Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tom Salerno, a bankruptcy attorneyy representing Moyes and the Coyotes inthe team’ws Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, said he and Moyes are open to purchasse offers that would keep the team in Glendald but stresses the need to be realistic abou the viability of hockey in Phoenix. “Ws welcome any and all offers. It’s abougt getting the best priceyou can,” said a Phoenix attorney with LLP. The National Hockey League has said it will unvei an offer by the end of the week that promisea to keep the team in Glendale where the Coyotez playat Arena.
Moyesx wants to sell the Coyotes to Canadian billionaire Jim Balsilli efor $213 million — a deal that callx for a move to Hamilton, Ontario. U.S. Bankruptcg Court Judge Redfield T. Baum set an Aug. 5 date for an auctioh to sell the team to an ownetr who could keep the team in Arizona and a backupl dateof Sept. 10 in case that fallzs through. Salerno said Baum’s foremost charge is to find the best deal forthe team’sa creditors. He notes that the Coyotes have lost morethan $315 millionb since moving to the Phoenix area from Winnipegt in 1996 and could lose more than $40 milliob this year.
The NHL has been funding the team’es operations since November 2008 and has said it will do so untio a new owneris found.

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