Saturday, January 29, 2011

Boston ranks high among U.S. travelers - Boston Business Journal:
The travel advisory service’s survey asked more than 3,400p U.S. respondents to give their opinions on the best and worsr ofmajor U.S. Miami was called the nation’s “sexiest” city. Clevelanx was most boring. Portland, Ore. was called most underrated andcleanes city. Las Vegas was tagged most overrated. New York toppedx the favorite city list, followed by San Francisco. Chicag o and Boston tied for New York was rated both most friendly and helpfulk and least friendlyand helpful. Detroit was the leasty favorite city, followed by Los Angeles and But don’t fret ya’ll were given a big thumbs up for havingthe “nicest sounding accent.
” Bostonians got a big down for their accent. Seattle was considerex the healthiest, while Detroit was listed as the leastt healthyand dirtiest. Rounding out the list were D.C. for its best free attractions and Honolulu as beingy themost romantic.

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