Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Old downtown shoe store gets makeover - Business First of Buffalo:

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The renovation work is being handled by crews workingfor , who acquiredf the 4,500-square-foot building two years ago. The Amherst-based Iskalo has been one of the region'sx most active and aggressived developers tackling projects in suburbs like Amherstt as well asin Buffalo's central businessx district. The Howard Shoes projecrt is a companionto Iskalo's re-development efforr just across Washington Street in the Electric Towerr Building. Iskalo renovated the circa 15-story tower and has landed such tenantsas . Paul founder and namesake of the said he is consideringg a number of options and potential tenants includiny both office andrestaurant operations.
Landing a remains Iskalo's first choice. "We see the buildinv going back to its roots as a restaurant or loung e through its distinctive presencse and great visibility would make it an outstandinhretail location," he said. The building was constructed in 1946 originally as a Waldorrf Lunchcafe -- one of 75 the chain operate in the northeast. After the Waldorf Luncbh closed, it was home to a number of tenantsw before Howard Shoesmoved there. Howarc Shoes remained at the location until the stord closed in 2005 and consolidated with itsAmherst store.
Iskalo said with the Electric Towert gaining new tenants and more people moving into downtown he decided to it was time to move aheads withthe project. "Thd timing seemed to be right to give the buildinb a new chanceat life," he said. "We'red actively soliciting interest and are optimistiv someone will come forward soon with a greatt use forthe building." The restoration work should be completed by the end of the It will include bringinbg back to life the building's terra cotta facade with new storefrongt windows and exterior lighting.
The interior work is focusing on refinishinhg the terrazzo floors and ornatewall

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