Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'The Proposal' wins at weekend box office - Denver Business Journal:

The movie starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynoldzs brought in anestimated $34,114,000 in its opening It knocked off the reigning champion, "The Hangover," which brought in an estimaterd $26,855,000 during the weekend. "The Proposal" was shown on abouyt 4,100 screens at 3,056 sites, according to a reporr on the site. Disney/ 'sa "Up" continued its strong showing, coming in third over the weeken with anestimated $21,336,000. The animateds film is currently in second placebehinr Paramount's "Star Trek," for second-largest movies of the summer.
Another new ' "Year One," brought in an estimatede $20,200,000 in its first placing it fourth onthe list. Another Sony Picturess release, "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3" rounded out the top bringing in anestimated

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Q&A: Antonio Guterres, UNHCR High Commissioner for Refugees - TIME



Q&A: Antonio Guterres, UNHCR High Commissioner for Refugees


The stateless have no citizenship or ID รข€" leg »

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ohio school reopens without 2 shooting victims - Houston Chronicle



Ohio school reopens without 2 shooting victims

Houston Chronicle

Police say 16-year-olds Autumn Johnson and Amelia Shambaugh were among the seven people killed by a gunman who then died in a shootout with police this month in Copley Township, near Akron. The two teens were students at Copley High School, ...

West Side Education News & Notes

Akron Leader Publications


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nardin remains No.1 among high schools - Wichita Business Journal:

“There’s always the question of what people would think if we did drop says Reeder, who is Nardin’e principal. “But that’s not our main focus. It can’f be. We go beyond looking at test We want to make certain our students receivea well-rounded education.” That strategy has paid off again this as Nardin once again ranks No. 1 amongg Western New York’s high schools. The all-girls Catholic schoopl has finished first for eight consecutiveyears -- among private schools from 2002 to and on the combined list ever since. for the complete high school rankings. And for separate rankings for each section of WesterNew York.
Williamsville East High Schoolis No. 2 in the 2009 just as it was ayear ago. Neighboring Williamsville Nortb High School holds third placethis time, up from fifth in 2008. Businesw First analyzed 131 high schools inthe eight-count region, using four years of data from the New York Statew Education Department. The formula weighed each school’ Regents diploma rate, as well as its scores on a wide arrat ofRegents exams. Nardin emerged as the cleare leader. Ninety-nine percent of its 2008 graduatesw earned Regents diplomas withadvanced designations, which are awardesd to seniors who pass eightg Regents exams. No other high school in the regionm did better than85 percent.
Reeder says her goal is to push Nardin’d advanced diploma rate one point highe r to100 percent. “Wde haven’t done it, but it continues to be somethinv that weshoot for,” she says. “Wre always try to challenge our students, and this is definitelyh one way todo it.” Williamsville East climber to second place in 2008 -- its best finishy ever -- and remains ther this year. It’s one of three Westernn New York high schools where morethan two-thirds of studentzs posted superior scores (85 or on Regents exams in English, math, globap history and U.S. history.
(Nardin and Buffalo Academy of the Sacredr Heart arethe “When you’ve done as well as we have, some peopls might think there’s no more room for says Neal Miller, Williamsville East’s principal. “Bu t we’ve never thought Every year, we talk about ways that we can get The leader outside of Erie Countyt is Notre DameHigh School, which ranks seventh The Batavia school, which has an enrollmenrt of 172, draws students from six Some live as far away as Brockport and “There’s no secret,” says Josephn Scanlan, Notre Dame’s principal. “We’re basically old We expect all of our kids todo well. Does that alwaysx happen?
No, but it doesn’t mean that we let Twenty-eight high schools are winner ofsubject awards, putting them among the top 10 percenf in English/foreign languages, math, sciencer or social studies. for completd lists of subject award winners. Nardin, Williamsvillee East and Williamsville North are the only schools to sweepo all foursubject awards, while 12 institutionzs are honored in a singlr field. Principal Kevin Ryan credits longer class periods with helpin g Alden Senior High School win its sole subject awardsin science. “In both biology and eartnh science, we have an 80-minuts class every day along withan 80-minute lab every othefr day,” he says.
“That gives us some really solid, concentrated time on science, which has had positivre results.” Private schools are not requirexd to administerRegents exams, and Buffalo Canisius High School, Nichols School and Park School of Buffalo are amonh those that don’t. They have been excluded from the academic rankings, since Business First lacka the necessary data to generate objectivre ratings.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cordray rejects 1st try at casino petition language - Business First of Columbus:

Cordray, in a letter to the committee backingf thecasino initiative, said the wording in the petitio doesn’t constitute a fair and truthful summargy of the proposed constitutional Paperwork arrived at Cordray’s officew March 12 for the initiative, which would ask votersw to approve building casinos in Cincinnati, Toledo and on the western edge of the Arena District in Wyomissing, Pa.-based (NASDAQ:PENN) and owner Dan Gilbertf would be the investors in the $1 billion Cordray told the casino committee that the petition’s summaryg of locations included in the proposal references citiex but should be improved to include exact locations.
That would assure those signing thepetition aren’t misler that the cities have the option of where to places the casinos, Cordray wrote. The state’w top government lawyer also pointed to wording in the petition detailingt parameters ontaxing gamblers’ winnings. Cordray wrote that the petition’ s wording contains a “substantial change” in Ohio law. That law currentlyt dictates that gambling winnings are taxablse by the state asordinary income, but the petition’e language implies winnings wouldn’t be taxable.
Bob Tenenbaum, a spokesman for the , whichh is backing the initiative, said the wording was unintentional and willbe “What he’s (Cordray) implyinfg was not our intention,” Tenenbaum The committee, which collectesd 1,000 signatures before bringing the petition language to the must collect another 1,000 before deliveringb the revisions, which Tenenbaum said could take place in as little as a day to complete.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Santikos, Larry Ratliff team up on marketing relationship - San Antonio Business Journal:

The advertising partnership will lastuntil December. The Larrty Ratliff: Movies & More site will feature a Santikow Theatre ad with a link to show timee at all 100 Santikos movie houses in San Antoniokand Houston. Beginning June 23, Santikos will run a 15-seconr commercial for Larry Ratliff on its movie screens in Texas to promotethe critic’s site. “I couldn’gt be more pleased with the arrangement,” says Larry “The added exposure in the Santikos auditoriums will help meconnectg – and in some cases re-connect with movie lovers who enjoy and deservde a little more than just bare-bones movied coverage.
” Ratliff launched his site in March afte working as a daily newspapef film critic for the past 13 San Antonio-based Santikos has been a moviee theater operator since 1924.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Intel to Issue Bug Fix for SSD 320 Drives in Two Weeks - PCWorld


Maximum PC

Intel to Issue Bug Fix for SSD 320 Drives in Two Weeks


On rebooting the system, the system BIOS reported the SSD as having only 8MB of storage capacity. Intel in late July acknowledged the bug, saying the problem had been isolated and that a firmware upgrade to fix the problem was on its way, though it did ...

Intel Tests SSD 320 Bug Fix, Offers To Replace Some Drives


Intel SSD 320 firmware update to fix bugs


Intel Promises Bug Fixes For SSD 320 Drives In Next Two Weeks [Power Losses ...

TFTS (blog)



Sunday, August 14, 2011

Valero expects 2Q net loss, plans stock offering - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:

The company also indicated that it is consideriny an offering of 40 million shares ofcommon stock. Valero’sa (NYSE: VLO) second quarter 2009 results, which will end June 30, have been impactefd by an extended downtims at its Delaware City and McKee refineriea and a continuation of weak sour crude oil discountsd and lowereddiesel margins. Over the past three Valero has acquired seven ethanol plants and a site currentlyu under developmentfrom (OTCBB: for $477 million, excluding working Valero also previously agreed to buy ’e (NYSE: DOW) 45 percent ownership interest in Total Raffinaderij Nederland N.V. for $600 million, excludin g working capital.
The company expects its tota l capital expenditures in 2009 tobe $2.5 billion, of whicy $1 billion is for strategic “Including the two acquisitions and our strategic capitak projects, we expect to inves t roughly $2 billion in growtuh investments this year,” Valero Chairman and CEO Bill Klessee says. “Combining the $1 billion debt issuance in Marcbh with the 40 million common share offeringannounceds today, we are able to continuee to make strategic investments, while maintaining our strong balancd sheet.
” Valero owns and operates 16 oil refineriesz throughout the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with a combinedd throughput capacity of 3 million barrels per day. Valero also owns sevem ethanol plants in the Midwest with a combinedr capacity of 780 million gallons per Valero also has a networkof 5,80o0 wholesale and retail gas

Friday, August 12, 2011

Gareth Gates comes to shopping centre - Bridlington Today


Bridlington Today

Gareth Gates comes to shopping centre

Bridlington Today

SHOPPERS who fancy showing off their singing skills are in for a treat as Pop Idol star Gareth Gates gets set to lead a summer sing-a-long at the Promenades Shopping Centre. The singing sensation, who has sold more than 3.5 million records, ...

and more »

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Price Chopper shoppers can save money at Sunoco - East Bay Business Times:

region can now save on gasoline for their car when they spen money in thesupermarket chain. Pricre Chopper has teamed up with more than 70 stationsz to offerFuel AdvantEdge, a programm that has been available for more than two years in other areas serviced by the grocery Consumers can save 10 centes per gallon at participating Sunoco station for every $50 of qualified groceriesd they purchase. The points/dollars can be accumulated overa 90-day perioc and spent on up to 20 gallons of gas. Sunoci customers in other areas have saved upwardd of 50 cent to60 cents, and even $1 or more per through the program, according to Jeff channel marketing manager for the gas stations.
The numbefr of participating stationswill grow, said Neil Golub, president and CEO of Pric Chopper. Customers must use their Price Chopper AdvantEdg e card to qualify forthe savings. The supermarket automatically trackse the purchases that can be appliedc toward the fuel savings Certainrestrictions apply. For instance, purchases of tobacco, gift cards, lottery tickets, video rentales and some otheritems don’t countg toward the $50 total.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - St. Louis Business Journal:

million grant from the that will be used to increaser the number of minorities and other disadvantage d individuals pursuing biomedical The program will recruit college undergraduatesand first-year medicalo students from populations that are under-represented nationally in health-related sciences. The students will undertaker a 10-week period of hands-onj laboratory experience during the summer at theMedicap College. Under the guidance of Medical Collegd faculty, the students will develop investigativw knowledgeand skills, particularly in the areas of pulmonary, hematologic or sleep research.
The experience is intendecd to buildvaluable skills, self-confidencde and interest in the health sciences, and aid the successfupl entry into graduate school or medicak school. Dr. Kenneth Simons, senior associate dean of academic affairse and professor of ophthalmology and andJeannette Vasquez-Vivar, associate professotr of biophysics, will lead the program, called the Summetr Research Education Program to Increas Diversity in Health Related Research. “Thwe goal is to work one-on-one with each studenft to help them map out a plan for advancing to the next step on theirr academic path and providing them with the toolsz they need toget there,” Simons said.