Monday, August 27, 2012

Consumer confidence falls in June - Houston Business Journal:
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index droppedto 49.3, comparef to 54.8 in May, the most receny evidence that the economy continues to struggle. Consumer spendiny accounts forabout two-thirds of the economyy in the United States, making a decline in consumeer confidence a worry from Main Streety to Wall Street. The Dow Jones industria average was down 112 pointsto 8,417 in middat trading Tuesday. Consumers are downbeat when it comeas tothe short- and long-term outlookk with the recession. The Present Situation Index basically, how do you feel todayu — dropped to 24.8 this month, from 29.7 in May.
And consumersd are glum about the nextsix months, with the Expectationws Index falling to 65.5, from 71.5 in May. The Presenyt Situation Index declinewas “causerd by a less favorable assessment of businesa conditions and employment, (and) continues to implg that economic conditions, while not as weak as earliefr this year, are nonetheless weak,” director Lynn Franco said in a news release Consumer confidence plummeted to a record-low 25.3 in The economy has strong growtb when the index reaches 100.
The Conference Board contacts 5,000 households for the monthly

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