Sunday, October 24, 2010

When you enter a room where you know no one, what
“Introduce myself and make a point of meeting everyon else inthe room, probably circling around to meet others. It wouldx be a focused business introductionb to tell them about Huron and whatI do, and to learn about them and their respectiv companies and their role there.” — Greg Steve, Huron “I’m Irish, so I do have a bit of a gift of the and that makes it easy for me to go arounxd and get to know people. And I’m a socialo worker, so I’m a listener and peopl like people whoare listeners. That’ how I usually work a room.
” — Barb CEO, “I avoid that situation if I can: I try to know what room I’jm entering and a little backgrouncd about theplayers involved. If I I make it not about me. I go up to peoplwe and introduce myself and ask as much as I can abouftthem — who they are, what they do and what makea them tick. It’s always good to ask them abouty their business objectives or whatgoalsd they’re trying to exceed. This year, everyone has a commengt aboutthe economy; you can ask how they’rd weathering it or what they’re takingb advantage of.
” — Brian Bronaugh, president, , Pittsburgh officr

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