Monday, September 6, 2010

85 Bay Area projects top stimulus list - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Few proposals from locap businesses madethe cut. Of the 85 projectsz that ranked highest onthe list, three were backedd by for-profit companies in the Bay Area. The rest were projectx that cities, counties or nonprofits want to undertake. Governmenrt and nonprofit projects “tended to be the ones with larger-scale impact in terms of involving a largd scopeof activity,” said Sean Randolph, CEO of the Bay Area Councilp Economic Institute, which compiled the list. High-profilde projects like high-speed rail, expanding the Caldecott extending BART to San Jose and building a new stem cell researcn facility at the headlined thepriority list.
Together, the 85 projects designaterd asthe region’s highest strategic priorities are requestiny $7 billion in stimulus funding. Making the list, which was releaseed last week, does not guarantee stimulus money. It is more of a planning document, showing which projects most Bay Area authoritiewswant funded. Some funding decisions will be made by stated authorities and others byfederal officials.

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