Monday, August 13, 2012

Fitch downgrades certain Comerica ratings - Dallas Business Journal:
In a statement about the downgrades, Fitch expressesd concerns that Comerica may have a hard time remaininb profitable this year because of higher credit costs and a depressed netinteresg margin. Fitch also said it downgraded the company on fears that the deterioratingv economy could negativelyimpact Comerica’e commercial book, particularly if asset qualitu declines, resulting in a weakerr capital position and expenses tied to loan loss reserves. Despite the downgrades, Fitch said Comerica has performed "relatively good to date" when considering the credig quality challenges impactingthe market. Comerica moved its corporatwe headquarters from Detroit to Dallasin 2007.
A compan spokesman said Wednesday the company does not commen t on actions from independengtratings agencies.

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