CEO of Opus Corp.
, said in a In addition to general market conditions, the companyh cited $35 million in unpaid wages from the federakl for a project it was developing in Collegde Park for the , company spokeswoman Winston Hewetg said in a telephone interview. The company had ceasedc building speculative office buildings more than ayear ago, and it trimmeds its workforce from about 100 employeesd last year to about 16 employees as of June 15.
The companuy did not include all of its subsidiaries in the It excluded, for example, Marylandd Enterprise LLC, which was developing the property for and Nursery Corner LLC, which built a 160,000-square-foot office building in Linthicum Heightd for defense contractor Opus East has developed more than 13.3 milliob square feet of space since 1994. Opus West has developed more than 52.7 million squar feet since 1979. These bankruptcies come on the heels of the Apripl 22 bankruptcy of OpusSouth Corp., an Opus affiliate basefd in Atlanta.
Opus has said it plans to wind down its operations in that part of the country as Opus has said it plansw to continue to run its remainingoperatinv companies, Opus North Corp., based in Chicago, and Opus based in Minnetonka. Those units are actively pursuing They also have been less affected by the due to their mix ofproject types, healthy balance sheets and strongeer markets, according to Opus' press release. Opus said its developmentr activity has fallen tojust 4.8 millionm square feet in 2009, down from 34 millionb square feet in 2007 and 35 million square feet in 2008.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet: 3 Reasons You Should Draft Defense Last - Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report

Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet: 3 Reasons You Should Draft Defense Last

Bleacher Report

Unlike in the real NFL, a good defense won't necessarily win you much of anything in your fantasy league. After all, fantasy football is all about offense, that is, scoring points and racking up yardage. Defenses, by their very design, don't do much of ...

and more »

Saturday, September 3, 2011

United credit card policy could foul corporate travel - Charlotte Business Journal:
San Francisco’s dominant airline informef some travel agencies that as of July 20 it will no longerr let them process credit and debit card purchasese for airline ticketsusing United’s merchant-processing services. such agencies would have to requir e travelers to paywith cash, process card payments with the agency’w own merchant processing service and forwardd the cash to United or book the tickets on United’s web site using the traveler’s credit or debit card issuexd by , (NYSE: V) , (NYSE: MA) AXP) and others.
An agent usingy United’s web site, bypassing such travel systems as Apollioand Sabre, would not allow companies to capturd the discounts they have negotiate with United nor would it alloe their travel agent to survey several carrierds on a route to find the lowestf price. “Several Bay Area companie s have deals with United Airlineasfor discounts,” said Marc Casto, president of Casto Travel, which isn’t among the agencies that United has cut off from its merchant-processingg service.
Casto says he’s reacherd out to some of the firm’s corporate clients to expresws concernover United’s new card acceptance but declined to discuss what was said in thoser conversations. United Airlines UAUA) did not respond to requests for United is hoping to shifft the cost of accepting creditf and debit cards onto selectedtravel agencies. Thoses agencies say the airline’s move shifts to them the risk for payingy out refunds if the carrietgoes bankrupt. While it’s also likelhy to reduce the amount of moneuy that United has to keep in the bank to guardfagainst charge-backs, it would increased those requirements for the trave agents.
That’s a nonstarter for most agenciez — and their banks, which would have to honorf charge-back requests that could total billions of dollars in the event of anairline bankruptcy. “Ik don’t think there’s any travel agency, including American Expresd Travel, that could shoulder that Casto said.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Harmon Electric enters solar space with S2 Energy merger - Phoenix Business Journal:
The result is the Harmon Solar division, whichg will specialize in the design and installatiobn of photovoltaic systems for homes and S2 owner Tim Lofthouse will be the lead designer forHarmomn Solar. Its new 5,300-square-footr facility in north Phoenix will allow the companto grow, and one of its latesyt installations is a 20-kilowatt system in Wickenburg. “Harmonj Electric was receiving more and more request s for the installation of solar and S2 Energy was growinfg at arapid pace,” said Dan King, co-owner of Harmon Electric.
“By creatinhg Harmon Solar, we are combining our knowledg e and resources to provide even greater service and customized solar systems forour clients.” S2 was a small operation prior to the merger, handlinf about one installation a month. After the the company hopes to increase that to abouy one installationa week. The company has hire a salesperson for Harmon and electricians from Harmon Electric will instalplthe systems, officials said. For .