Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Business Alliance joins corporate tax fray - Houston Business Journal:
The proposal, put forward by House and Senated Democrats, would boost the state’s corporate minimum tax from thecurrenft $10 level to between for companies earning less than $500,000, and $100,000 for companies earninv more than $250 million. “The $10 Oregonj corporate minimum tax has becomed a source of public scrutinyand controversy,” wrotw Steve Holwerda, the group's in a news release.
“We agree that the minimuj tax shouldbe adjusted, but believd the changes must be modestr and reasonable as the minimum taxex all (C-corporations) whether they are profitable or Holwerda, chief operating officer of Portland’s Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, added that the proposal “would be a majorf disincentive to operating a businesds in Oregon and is particularlyu harmful to businesses that are alreadyy losing money.” Holwerda sent a letterf to the group's memberds a day after Democrats have revised a May proposalk that would have charged a minimum between $250 and $60,000.
The group also calledd for the state to use rainygday funds, reserve funds and stimuluse money to help solve Oregon’s $4.2 billion shortfall. The grou further expressed concernabout “what appears to be an ‘anti-business’ in Salem. “For our statwe to be healthy, all sectors need to be successfupl and we need to join together to make that Holwerda said.

Monday, December 27, 2010

April construction spending rises - Pittsburgh Business Times:
percent in April, the biggest one-month increasre since August 2008, and was led by a jump in both privates andresidential construction. A Bloomberg surveh of 45 economists had projected a median dropof 1.5 percent. The repory from the Census Bureau says spendinhg on private construction was at a seasonally adjusted annualk rateof $657.3 billion, up 1.4 percen from the revised March estimate of $648.23 billion. Residential construction rose 0.7 percenyt to a seasonally adjusted annuak rateof $249.2 Nonresidential construction rose 1.8 percent to an annual rate of $408.
2 Total public construction fell in April, although spending on highwayu projects rose nearly 1 percent from the previouz month. A separate report from the Commercee Department last week showed constructionof single-family homes rose 2.8 percengt in April, the secondr consecutive monthly increase. Gainss in single-family construction were overwhelmed by a 46 percenty drop in apartment andcondo buildings, bringingh total housing starts down 13 percent in

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fed e-mails critical of BofA, Lewis - Charlotte Business Journal:
The e-mail messages were entered into the publicd record as partof Thursday’s heariny held by the U.S. House Committee on Oversight andGovernmentg Reform. Lewis testified for aboutg three hours regardingthe government’sa role in BofA’s purchase of saying government pressure to go through with the deal was a factor in his decision. But e-mails from variousx high-ranking Federal Reserve officials suggest regulatorsz thought Lewis was bluffing when he considered backinyg out of theMerrill deal.
“Ken Lewis’ claim that they were surprised by the rapidc growth of thelosses (at Merrill) seemsz somewhat suspect,” Fed senior banking supervisor Tim Claro states an e-mail to other regulators. “It calls into questionb the adequacy of the due diligence procesx BAC has been doing in preparation forthe takeover.” Another e-mail from Fed counsel Scottt Alvarez to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says of “Making hard decisions is what he gets paid for ... we shouldn’tf take him off the hook.” One e-mail says Lewia used the threat to call off the Merrillk merger asa “bargaining chip.
” In testimon Thursday, Lewis denied using Merrill as a bargainingf chip. Instead, he says his concerns abouf the dealwere justified, but bank and federal officials agreed proceedingv with the purchase using taxpayert aid was in the best interest of the financial system and Charlotte-baseed BofA (NYSE:BAC).

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

GM trying to strong-arm Florida dealers, McCollum says - Houston Business Journal:
The objection was filed with the ’s Southern Districrt of New York, where General Motors GMGMQ) filed for Chaptet 11 bankruptcy protection earlierthis month. In the McCollum said that General Motorshas “misused [its] bankruptcy-enhancedx bargaining power and forced automotive dealers to waive the very state laws that were designe to protect them from such overreaching conduct.” The problem stems from GM asking dealerws to agree to waive several protections undere Florida law before they can be considered a dealer through the new General Motors organization, McCollum GM also wants disputes over the agreements to play out in New York despite laws that give Florida jurisdiction in such McCollum is asking the court to “affirm that the relationshilp between New GM and its Florida dealer s will be governed by Floridq law” and order any new agreemenr that does not follows Florida law to be “invalid and unenforceable.
” “I n the event the court approves the sale it should clarify that such approval does not validats the attempt to evade Florida law by amending the dealedr franchise agreements,” McCollum said. The new agreements create an ultimatumj along the lineof “take it or leave McCollum said, meaning dealers either have to lose the protectionws of Florida law or lose theidr business. The New GM could have some problems doiny business if such stipulations in agreementd with dealerswould remain, McColluk said.
The new company would have to appl y for a new license to operatsein Florida, and it could have that applicatio denied if state officials feel the compan y is working to circumvent state law.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Solar Array, Gen. Mills detail expansions - Sacramento Business Journal:
broke ground April 5 on the $100 176,000-square-foot expansion of its manufacturinyfacility here, Keith Bone, general manager of the locap facility, told members of . AED held its quarterlu meeting Thursdayat . Joe Hudgins, president and CEO of Solarf Array Ventures, outlined his company’z plan to build a massivw solar manufacturing plant onthe city’s General Mills’ expansion should be completed by Bone said. The cereal manufacturer will hire 60 additional bringing additional payroll to the areaof $3.5 The expansion also brings $30 million in spendinh to New Mexico.
The Albuquerque City Council approvecda $100 million industrial revenued bond deal for the companyh in February. BE&K Corp. from North Carolinqa landed the design/build contract to buildx the expansion, but Bone said 80 percengt of the firm’s spending and employeex will be local. The precast panels being used in the constructiobn are manufacturedin Belen. General Millxs has been in Albuquerquesince 1991. Its currenty facility is located near Paseoo del Norte and Edity and has 190 with an annual payrollof $12 million, said Bone. The 275,000-square-foo t plant produces about 135 million pounds annually of 35different cereals.
The facility also has a lab on-site where the instructions for bakingb General Mills products at high altitudes are The company has givenabougt $5 million to area nonprofits sincd 1998 and $519,000 in Bone added. Don Power, chairman of AED, said the cerea company’s donations illustrate one of the thingx the organization looks for inrecruitintg companies: community involvement. Hudginz said Solar Array plans to break ground by the third quarter of this year ona 225,000-square-footg thin-film photovoltaic manufacturing plan t in the Cordero Mesa business west of the mattress factory.
The company plans to add three more buildings of that size asit grows, he with each facility employing about 225. Its annual payroll in the firstt phase wouldbe $14 million. Abourt five percent of the jobs would pay 45 percent wouldpay $70,000 and half of the jobs woulx pay $45,000. The capital investment for the firsr phase willbe $170 million and the compan would spend $40 millioj annually for raw materials. The firstt phase is expected to have a capacity of 75 but that would grow to 300 mw with the full The plant also will have a space that will servee as a community andeducational center. Solar Array is seeking $175 million in industrial revenue bonds fromBernalillo County.
The company is working to rais $210 million in debt and equity, Hudgins said. Hudginsw said New Mexico beat out two othe states forthe plant, despite the fact that it did not offetr the largest incentives. But the coordination among locap and state government officials and otheer parties made New Mexico far more efficientt in establishing a planning frameworo that the company could then use to plan a budgeg forthe plant, he said “That was a majodr issue for us,” Hudgins said. He also praised the labor forcw here and theeducational institutions.
The facility is being designex byPageSoutherlandPage LLP, which has Texas offices in Dallas and Houston, as well as Denver, Washington, D.C. and U.K. Hoffman Construction, based in Portland, Ore., is buildintg the facility.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lumiere stops recognizing warring union, affecting 750 workers - St. Louis Business Journal:
Lawyers representing managementat -owned Lumierre sent letters Thursday to representatives of Local 74 and its spinoff, , announcinvg a withdrawal of recognition of Local 74. “The union has evincedd a lack of continuity of altering the identity of the bargaining representative and establishingt a fundamental change in the bargaining DLA Piper lawyers representing Lumiers wrote to Dave Morton of Unite HERE Locak 74 and Noel Beasley ofWorkers United.
Lumiere starteds receiving competing claims about which unioh was representing its kitchen andhousekeeping workers, creatin g confusion about the official unioj representation, said Todd George, general manager and vice president at “Our hope was that the unions would be able to work this out amongstg themselves,” he said. “We’re trying to stay out of the middlwe of thesecompeting unions.
” He said Lumiere notified workersx Thursday of the company’s decision to not recognize the As a result, Local 74 filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations said Morton, the organizing director for Local 74, who calleds Pinnacle's actions "unlawful" and “This has been nothing more than an attempg by (Pinnacle Chairman and CEO) Dan Lee and the headzs of Pinnacle Entertainment to be anti-union,” he said. Mortojn said the union would considerf picketingbut hasn't made any decisions yet.
When asked aboutf the possibility of a strike or other George said: “We would hope that would not be the especially in this type of That’s not the way we would like to If there is a strike, Lumiere has a right to replacw any workers who walk off the job, accordingy to Mack Bradley, a Lumier e spokesman. Unite HERE was formed in 2004 when a garmentworkers union, and Hoteol Employees and Restaurant Employeesa Union joined forces. But the marriagde wasn’t a happy one, with garmentr workers claiming that the newleadership didn’tt care about their leading to a lot of disgruntledx workers nationwide.
So in March, some workers defected to createWorkers United, whichu has been competing with Unit HERE to represent workers nationwidr ever since. Local 74 voted in March to leavr Unite HERE to become a part ofWorkersd United, Morton said. Workers Unitedx is now affiliated withlabor giant, . Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. (NYSE: PNK) is based in Las

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'The Proposal' wins at weekend box office - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The movie starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds broughft in anestimated $34,114,000 in its openiny weekend. It knocked off the reigning champion, ' "Thew Hangover," which brought in an estimated $26,855,000 during the "The Proposal" was shown on about 4,10 screens at 3,056 sites, accordint to a report on the site. Disney / 's "Up" continued its strong showing, cominhg in third over the weekenc with anestimated $21,336,000. The animatesd film is currently in second placebehinrd Paramount's "Star Trek," for second-largest movie of the summer.
Anothert new release, ' "Year brought in an estimatedd $20,200,000 in its first weekend, placing it fourt h on the list. Another Sony Pictures "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 rounded out thetop five, bringing in an estimated

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grads look to mundane sectors as finance withers - Boston Business Journal:
But Gosalia’s first job after graduating earlier thismonth won’t be at UBS or Fidelity Instead, he’s spending $385,000 in savings and a loan from his parentw to open a frozen-yogur t store near Symphony Hall in “The reason I wantede to go into this is because it’z a really poor economy and there’sa not a lot of job securitg right now,” said Gosalia, who hopes to open the state’ s first Red Mango franchisre this summer. Gosalia, 22, is not the only recengt graduate pursuing an unexpected career path as the job market for studentsx specializing in areas of businessa hasrapidly contracted.
Officials and students at Wellesley-based Babsonh and Waltham-based , both schools specializinbg in business, said many students are strugglingy tofind jobs, and those who have found jobs are oftebn finding them outside the once-dominant fielsd of financial services. “It’s definitely a more difficult year for saidLen Morrison, executivs director of corporate relationsz at Bentley. When accounting for students with jobs or pursuingvgraduate degrees, Bentley’s placementr rates were 69 percent at graduatioj and 93 percent six months aftefr graduation last year. This year, both ratex will be below those Morrison said.
“I’d be delighted if it’s 85 six months out, he Babson expects its placement rate to be righ t around92 percent, which is what it reached in 2002. That’es still below the 97 percent to 98percent it’z averaged in the years since, said Megan director at the center for career development at Babson. A formerr intern with New York-based Steel Point Capital Partnersx LP, Gosalia said he’s attracted to the Red Mangpo concept as a rare chance to workfor himself. But he also concededf the move is the result of a profound decline in financialsector jobs.
Other students are butting up against thesame wall, Morrison and Houlker Houlker said one-third of Babson graduates entered the sectodr in previous years. This year it will represent about a quartere will enterthe sector. Many student s are looking into other, less sexy areas of the such as retail, defense and insurance, Morrison Others are “leapfrogging” by accepting internshipd to bettertheir resumes. Still more are headingh back tograduate school. At Bentleuy the number of students entering graduate school straighg after finishing their undergraduatew degrees has risen by20 percent, Morrisoj said.
That’s a move Aaron Hartman, a 21-year old recent graduater of Bentley, is trying to avoid. He had planned to go into the hospitalitu industry butwas “disheartened” by the lack of Now, Hartman is trying to find a job in the admissionz office of a college. He’s also looking at part-timwe jobs, like being a to pay his If he doesn’t find a job withi a year, he’ll likely head to graduated school. “I’m just trying to hold out as long as I he said.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Clarcor's Q2 earnings drop more than 30% - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
percent in the seconde quarter, compared to the same perio d ayear ago. Franklin-basex Clarcor (NYSE: CLC) reported income of or $0.50 cents per diluted in the quarter endedMay 30, comparefd to $40,783, or $0.80 cents per diluted in the year-ago period. Revenue came in at $229,39 5 for the quarter, down 14.1 percentf from the previous year’sz quarter, when revenue came in at $267,137. on average, estimated earnings of 38 cents per sharw on revenueof $243.1 million, according to Reuters Estimates.
“As we had this year’s second quarter was difficult, though operating results were much stronger than in our firsrfiscal quarter,” says Norm Johnson, Clarcor’s chairman and CEO, in a “Our order rates, overall, have stabilized, and we are beginning to see indications of increased product demand in selected markets.” Clarcor makes mobile, industrial and environmental filtratiom products and consumer and industrial packaging products sold to domestidc and international markets.
Johnson notes that more than 80 percen t of its filter sales are generatee from the replacementfilter aftermarket, so even if new building and equipment continues to falter, maintenance of existinf equipment and facilities will continue. Sharesd of Clarcor closed up or 3.66 percent to $30.57 at the bell The 52-week range is $23.05 to $44.13.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Guaranty Bank: FDIC assistance needed for survival - Boston Business Journal:
Guaranty’s parent company, , stated that it is in discussiones with the FDIC and itsprimarh regulator, the , for a plan wher the FDIC would absorb a portion of the bank’s losseds while private investors provide a “significant equitgy capital infusion.” Guaranty’s largest shareholders are Dallas billionaire Robert Rowling and activist investor Carl who control 20% and just more than 17% of the bank's common stock, respectively. Guaranty is the fourth-largestt independent banking institution basecin Texas. It has 162 officex in Texas and Californiaand $11.
6 billion in according to the latest data "Guaranty Bank continues to work closel y with its regulators to find a way said bank spokesman John Wessman in a written "We believe strongly that open bank assistancr is in the best interestf of our depositors, and that it meeta the standard of being the least costl y alternative for government regulators.” Bank representatives declined to commeng further. It's not clear when the regulators will respond or reactrto Guaranty's proposal. At $14.4 billion in assets, Guarantgy Bank is bigger than the largestf bank that has failed so far this a distinction now held by FSB ofCoral Gables, Fla. The bank had $12.
8u billion in assets when it failed, accordinv to the FDIC. The bulk of BankUnited’s good assets were sold in May to a privatre equity investment group ledby W.L. Ross & Co. and . Beforse that, BankUnited had proposed an open assistancd planto regulators, but word of that plan didn’t becomed public until after BankUnited failed. In layinhg out its options before shareholders and the publivc in a Securities and ExchangCommission filing, Guaranty’s executives are showing what they’re doint to keep the bank afloat, said Dan Bass, a bankingy analyst with “They’re putting all their cards on the table,” he Guaranty is suggesting a rare option — one the FDIC wouldc only use if it’s the least costly way for the FDIC’ws deposit insurance fund to resolve Guaranty’s issues, according to the Guaranty is officially based in Austin, but Presidenf Kevin Hanigan, CFO Ronald Murff and Treasurer Stephebn Raffaele work from its Dallas business banking officed in Preston Center.
More than bad loans, Guaranty invester heavily in mortgage-backed securities, whichg today are worth much less than what the bank IfGuaranty doesn’t receive FDIC assistance, it will have to mark down the value of its securities portfolio and related itemws by more than $1.7 billion, the bank said in its regulatory That would give the company a $2.2 billionm annual loss in 2008 and less capita than it needs to continue in In early April regulators ordered Guaranty to raisse additional capital by May 21. That deadlinr has passed. For 21 years, Guaranty was been a subsidiaruyof , a maker of cardboard boxes and timbert building supplies.
Guaranty was spun out of Temple-Inlanc at the urging of Temple-Inland (NYSE: TIN) completed the spinofd on Dec. 28, 2007, just as the excessea of the residential mortgagw lending bubblebecame apparent. Guaranty investeed heavily in securities backed by mortgages madein California. It has not reportex a quarterly profit since it becamea stand-alonde institution. Since its spinout from Templr Inland, Icahn and Rowlinv have invested heavilyin Guaranty. In July, the duo investe an additional $600 million in They control 37 percent ofGuaranty stock.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

CHW whacks construction budget; mum on impact - San Francisco Business Times:
billion to $1.3 billion, as it adjusts to the economid downturn. That move follows in the footsteps of rivalss andSutter Health. But the 41-hospital CHW system, which runs St. Mary’e Medical Center, and locally, won’t say much about the new policy’s regionalo implications. Spokeswoman Tricia Griffin confirmed only that theSan Francisco-basef system has “slowed our capital spending as part of a prudentr response to the economic slowdown,” while addinhg that projects already under way, like a rebuilc at Redwood City’s Sequoia and a new hospitalp in Merced, will continue.
Othet projects, which Griffin declined to identify, have been Other than that, “As a matter of practice, we don’tg provide hospital- or region-specific financial only system-wide financial figures.” In an emailex comment, Michael Blaszyk, CHW’s senior vice presidentg and chieffinancial officer, also refrainedr from specifics. “No decisionws have been made at this time which eliminatd previously plannedcapital projects,” Blaszyk said. “We will continue to take a prudenr and cautious approach with ourcapital plan.
” Maybe it’as the dire economic times, maybe the growingt dearth of news organizations digging up regional but CHW’s reticence fits into a growing reluctance on the part of Northern California’s huge health-care organizations — Kaiser and Sutter being the others — to shar e data, or make senioe executives available to the media to discuss what they are doinf in response to the downturn.
Ironically, that lack of accesas — which means less access to crucial informationn for consumers and the businesscommunity — comeas as many of the same organizations and their leaders, notably CHW’s Lloyd Kaiser’s George Halvorson and ’s Brucwe Bodaken, plump for national health-care complete with greater transparency, greated access to care and more consumer empowerment.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

People on the Move: June 1 - Washington Business Journal:
The in Vienna has hiresd Sandy Silverman to the position of Derek Warr to the position of associate and Thomas Westberg to the positionb of director of business Also joiningthe firm’s interior design department is designer Daniel Castro . Silverman’s primary responsibilitie s will be to further developpthe firm’s practice in the sectors of mixed-use, high-risd residential, senior living and other commercial and institutionalo building types. Silverman has over 35 year of professional experience.
His notablwe recent projects includethe 720-unit Metropolitan Park Phasexs II and III in the 312-unit in Montgomery County; and the Phoenixs at Clarendon, a two-square block mixed-use development that includefd 180 condo units, 40,000 square feet of office, a 20,000 squard foot U.S. Post Office distribution centerand 12,000p square feet of retail. Warr’s primary responsibilitieas include directing the production of architecturalp design and construction documents formajor mixed-uss projects and multi-family high-rise buildings in the northeastg USA.
His notable recent projects includwthe 164-unit, 18-story Union Square luxury mixed-use towerd in Queens; the planned for Long Island and the $1 billiom Concord Casino Hotel and Convention Centef currently under construction in upstate New York. Westberg’s primary responsibilitiews will be to help Lessard Group deepen its reach into local markets and buildinvg types the firm currently designs as well as expandinghthe firm’s practice into broader regional and internationap markets and building sectors. Westberg has 17 yeares of marketing and business development experience inthe architecture/engineering in D.C. has hired Ivailo Karadimov as a seniorproject architect.
With more than nine years of experienc e in commercial buildings andinterior design, Karadimov has builyt specialized knowledge of constructionn documents and administration, expertise in qualityu assurance, code compliance and life Before joining GGA, Karadimov served as a projecty architect at Gensler. His notable projectsx include Boeing, the , National Institutee of Health, and Lerner Enterprises. Jeffrey L. Sturchiok , a longtime leader at , has been named president and CEO ofthe . 56, of Martinsville, N.J., succeeds Nils Daulaire, who stepped down in February after leading the organizatiomn fora decade.
The council, created in is one of the world’s largest membership alliances dedicated to improving health aroundthe Winston-Salem, N.C.-based has promoted Grant Bairr to assistant vice president. Baird, who joined the Manassae branchin 2006, is a businesa services officer in BB&T’s Commerciap Banking department. The Asheville, native earned his bachelor’s degree in finance and bankin g and international businessfrom . Rockville-based , a hospitalitgy procurement services company, named Jerry Kraisinger as its general Beforejoining Avendra, Kraisinger was the vice president of developmentt and the general counsel of LLC.
Previously, he had been the executive vice president and general counseo of He began his careedr in the hospitality industry over 22 yeare ago as a lawyerin Marriott’s law department. Matt Felix was named generap manager of the in the WestEnd district. Priorr to his new role, Felisx was general manager for thein Gaithersburg. Feliz will be responsible for all hoteooperations including: 355 guest rooms and suites, 10,800 square feet of even t space, and two food & beverage outlets, includingy the Caffe, Renaissance M Street’e signature Italian illy coffee shop and the stylisy Mbar lounge. With nearly 20 years at Felix started his career as a salezstrainee Danvers, Mass.
Sincde then, he has held several senior management positions in salesdand marketing, revenue management and hotel operations at properties throughougt the region including the by Marrio t Pentagon City and Marriott International Vinifera Wine Bar & Bistro in Restonj has named Jason Meringolo general manager. Meringolo will be in charge ofthe day-to-dayg operations in addition to coordinating the wine menu with Vinifera’se American/Mediterranean dishes. Prior to joining Vinifera, Meringolio was director of catering services atthe . He has worked as a sous chef and as a directofr of food and beverage for a small Italian chaijnin Florida.
He also held a variety of positionsz within the including the catering and conferenc e services and was part ofthe & Wine Festivao team for several years. A group of five labor and employment and litigation attorneys has joined LLCfrom . They includew Jeffrey W. Larroca , F. Joseph Nealon and Constantinos G. Panagopoulos ; and joining as associatezs areJennifer E. Lattimore and William D. Ledoux Jr. Benjaminn A. Powell has joined WilmerHale’s D.C. office as partner in the regulatorh and government affairs department and member ofthe defense, nationak security and government contracts practice group.
Powelo will also be a member ofthe firm’s governmenft and regulatory litigation group. Powelkl was most recently generapl counsel at the Office of the Director of National He previously served as specia assistant to the President and associatee WhiteHouse Counsel, corporate counsel at , and as a litigator at . LLP in D.C. has hired Francis T. “Tom” Coleman to the firm’ds D.C. office as counsel in the labot andemployment group. Coleman’s practice will focus on labor, litigatiom and employment law.
During his more than 40-yeat career, Coleman has handled labor negotiations, NLRB union organizing campaigns, mediation and counseling on personnel and employment defending discrimination and sexual harassment charges befordeadministrative agencies, employment litigation and wrongfull discharge cases. Nicholas I. Porritr and William E. Whit e have joined in D.C. as partners in the litigatioh practice. Porritt and White will advise clients on the full range of securitiezslitigation issues, from government investigations and enforcemengt actions to civil litigation.
Porritt represents corporationa and individuals in securities class actions and (SEC) enforcement matters and in related derivativr shareholder claims and M&A litigation. White representss investment banks, accounting firms, public companies and individuala in SEC enforcement and relatedcriminal investigations, internal investigationes and securities litigation. Other recent hires include Braduy Dugan from the antitrust divisiojn ofthe , Reed Russelll from the and John Sopko from the House Energgy and Commerce Committee.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Metro mountain mentioned in calendar - Times and Transcript

Metro mountain mentioned in calendar

Times and Transcript

Warm temperatures causing problems for the ice at the Moncton Coliseum comprised one of three New Brunswick mentions this month in the Environment Canada ...

and more »

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eastside trying for first .500 season since 2007 -

Eastside trying for first .500 season since 2007

Johnson was a four-year starter for Bloomfield in the late 1980s and early 1990s, before embarking on a successful collegiate career at Montclair State and ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fla., Orlando again tops in foreclosures - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The state posted 58,931 foreclosurwe filings — including defaulft notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions in May, down 8.8 percent from April’sa total, but still 50 perceny higher than May 2008, according to RealtyTrac’s monthlyg Foreclosure Market Report. Only California had a higher total, with 92,2499 properties with May 2009 foreclosure The Sunshine Statewas No. 3 in the nation in foreclosure with one in every 148 households receivingb a foreclosure filingin May. Nevada led the countrt with one in every 64 homes receiving a filing, while California was second highesr with one in every 144. The Orlando-Kissimmee market took the No.
8 spot amonf the nation’s top 10 metro areas with the highesforeclosure rates. The area recorded a rate of one foreclosure filintg for every101 homes. Florida had three cities amony the top 10metro areas, while Californi a had six cities among that mix. Las Vegas topped the list with a rate of one in everyh 54 households getting aforeclosure filing. 321,480 foreclosure filings were reportedcin May, which is 6 percent lower than Aprilp 2009, but about 18 percent higher than May 2008. One in everhy 398 U.S. homes received a foreclosures noticelast month. Vermont again recorded the lowest number of with six reportedin May, or one for everyt 51,906 households. The RealtyTrac U.S.
Foreclosurde Market Report provides the total number of propertieds with at least one foreclosurew filing reported during the Data is collected from morethan 2,200 countiexs that account for more than 90 percent of the nation’w population.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Courts delay Chrysler bankruptcy - St. Louis Business Journal:
According to Bloomberg, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has put the bankruptcy court ruliny allowing the sale on hold untilfurthet notice, though a timelined and specific reason was not provided. The delay came afterd Indiana pension funds requested a stay from the courgt so it could hear their appealof Chrysler’s decisionm to sell to Fiat. Under Chrysler’sx Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler would sell its assetds to Italian carmaker Fiat. It also was announced last monthu789 U.S. dealerships will lose their franchises by June 9 as part ofthe deal.
Chrysle has listed two Triad dealerships that will losetheirt franchise: Stearns Chrysler Jeep in Grahamm and City Motors, which sells Jeep, in Mike Cranford, general manager of City Motors, said he does not know if they delau will mean anything significant for his but hopes that the courts will more closely review the decision to cut franchises. He says if nothing he’d hope Chrysler could help buy back inventoru and not simply take awaythe “If we can’t be Jeep dealer, we’dx at least like a chancde to sell the franchise,” he He said the company has managed to sell about 10 of its 16 new Jeep some at a loss, just to get them About five employees have been laid off, leavinfg about 20.
Another six to eight could be cut if thebankruptchy deal, as is, goes through.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Auburn Pointe lands largest tenant yet with upscale wine and cigar store - Wichita Business Journal:
Auburn Spirits has a tentative opening date ofMay 22. "We had about a thousand name we werethrowing around," General Manager Matt Jabara "But Auburn Spirits was the classiest. We're tryinvg to corner the market forwine (in west Wichita)." Certainly it has competitioh in the immediate area. Auburn Pointe is on southeastt corner of Maple Streeft and135th Street, and is across the street. "Competitioh is always good," says Maplewood owner Tom Smith, who was awarr of Auburn Spirits. "Other than that, I reallty don't have any comment.
" Jabara says Auburbn Spirits is trying to set itself apart with its which includea temperature-controlled wine custom-made wine racks that hold approximately 6,500 bottles, a beer cave with slidingy doors, 18 cooler doors and a cigard humidor. Auburn Spirits will even offer wine-tasting classesd and an interactive station toeducate customers, Jabars says. Making its debut in December, Auburn Pointe was a $6 milliobn project. According to , whic h developed the strip center, thers is an average household incomeof $106,000 withibn a mile of Auburn Pointe.
Its tenante include a sushi restaurant and aveterinary "Auburn Spirits will be catering to the area with an upscalwe wine selection and a fine complemenyt of cigars from across the board," Occidental CEO Michael Monteferrante says. "We're lookinh forward to having them as one of theanchotr tenants." Jabara, who ran at 13th Streert and Woodlawn for nearly a decade befores his family sold the store in says he isn't daunted by all the other liquor stores near Auburn Spirits. "Ours is definitelyg a lot larger," Jabara says, "and a lot more Auburn Spirits Location: Auburn Pointe retail stri center, 13303 W. Maple Street, Wichita, Kan., 67235.
Phon number: (316) 440-1100. Tentative opening date: May 22.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

LandMar files for bankruptcy - Business First of Louisville:
The Jacksonville-based residential development company was amonh 125 affiliates that filed alongf with itsparent company, Charlotte-based , in the Western District of Crescent’s estimated liabilities are more than $1 billion, accordinfg to the filing, and its largest debt, at $13. 6 million, is to Bank of America. The filing was according to a statementon Crescent’es Web site, for the company to reorganize its finances, reducd its debt level and improvs its capital structure.
Crescent intends to operats its continuing businesses without any significant interruption during the restructurinfg process because of a recentlyobtainer debtor-in-possession financing facility of $110 million from a group of its existin lenders, according to the Andrew Hede, Crescent’s chief restructuring has been named CEO while its former chierf executive, Arthur Fields, has retired and will work with Crescentr in an advisory “We have been in active discussions with our lendera and other stakeholders as we work towards an agreemengt that will bring our capital structurse in line with the currentr economic environment,” Hede said in a statementt on the company’s Web Charlotte-based Crescent has been pursuing alternatives to shorew up its balance sheet for months, including sellingf some of its assets.
The company is jointly ownedd by (NYSE: DUK) and Morgan Stanley and has 38 residentiak communities under development inthe Georgia, Texas, Arizona and Florida. Crescenf acquired a controlling interest in LandMadrin 1999, but left LandMar’s founder, Ed Burr, in control of the companyy until he resigned after a failed attempt to buy back the company in 2007. The Jacksonvilles Economic Development Commission authorized city lawyersz in May to start the foreclosure proceses onthe 41-acre parcepl that was to be the Plans for the Shipyards included 1 million squars feet of office space, 100,000 squares feet of commercial space, 662 residential units, 350 hotepl rooms and 150 marinqa slips.
LandMar has developed or had plans to develop dozens more properties in Florida and throughouthe Southeast.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Parsinen Law sold to Indianapolis firm - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Minneapolis-based Parsinen, founded in 1981, will officialluy become part of Indianapolis-based Barnes & Thornburg on July 1. The firm has 22 attorneys, includingv 14 partners. Parsinen’s practice areas include business commercialreal estate, corporate law, employment law, employee and executive personal legal planning and renewable energy. In a statement, Parsinen Managing Partner Howarsd Rubin said the firm remained but increasingly has had to turn away businessthat doesn’ft fall into its core practice Barnes & Thornburg will help fill gaps in areasx such as intellectual property, he “We were looking for more breadth to offer our and Barnes & Thornburbg provided an ideal fit for us as a Midwest-basedx firm with a nationalk presence,” Rubin said.
“Barnes & Thornbur g maintains quality practices at a price point consistenftwith ours, adding immediate value to our The Minneapolis office will be Barnex & Thornburg’s 10th office nationwide. The firm has roughlyt 540 attorneys and otherlegal professionals.

Big bang for the buck: Employers look for inexpensive benefits to boost morale - Kansas City Business Journal:
And at MailSouth Inc. in Helena, employeese can watch a movie during lunch in a break room that includeda movie-style popcorn machine. “Anything you do that helps reduce stress and inconveniencein employees’ lives is a real winner,” said Douglaa Dean, the chief humaj resource officer at Children’s Health System. It usuallyg is easier to keep employees contentt when life away from the office isgoing well. But when gas pricesx soar and homevalues drop, any small benefits that companie s can offer their employees can go a long way towardd keeping workers happy and morale high.
And in this many companies are looking any inexpensivew perks or benefits that can makea “Employees are always looking to see what theif company is doing, even in the smalo things,” said Michael Wolfe, the directo of human resources at SourceMedical Inc. in “It reiterates that you care about them, especiallg when you’re going through a difficult time. Littls things add up.” After gas prices begabn barrelingtoward $4 a gallon last Wolfe said SourceMedical offered employees the option of working from home a few days each week wheneve possible, to eliminate the money-burningt commute.
And in the company started providing a servicew called Teladoc that allows employees to speaik with a doctor 24 hours a day without havinh to seetheir primary-care physicia or make a trip to the emergency “Things like that make it easier for our employeew and makes them feel Wolfe said. Maintaining a positive attitude in the workplaces can involve more than justpractica matters. It also can be important simply to make the office an enjoyable placeto be. For in addition to the movie room, MailSouth has several plasma televisiones scattered throughoutits offices. There is also a free on-sitre employee fitness center that includes occasionaolaerobics classes.
And since the company has approximately 30 graphicx artistson staff, employee artwork is displayed throughout the building. “We try to do littlde things to help keep things light inthe office,” said Dawn Hrdlica, the human resources manager at MailSouth. “We’re a deadline-driveh business, so the pace is very fast. These sorts of thingws where people can get away from thei desks and do some fun stuff reallyh does helpwith morale.
” The hectic pace of both work and personakl life is one of the reasons Children’s Health Systemxs began offering employees the chancd to purchase complete take-home “They are getting off a long they’re stressed and they have to pick the kids Dean said. “This is an optiohn to grab someprettty high-quality food to take home to thei family. We want it to be healthy, tast y food. If it’s no better than what you can get at the then I’m not sure you’re helping While budget cuts are sometimes necessaryt during economic downturns, Wolfe said it is importang not to slash or eliminate some of the regular perksx that can help perk up the office.
An employewe might be visually confronted with the declininv value ofa 401(k) only a few timesd a year. Take away free however, and that is noticed every singlde day. “When you startr nickel-and-diming employees and taking away little it makes them feel unappreciated and more like a numbee than avalued resource,” Wolfe said. “An d the cost of some of these things is so minimakthat you’re really not getting that much of a You want to continue to do the smalll things to make sure that your employeess feel valued.” Because when it comes to maintaining employee morale, the little things often do mean a lot.
“I life in general, it’s the small things that get us It’s the daily touches,” Hrdlica said. “Th e thing that keeps employees engaged is how you feel at the end of the day when youleavd work. You get a tremendouss return on investment by just letting peoplew know that youappreciatee them.”

Monday, November 15, 2010

From the Publisher - Birmingham Business Journal:
These talented individuals are senior presidents and partners ofmajor companies, as well as CEOs and entrepreneurss who have built successful businessesw from the ground up. And they are all For the past19 years, our Top Birmingham Women special sectio n has honored 10 of the brightest businesswomen in the area, and this year we welcomes another standout class to share this prestigiou s honor. In this special section, you'lpl read about such women as Nan who holds in her hands the directionj and master plan of a majorehealth system.
You'll also read about entrepreneurs such as Nolandwa Bearden andShannon Riley, who have started theirf own unique businesses and are And, as always, we have selected one of our past winnersz to be named the 2007 Businesswoman of the Year. This year's honoree is Ann Huckstep, who was namee the first female chair of lawfirm 's executivw committee in late 2006. We couldn't have selected this year'z class of Top Birmingham Women without help from ourjudgees - Augusta Dowd of , Ann Floriee of , Janet Stewart of , Malenz Cunningham of and Mary Valenta of - who sifted througbh piles of nominations and helped our editorial panep select this year's class.
A specia luncheon will be heldon Thursday, Oct. 25 at the to hono r the Top Birmingham Womenof 2007. The Birminghamm Business Journal would like to extend a very special thanks toour , White Arnold Andrews & Dowd PC, and the Wynfret Hotel for making this year's Top Birmingham Women section Congratulations to all of this year's honorees.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

UW researcher wins $3M federal grant - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The grant from the U.S. Department of Education'ws Institute of Education Sciences will allow Heinrich to employ academic staff and at least four graduate students each year to work on expandinfg the project oother cities. Heinrich will continue an evaluation of the tutoringh programs MPS offers as part ofthe district's fulfillmenyt of the federal No Child Left Behind law. The law requiresx public schools that have not adequatelty increased student academic achievement for three years to offer childrein low-income families the opportunity to receivw extra academic assistance such as Heinrich's initial research found that Milwaukee's federalluy mandated and funded tutoring program is not necessarilyu reaching the people who need the most nor is it effective in increasingh student achievement.
"Our preliminary results suggest that the students in the tutorin g programs are not performing any betteeron Wisconsin's standardized tests than eligible students not involvec with the tutoring," Heinrich said. Heinrich and her co-workerz have been conducting the MPS studyt sinceApril 2006. The next phase will involvre five urban school districtes infour states: Milwaukee, Chicago, Dallas and Austin, Texas.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Six AutoNation dealers among GM closures - South Florida Business Journal:
The names and locations of the dealerships are not beinbgmade public, unless the individual dealer choose to disclose the information. GM (NYSE: GM) has aboug 75 South Florida dealerships. AutoNation said in a press releas e it would not disclose which of its locations are on the but issued a news release saying it supports theconsolidation plan. GM’s announcementf comes a day after said it would close 789dealershipxs nationwide, four of which are in South But, Chrysler’s closures are part of a bankruptcyt process, which means there are fewer opportunities to Unless GM files for bankruptcy as is expected by some – it could face lawsuits over its closuree plans.
A letter sent to the GM dealersa and obtained by the Business Journalsays “wew [GM] do not see that GM can have a productived business relationship with [dealer over the long term.” Dealership associations have decrierd the closings as unfair to dealers who thought they were investing in theif future. “We would like to see the marketplaced determinewho survives,” said Rick Baker, director of the . “Thiw guy invested millions of bucks, and now you’red closing him down.
” A spokesman for the Nationa l Auto Dealership Association noted that the cutsare "drasti c and far reaching" and will impacft more than 63,000 employees and thousandz of customers. "GM's decision comes through no fault of the who are, in many cases, family-runj businesses that have been loyaol partners with GM - through good times and bad - for multiples generations," the statement reads.
During a conferencer call, Mark LaNeve, GM North Americaz vice president forvehicle sales, service and acknowledged that some dealership might want to fight the He said the decision to closes dealerships was based on performance, and the closurs list is populated with poor Dealers, he said, will have to decide whethe r to accept GM’s wind-down supporf or to fight. “They may want to take legalp action, we’ll have to see," LaNeve "Without a [bankruptcy] filing, these may be hard to Franchise agreements are written understatse law, but a federal bankruptcy court ordef would trump state law.
Besides the 1,100 underperformers GM will cut, an additionao 500 dealerships will depart when GM sells the Saab andSaturn brands. GM also has 35 stand-alones Pontiac dealerships that will go away when it phasees out Pontiacby year-end 2010. GM expects to lose abou t 500 more dealerships through natural attritionhthis year. The company has said that througyh April, 275 dealerships will have closed as a combination of voluntarilu terminationand consolidations. Up to 600 other dealershipws will be closed through consolidationsand buy-selo negotiations. The moves to shrink deale r networks underscores the economic pain caused by the downward spiral of GM and now operatingunder U.S.
government GM filed a supplement with the relating to its exchange offersafor $27 billion of its unsecured public noteas and related consent solicitations that began on Aprill 27. The company said it is considerinhg bankruptcy in the event that it does not receivw enough tenders of notes to consummater the exchange offers beforeJune 1.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ad agency moves into green offices - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The design/build process for the 12,000-square-foot, two-stor headquarters started in November 2006. It houses a staff of 32, with space for 23 more. The at 1030 18th St. NW, is being touted by the ad firm as beintgenvironmentally friendly. It was designed by , which is known for its gree designs. The building has been submitted for approval tothe 's Leadership in Energyt and Environmental Design (LEED) certification Environmental Dynamics gave the building a curved structurapl contour, and employed triangular and rectangular shapes and circular There are open work spaces, an outdooe patio, balconies and wireless Internet accessw throughout the building.
The building's layout maximizexs the use ofnatural light. Materialsx were used that control heat loss and Low water-use features were used throughout. The of Albuquerque, recycled a portionn of its construction waste. The company's creative director, Bart describes the new officesas "a building that was designedx to reflect who we are and how we contemporary symbiosis." McKee Wallworkl Cleveland is a full-service advertising firm founded in 1997. Its clientas have included the , Cliff's Amusementt Park, , the New Mexico Department of and . Its Web site is .

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fire Crews Suppress 17 Wildfires In Arkansas - KTBS

Fire Crews Suppress 17 Wildfires In Arkansas


The commission said Tuesday the fires have burned 566 acres since 3:30 pm Monday. Since Nov. 1, crews have put out 124 fires that have burned 2106 acres and ...

and more »

Monday, November 8, 2010

Telcos target rural phone fee - Dallas Business Journal:
billion , which helps pay for phon e servicefor poor, rural areas and schools and They are facing opposition from rural phonde companies over the question of how to move the which was formed in in the 1930s and expanded with the Telecommunicationds Act of 1996, into the Internert age. “It’s worked for voice telecom,” says Dan vice president of the legal and industr y division ofthe Arlington, Va.-based National Telecommunications Cooperative Association, a trads group representing rural telecommunications “It needs to be transitione to broadband and high-speed Internegt communications.
That’s the $64 milliojn question — how the ( ) will do that The fund is paid for by telecommunications companies throughn what amounts to a tax on their revenuee for internationaland long-distance calls. Not surprisingly, that tax is passede on to the customers. Consumers, for instance, typically pay $2 or $3 per monthb for the Universal Service Fund ontheir long-distance bill.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ski Resorts Hiring Hundreds of Seasonal Workers Christmas Sales - Good News for Everyone

Ski Resorts Hiring Hundreds of Seasonal Workers Christmas Sales

Good News for Everyone

The biggest Christmas Sales sales are here! and this year you are in for a few sales that will make your head spin! You will see the majority of these ...

and more »

Friday, November 5, 2010

Compass Airlines cuts ribbon on Louisville maintenance facility - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The subsidiary opened the three-bay maintenancde facility in January but held off on the ribbomn cutting until key personnelwere hired, and they “gort a little airplane grease under theirr nails,” Compass president Tim Campbell said durinfg a news conference. Compass’ 70 employee maintain the airline’s fleet of 36 Embraerf 175 76-seat jets. Compass, which was foundesd in 2006 as a subsidiary of NorthwestAirliness Inc., was acquired by Delta as part of the Atlanta-bases carrier’s merger with Northwest in October 2008. The jets previouslyu had been serviced bya third-partyy aircraft maintenance company, Campbell said.
Compass’ Louisville Internationalo Airport facility, located at 5101 Crittendem Drive, consists of 42,720p square feet of aircrafr hangar space, 11,416 square feet of office, shop and storagw space, an 80,601-square-foot concrete apron and 33,480 square feet of parkingg and roadways. At the news conference, Chantilly, Va.-basefd Compass showed off its first jet painted in the Delta colors. The rest of its fleet will be converted from Northwesgt Airlines colors over thenext year, Campbello said. At the news Kentucky Gov.
Steve Beshear said the Compas s investment, including its $3 million annual payroll, “is a tremendou economic achievement in the midst of some prettgy tougheconomic times.” In August 2007, the board granted the airline preliminaryh approval for $2 million in states tax incentives for up to 10

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Housing slump trims Brooke Gordon
The former beauty queen and ex-wife of NASCARt driver Jeff Gordon recently soldher 12,000-square-foort house for $4.7 million. That’s milexs from the $6.25 milliobn she listed it for late last Butshe didn’t exactly crashj and burn on the sale. According to Mecklenburg County she bought the house and an adjoinintg lot in 2003for $3.9 million. At $6.25t million, the sale would have been one of the mostexpensiver private-home sales ever recordef in Mecklenburg County, according to Charlotter Business Journal records that go back to 2000. The seven and a half bathroom house, once ownefd by Rusty Wallace, was sold to locaol developer Fred Godley andhis Kathryn. Merger talk?
A TT tipsterr recently spotted two area communitt bank CEOs heading into a South Park office buildiny together for what appeared to be someseriouz business. CEO Randy Helton and CEO Kim Prices were the two execsspotted together. It coulr be nothing, but it’s wortgh remembering that American Community’s largest individuall shareholder, Marvin Braun, has been agitating for a sale ofthe $530 milliobn bank. He declared in May he was a “happyy shareholder,” declining to elaborate, after meeting with its managementin May.
Gastonia-basedf Citizens South has $812 million in assets and made a smalol acquisition in Union Countt a few years ago withTrinity Bank, but Americanb Community has a stronger presences there. Rumor has it the two bankx have had merger discussions before but theyfizzleed out. Jonesing to cure your art affliction?? The actress formerly known as Dr. Quinn, Medicine Womabn will be in Charlotte at the end of the montbh showcasing her oil and watercolor paintings at inSouthPark mall. “ Jane Seymou r : One Woman Show” will come to Charlotts Aug. 29-30.
Guests will have an opportunityy to meetthe actress, who recently starred in the featurew film Wedding Crashers and television hit Dancinf with the Stars . The galleru will be hosting receptions onboth days. “I find that paintinv is a great formof self-expression,” Seymou r says. “My watercolors and oil paintings allow me to recreatre experiences and scenes in my life that have been most For more information on the upcominb exhibitin Charlotte, contact at 347-0399. The man who gave life to the undead in such iconi c films as Dawn of the Dead is comint to townthis fall.
Director George Romero will be honored by duringt a retrospective and tributw tothe genre-changing filmmaker Sept. 19-21. But firsg he’ll be feted at a special Zombie Soireeon Sept. 18 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at The Residencwe SouthPark. Emmy-nominated make-up artist John Bayless will create “hospitality ghouls” out of mortal servers for the occasion. Loca l restaurateur Frank Scibelli is creating a speciaol zombie menu for the saysMarcie Kelso, Light Factorty executive director. The party is bein hosted by Light Factory board member Stev Partridge and city councilmanAnthony Foxx.
Tickets are on sale for the limited-space event at $200 per person and $300 per For more information the show or to buy ticketw forthe soiree, see A local attorney will be a amonygthe state’s political leaders when he serves as a delegate representing North Carolina’s Eighth Districtt at the Democratic National Convention in Denve r this month. Brandon Lofton , a 29-year-old, public-financew attorney at , will pledge his supporrt for the presumptiveparty nominee, Sen. Barack Lofton has volunteered with the campaign by knockingh on doors and working the polls duringthe primary, and has also organizecd his local precinct for the Democrati c Party.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Louis G Bourgois III Executive Profile
**All Executive profile data provideds byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Poizner says no to workers' comp rate increases - Sacramento Business Journal:
Poizner’s decision is in stark contrasgt tothe 23.7 percent increase recommended by the . “I’m turning down the entire application,” Poizner said in a conferencre call withreporters Wednesday. No increase in the benchmarkm rate is necessary while additional avoidable costs can still be squeezed out of the comp system, he said. Poizner said he’ll form a comp cost advisory group, whichy will be made up of a variety ofindustrgy players, to find ways to make the system more efficienft and effective.
The commissioner also said he’dr release a report on Wednesday identifying 27 ways for reducing costd withinthe workers’ comp system, including beefing up safety efforts in the workplace. Poizner addeds that he’d like to see insurers offer more safettyincentive programs. “California’s economy couldn’t be in worsed shape,” Poizner said, noting the Goldenh State’s 11.5 percent unemployment. Any rate increasre would further harmthe state’s economy, he Poizner’s benchmark base rate is only a recommendation. Insurer are free to set their own rates.
Many insurerzs already have filed theirf rates with the Department of Insurance for new and renewinf policies startingJuly 1. Some insurers will charge more, some will chargee less, based on what they need to reservd to paytheir claims, an insure trade group said. “Companies have to managee their solvency,” Nicole Mahrt, local spokeswomabn for the AmericanInsurance Association, said in response to Poizner’x zero benchmark advisory. Insurere can’t ignore that system costas are increasing, she said. Poiznert and Mahrt advised employers to shop arouncd in what they both said remainss acompetitive market.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The face of the Giants - Washington Post

The Faster Times

The face of the Giants

Washington Post

Nothing has come easy at  »

Monday, October 25, 2010

ParAccel and IBM Partner to Deliver Unmatched Complex Analytics and Speed to ... - MarketWatch (press release)

ParAccel and IBM Partner to Deliver Unmatched Complex Analytics and Speed to ...

MarketWatch (press release)

True schema-neutral, load-and-go analysis and unmatched price-performance means an accelerated speed to information and ROI. For more information please ...

and more »

Sunday, October 24, 2010

When you enter a room where you know no one, what
“Introduce myself and make a point of meeting everyon else inthe room, probably circling around to meet others. It wouldx be a focused business introductionb to tell them about Huron and whatI do, and to learn about them and their respectiv companies and their role there.” — Greg Steve, Huron “I’m Irish, so I do have a bit of a gift of the and that makes it easy for me to go arounxd and get to know people. And I’m a socialo worker, so I’m a listener and peopl like people whoare listeners. That’ how I usually work a room.
” — Barb CEO, “I avoid that situation if I can: I try to know what room I’jm entering and a little backgrouncd about theplayers involved. If I I make it not about me. I go up to peoplwe and introduce myself and ask as much as I can abouftthem — who they are, what they do and what makea them tick. It’s always good to ask them abouty their business objectives or whatgoalsd they’re trying to exceed. This year, everyone has a commengt aboutthe economy; you can ask how they’rd weathering it or what they’re takingb advantage of.
” — Brian Bronaugh, president, , Pittsburgh officr

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hand-reared endangered spiders released into the wild - The Guardian

Daily Mail

Hand-reared endangered spiders released into the wild

The Guardian

The ecologist Helen Smith, working with the government body Natural England, has hand-reared the 3000 baby fen raft spiders in her own kitchen. ...

Spiders bred in kitchen to be released into wild

Daily Mail

Thousands of baby spiders released in countryside



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Networking Calendar - Phoenix Business Journal:
Mimi’s Cafe, 90th Street and Shea Scottsdale. Michele Yates, 480-348-6216, or Southeast Valley Alliance Group, weekly, 7 Mimi’s Cafe, 2800 W. Chandler Chandler. Frank Hanson, 602-740-0159. BNI-East Valley Business weekly, 7:15 a.m., Denny’s, 7400 W. Chandlerf Blvd., Chandler. Steven 480-330-7457. Business by Referral, weekly, 7:15 a.m., Crackers & Co. Cafe, 1325 N. Greenfieldd Road, Ste. 101, Mesa. Michael 602-683-2110, or Professional Referral weekly, 7:30 a.m., M&I Bank, 1755 S. Greenfielc Road, Mesa. Bob Katz, 602-692-7686. Business Connection Leads Chandler Chamberof Commerce, weekly, 7:30 a.m., Wildflowet Bread Co., 3111 W.
Chandler Blvd., Chandler. 480-963-4571, ext. 205. Deer Valley Connections, weekly, 7:30 a.m., Deer Valle y Airport Restaurant, 702 W. Deer Valley Phoenix. Carl Ulbrich, 602-674-5675 or Jackalopre Professional Network, weekly, 8 a.m., Hill Insurance 14201 N. 87th St., Ste. Scottsdale. Jim, 602-434-8261, or Corporate Officer Centers Network, weekly, 8:15 a.m., 3420 E. Shea Ste. 200, Phoenix. Free. Rebecca Zmek, 602-953-5300. Christiam Business Networking-North Scottsdale, 11:15 a.m., Carlos O’Brien’s, 7111 E. Bell Scottsdale. 480-425-0624 or
LeTip-West Vallegy Professionals, weekly, 11:30 Black Bear Diner, 6059 W. Bell Road, Glendale. Gary 623-876-2700. Lunch Bunch, Glendale Chamber of weekly, 11:30 a.m., Old Country Buffet, 17125 N. 79th Ave., 623-937-4754. Professional Referral Organization-North weekly, 11:30 a.m., Copper Star Bank, 20565 N. 19th Phoenix. Bob Katz, 602-692-7686. Old Town weekly, noon, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, 4301 N. Scottsdale second floor. 480-227-5696 or BNI-Airpark of weekly, noon, Cantina Laredo promenade, 7361 E. Frankm Lloyd Wright Blvd., Scottsdale. $12. 602-570-1096. South Mountaim Toastmasters Club, weekly, 12:30 Re/Max New Heights Resource Center, 6437 S.
Central Phoenix., or North Scottsdale Chamber ofCommercew breakfast, first Wednesday of the month, 7 locations vary. $15 $20 nonmembers. Registration required: or Empowered Women Network, firsgt Wednesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Olive 3380 N. Scottsdale Scottsdale. Donna Adams, 480-969-7144. Association of Fundraising first Wednesday ofthe 11:30 a.m., Downtown Phoeni x Sheraton, 340 N. Third St., or 480-609-3999. Cashflow 101 Networking, first Wednesday of the month, 6 locations vary. Free. or 602-790-9007.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ferdinand focuses more on setbacks -

Ferdinand focuses more on setbacks

Rio Ferdinand thinks more about defeats than he has ever done about his triumphs with Manchester United. By PA The £29.1million defender made his claim in ...

and more »

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Paralyzed Veterans expects to raise $250,000 for vocational center - Phoenix Business Journal:
Funds raised from the event will support Paralyzed Veteraneof America’s Vocational Rehabilitation Center in the South Texas Medicall Center in San The tournament will be held at the Belld Haven Country Club in Alexandria, Va. The center provideas vocational rehabilitation to wounded veterans in order to give them the skillsw they need to be competitivd in thistough economy. The Vocationalo Rehabilitation Center opened in SanAntonio Jan. 27, 2009.
According to the Paralyze d Veteransof America, the unemployment rate for veteranw with severe disabilities is estimated to be over 85 The goal of the new center is to help lowert that percentage and encourage employers to tap into what organizatioj officials call an under-utilized workforce. The center is based at the Spinall Cord Unit of theAudie L. Murphy VA Hospita l in the South Texas Medical The center’s staff helps provide veterans with resources and skilla to find jobs in the San Antonio area. The Paralyzecd Veterans of America, based in D.C,, was founded in 1946 to maximizw the quality of life for members with spinalcord injuries.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Picker: Auburn won't suffer same fate as last year vs. Razorbacks - The Birmingham News -

The Birmingham News -

The Picker: Auburn won't suffer same fate as last year vs. Razorbacks

The Birmingham News -

The Arkansas Razorbacks were happiest after last season's game with Auburn. Who will celebrate this year? (The Birmingham News / Hal Yeager) Auburn's 44-23 ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

General Motors bankruptcy brings big gamble by Obama - bizjournals:
The restructuring is a gamble by the Obama Administration thatthe U.S. government can take a majoritu stake in an iconic help it regain some of its formertglory -- and then get out. But the move already has its skeptics. “The only thing it makes cleare is that the government is firmly in the businesse of running companies usingtaxpayefr dollars,” said U.S. House Minority Leaderd John Boehner. “Does anyone really believe that politicians and bureaucrats in Washington can successfully steet a multinational corporation to economicvitality It’s time for the administration to fully explain what the exit strategyy is to get the U.S.
governmentt out of the board room once andfor all.” The governmengt will own some 60 percent of a revamped G.M. Its ownership stak e will give government officials more powerd to name members of the GM But President Obamahe doesn'g want to get involved in the dail operations of the And no one's overjoyed at the investment. "We are actinfg as reluctant shareholders," Obama said. "What I have no interest in doiny isrunning GM.
" Instead of havingt politicians taking an active the president said, a professional management team woul d lead GM as it works through bankruptcty and builds a more viable company for the “The federal government will refrain from exercising its righte as a shareholder in all but the most fundamentall corporate decisions,” Obama said. “When a difficul t decision has to be made on matterse like where to open a new plant or what type of new car to thenew G.M., not the United States government, will make that “In short, our goal is to get G.M.
back on its take a hands-off approach, and get out quickly,” he But that may prove to be quitew a challenge with as much governmentf money asis involved. Bruce Belzowski, associate director of the Automotive Analysis Divisionh at the University of Michigan TransportationResearchj Institute, told bizjournals in a telephons interview: "If they had a it would be a short periofd of time. The longetr that it stretches out the more of a politicalo liabilityit becomes.” And there will be plenty of watchdogas alert for any government interference in day-to-dag GM operations.
“We will expose and fighft any counterproductive influenceby government, unions or politicianzs over decisions that shoulf be left to management,” said U.S. Chamber of Commercse President and CEOTom Donohue. “And we will continually insisgt that government reduce and eliminate its ownership stake as soon as It will take time before the government is able to extricat itself from such a large stake in the It could take more than a yearbefore G.M. emerge s once more as a publiclytraded company, and sharesz in the company will have to rise high enough to make sellinyg them profitable. "This is a question of not months," said GM CEO Fritz The filing, made in U.S.
Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan, markes the fourth-largest bankruptcy for a U.S. It follows months of speculation thatthe 101-year-oldc company would have to restructure througbh the courts, despite desperater attempts by management to avoid the And the filing carries with it enormous historica l implications. "It's not just any company we'rw talking about, it's GM," said Obama. Obamaq called the company's filing and restructuring plan, "the end of an old GM and the beginniny of anew GM." As it turnecd out, though, the bankruptcy filing was the only way GM coulr get its hands on the governmenyt money it needs to survive. In its filing, GM listef $82.
3 billion in assets and $172.8 billion in The company's largest creditors were WilmingtonTrusft Company, representing bondholders holdin g $22.8 billion in debts, and UAW affiliates representing $20.6 billion in employee obligations. The U.S. government has alreadt injected $20 billion into GM, and will provide anotherd $30 billion to keep the company going as it workzthrough bankruptcy. The investment will buy the governmentr a 60percent stake. The governmentsx of Ontario and Canada will take smallerf stakes in thenew company.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Forced Arbitration Denies Consumers Fair Hearing on Complaints About Credit Cards and Other Financial Products
June 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Consumers have the deck stackeed against them when they are forced into mandatoryh arbitration by their credit card issuere or other financialservices provider, an analysi s by the Center for Responsible Lendinf confirms. Many consumers don't even know that the contracte they sign for most credit auto loans and other small loan products come with hidde clauses that require they use arbitratiohn rather than the courts if acomplaint arises. A recent poll shows Americans believe they should have the righy to pursue claims in court ifthey want.
The CRL analysis, "Stackes Deck," details some of the forceas working againstan individual's ability to receive a fair hearingh during arbitration. Among them: -- Individual arbitrators have a strongb incentive to favor the firmx that provide them with repeat business over an individual consumefr they may neversee again. -- Companiese win a favorable ruling in arbitration far more oftehnthan consumers. -- Companies involved in the mostarbitratiobn cases--and therefore in creating the most busines s for arbitrators?consistently receive more favorable rulings than firmas involved in fewer cases.
CRL recommends before signinga contract, borrowers read the fine print, ask questionsw and try to opt-out of arbitratio clauses. And they should keep in mind that such clausez may not alwaysbe enforceable. The reporty is available at: is a nonprofit, nonpartisanm research and policy organizatiomn dedicated to protecting homeownership and familyh wealth by working to eliminate abusive financial practices. CRL is affiliated with , one of the nation'z largest community developmentfinancial institutions.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Safeway's Steve Burd renews call for health care reform - East Bay Business Times:
Burd, who has become one the most-visible figuresw in the corporate world calling for an overhaul ofthe for-profirt health care system that is the most expensive in the industrializecd world, said Pleasanton-based Safeway (NYSE: SWY) has broughr down its health care costs by promotin g proper nutrition and exercise among its Safeway operates 1,740 supermarkets throughout Northg America. Though many advocates say the only way to improvwe health care for Americans is by creatinga not-for-profit, single-payetr system such as those used in a number of Europeanh countries, Burd contends market forcesa can be brought to bear on the existinvg system operated by private insurance He said such action could lower costs by up to 40 At present, about 47 million Americans have no health care which is typically offered throug employers in the United

Saturday, October 9, 2010 warns N.C. over sales-tax proposal - Business First of Louisville:
The online retail gian says it will end its relationship with affiliates in the Tar Heel Statd ifthe N.C. legislature follows through on what Amazon call san “unconstitutional tax collection scheme.” Amazon collects sales tax in only a handfulp of states. But many state legislatures, facing severe budgety shortfalls, are seeking to make Amazon collect salesz tax onWeb purchases. The legislaturesd are looking to define Amazon as having a physica l presence in theirstates (and thus a responsibilit y to collect sales tax) through locallyu based affiliates, who link shoppers to Amazon products in exchangee for a cut of N.C.
lawmakers are grappling with a budget gap of morethan $4 Gov. Bev Perdue has called on legislative leaderw tofind $1.5 billion in new revenue. Othert states, following the lead of New have looked at making Amazon collectsalesw tax. Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) is basedr in Seattle. TechFlash is a Web operatioj created by the Puget Sound BusinessJournall , a sister publication of the Charlotte Businesws Journal .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Refer this to voters - Buffalo News

Refer this to voters

Buffalo News

By News Editorial Board Here's the bottom line on the preposterous and hypertechnical glitch that could prevent Erie County voters from deciding whether to ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Man charged in rape deemed unfit for trial - Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Man charged in rape deemed unfit for trial

Honolulu Star-Advertiser

George Ariyoshi and other famous people. Navas told one of the mental health examiners that he went to the restaurant to buy it. The examiners said Navas ...

and more »

Monday, October 4, 2010

Phillies get taste of reality after Series win on MLB show
The Pen will be narrated by former Philliews relief pitcher and MLB Networkj analystMitch Williams. The program takes a look at the lives followingthe team’s 2008 World Seriesa win and the pressures of keeping their roster spot for the 2009 The series features reliedf pitchers Brad Lidge, Ryan J.C. Romero, Scott Eyre, Clay Chad Durbin, Gary Majewski, Jack Taschner, J.A. Happ, Chan Ho Park and bullpenm coachMick Billmeyer, and follows them to everything from fishinvg trips and youth baseball games to the Whitse House for a post-World Series The program also speaksa with players following the suddehn death of longtime Phillies broadcastert Harry Kalas on April 13.
“As a reality-based series The Pen is the ultimatse look into the lives ofthesse players, both on and off the field,” said Tony president and CEO of MLB “So much of what we know abouf relief pitchers is based on statistics and and a series like The Pen gives a level of familiarity to each The program marks the first prograjm ever produced using a camera and microphones installed in a Majorr League bullpen to film in-game and practice footage. Two other cameras were installedc in CitizensBank Park, one behins home plate and one at low firsg base, and were controlled by MLB Network’sw headquarters in Secaucus, N.J.
Producedr Danny Field suited up as a catchet with a camera attached to his mask to capture footag during spring trainingin Fla. The majority owner of the MLB Networik is MajorLeague Baseball. Philadelphia-based (NASDAQ:CMCSA, Cox Communications, DirecTV and Time Warner also own interestse inthe network.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

State senator wants to remove UC
In a release, Yee, who received his bachelor’s degree from UC said that the Regents of the system think theyare “above the The University of California Offic of the President shot back in its own release, sayinf that the system is one of the few agenciezs in government that is working, that it’es flourished under its autonomy, and that the salaries it pays to top leaders is below the national average for comparable institutions. The state’zs constitution guaranteed the regents autonomy on all issues related to management of the systemsince 1879.
The proposed amendment, SCA 21, and its counterpart on in theStates Assembly, ACA 24, need two-thirds approval from the legislature and then needsz approval from state voters.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Psst! Ford Cuts GM's Lead in Half in Sept.; GM Completes Acquisition of Sub ... - NewsBusters (blog)

Psst! Ford Cuts GM's Lead in Half in Sept.; GM Completes Acquisition of Sub ...

NewsBusters (blog)

Because car makers are now leaner and producing fewer vehicles, they aren't forced to use big discounts to move cars off lots. Incentive spending fell 3 ...

GM, Ford, Chrysler report jumps in September auto sales

Los Angeles Times

Canadian vehicle sales rise slightly in September

Ford September Sales Rise 46%

Youngstown Business Journal -The Associated Press -San Antonio Express


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Philadelphia Business Journal: Nuvigil launch follows lag
Cephalon Inc. put out a press release Mondayg to announce the launchof Nuvigil, a drug developedc to

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Marino changes story on helping convicted felon - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

Washington Post

Marino changes story on helping convicted felon

Williamsport Sun-Gazette

Fitzgerald said Carney is using attacks against Marino to help save his own troubled campaign. "Chris Carney has sunk to an incredible low, ...

Pa. candidate changes story on helping felon

The Associated Press


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Joy Global profits rise 67 percent - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Milwaukee-based mining equipment manufacturedr now projects that its fiscal 2009 sales tobe $3.5 billiojn to $3.6 billion, in the lower half of its previous outlookl of $3.5 billion to $3.7 billion. Earnings, however, are expected to continues to benefit from cost reduction efforts and are now projected tobe $3.80 to $4 per share, in the higher end of the firm'w prior guidance of $3.60 to $4 a In the fiscal second quarter endes May 1, net income surged to $120.5 or $1.17 per share, a 67 percenty increase compared with $72.1 million, or 66 cents per for the comparable period a year ago. Net saleds grew 10 percent to $923.5 million from $843.1 million.
Analysts polled by Thomson First Call projectexJoy Global's second-quarter earnings to be 89 centas per share, on average. Afterf opening lower, shares of Joy Global JOYG) rebounded to $36.00, up 58 cents, in morningh trading Wednesday. Joy Global management said sales were beinhg hurtby $96 million in canceled orders in the second raising the total value of canceled orders to $300 milliohn over the past three quarters. Sales were also being hurt by a slowdowb in aftermarketorder rates. Order cancellations were concentrateed in North American copper andiron ore, U.S. Central Appalachian coal and Russian coal.
Joy Globalo now believes as muchas $525 million of its remainin g original equipment backlog could be at risk as Much of that risk is due to uncertaintyu with an oil sands project, Joy said. For the year to net income was $206.3 million, or $2 per share, comparedc with $143.2 million, or $1.31 per the year before. Net sales were up $1.6 billion from $1.48 billion.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Foreclosure rates drop in three Tampa Bay counties - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
May was the third highest month of foreclosurew activityon record, said , up 18 percenrt from the year before. Defaults and scheduled foreclosure auctions were down from but bank repossessions were up 2 percent and could continue to grow as foreclosures delays and moratoriums are lifted in various saidJames J. Saccacio, RealtyTrac’sd chief executive officer. Hernando Countyt posted the biggest decrease in the Tampa Bayregiob year-over-year, falling more than 14.5 percent with 475 homesd in some state of foreclosure.
That representa one in every 169 homes under the threart of being taken back by Sarasota County was not far behind with just undef a 7 percent dropaffecting 1,072q homes, or one in everty 206 households. Manatee County had a 2 percent drop sincer May 2008 that hit 590 or one in287 properties. On the other end of the Pasco County had the largest increassein foreclosures, jumping more than 62 percentf to 1,500 properties. That representw one in every 145 homes in ninth worst inthe state.
Despite falling more than 6 percenfsince April, Polk County was up nearlh 53 percent over the past year as 1,572 homea were in foreclosure, representing one in every 177 Pinellas County jumped 48 percent to 2,4587 homes. Hillsborough County climbed nearlyu 20 percent in foreclosurre rates as lenderstargetedx 2,408 homes. However, rates were down well over 25 percengsince April. Florida had the third highest rate of foreclosures in the country affecting one in every148 homes. It had the seconxd highest number of foreclosures at just fewethan 59,000, a 50 percent jump from May 2008.
Three Florida metropolitan areas were ranked amonh the 10 worst foreclosure rates inthe nation: Cape Coral-Fort Myers at No. 6 with one in 82 homes in Orlando-Kissimmee at No. 8 with one in 101 homesw in foreclosure; and Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompanoo Beach at No. 10 with one in 105 homess in foreclosure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

IPO window pain: Some issues falling through - San Francisco Business Times:
If it makes it out of the IPO window this the semiconductor company will be only thethirc venture-backed tech company in Silicon Valley to do so and one of just 13 acrosds the nation. The thirdf quarter showed improvements in the amountr ofmoney venture-backed IT companies raised in their initial public offerings. But public market investor s are still giving IPOs a mixed Depending on whoyou ask, the IPO market is eithet in the tank or rosy with health. Taking the latterf view is DowJones VentureOne, the San Francisco researchn company that collects data on the venture capita industry.
The organization points out that the thirx quarter marked someencouraging milestones: The five venture-backe d tech companies that went public raised a median of $95.3 the highest median since 2003, while in aggregatr they pulled in $547.6 million, up 68 percent from a year ago. The thirs quarter was also the first since the second quarte of 2003 when there were more techthan health-carse IPOs. Jessica Canning, senior research manager at VentureOne, took an upbeag view of the data: The IPO marketg is "the strongest it's been since she said.
"We finally turned the corner and the IPO market is beginniny to open up for IT She added that between 2001 and only 2004 had more than 11 tech There were 15in 2004. Sharing a positivw outlook is Samuel Wilson, a senior research analyst with of San who pointed to some of the successful IPOs in 2006 as a sign that the climatwe for tech companiesis healthy. , a San Franciscop company that makes appliances for wide area for instance, priced at the high end of its rangre at $9.75, raised $85 milliomn in September and, as of early October, boasted a share price of more than $19, he It's market capitalization is over $1 billion now.
At the time of its Riverbed was posting losses but hada one-year saled growth rate of 795 percent. "Th e market is incredibly receptive," Wilso said. "Its [share price] shot up 100 percent in less thana month." Likewise, Oceanport, N.J.-basexd , a data management software company, also priced at the high end of its rangew at $14.50 a share and raises $161 million in September, makingt it the biggest IPO of the Since going public, it traded as high as $19.96 a share. Unlike CommVault is profitable butits one-yeaf sales growth rate was slower -- 32.
5 Wilson said this year's tech IPOs show that if a companyu is posting losses, it's growth rate bettef be impressive. Conversely, if it's a slower growth rate probably won't hurt its But while there were a number of solir debutsin 2006, there were some poor ones as Of the 13 venture-backed IT IPOs in at least four have been trading beloa their offer prices -- some by quite a bit. Among them are Redwood City's , an online digitak photo services and productscompany that, despite profitabilitu and 54 percent annual salesd growth, dipped as low as $12.32 on Oct. 6, down from an offerintg price of $15.
Others includew , a New Jerseu Internet phone company, down 58 percengt since its IPO, and , a Pennsylvaniaw traffic data company whose shares have plummeted 60 percent sinceits IPO. "It'sx still chilly," said Brenon Daly, a financial analystt with the451 Group, who noteed that those with a differing view are tryiny "to will the market to come back." He notes that Sevij Rosen, a venture capital firm with offices in Palo Alto, recentlt cited a poor exit environmen as one of the reasons why it was returninfg up to $300 milliom in commitments for its tenth venture fund.
In addition, a numbef of tech companies have withdrawbn IPOsthis year, he said, whil e companies like and ushered in two of the biggest tech buyoutsw in history because they felt undervalued on the publivc markets. "It's tough to be a start-up," Daly "It's going to continue to be a selectivesIPO market."