Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Missouri unemployment worsens, but slows - St. Louis Business Journal:

The state’s seasonally adjusted unemploymentf rate increased to 9 percentin May, up from 8.1 percengt in April, the department reported April’s 0.6-point decrease in unemploymenyt now appears anomalous, with the May increasw part of an upward trend datinbg to mid-2008, state officiala said. Approximately 272,000 Missourians were estimates to have been jobless during the monthof May. Nonfark payroll employment decreasedby 3,700 jobs in May, markin the smallest monthly decrease since employment beganj to drop sharply in Job losses were concentrated in manufacturing and construction (1,600), which were partlyh offset by gains in healtn care and social assistance (2,000) and local governmentt (900).
During the past employment droppedby 74,300 jobs, or 2.7 The main exceptions to the downward trened in the past year have been private educationaol services (2,500), health care and social assistance (6,000), federal government (2,700) and locall government (3,300). The national unemploymenrt rate in Maywas 9.4 percent.

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