Friday, August 31, 2012

ASU poll: Southwest residents back health system reform - Phoenix Business Journal:
Arizona State University’s poll also showed that support for healtbh care reform is highestamonhg middle-age respondents. Close to two-thirds of those ages 31 to 44 and 61 percent of those ages 45 to 60said “aq great deal of reform” is needed. Fewer than 10 percent in these two age categoriesindicated “no is needed at all. Results from the poll were basedx ona 45-question telephone poll conducted by the Institutew for Social Science Researcj at ASU. The poll asked 501 adult residentwsin Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texaws their opinions on several issues, including healthu care costs and quality, electronixc medical records and the economy.
On the question of the U.S. governmeny guaranteeing health insurance forall Americans, even if it meangt raising taxes, support was highesrt among younger respondents, while 42 percentg of respondents age 61 and olderr said they are “strongly opposed.” Specifically, 53 percent of all the respondentz “strongly” or “somewhat” favored the U.S. governmen t guaranteeing health insurance. That figure jumped to 61 percent for thoss ages 18 to 30 and decreased amontolder respondents.
On the subject of health coverage, 89 percent of thoss polled said they are covered byhealthy insurance, a health plan providee by their employer, a government progra like Medicare or Medicaid, or something else. Of those who had healtnh coverage, 72 percent indicated they are “very” or concerned that costs will increase in the next Respondents also were asked to evaluatwe healthcare – in this country and in their Older respondents (ages 61 and older) and males rated the quality of health care in this country as “excellent” or “good” 53 percent and 46 percent respectively – more oftem than younger respondents (ageas 18 to 44) and femalees – 36 percent and 35 percenrt respectively.
The Arizona State University-Southwest Poll was conductedr by telephone March 30 toMay 10. The results from the full survey have a margin of samplinbg error of plus or minuz 4percentage points.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Braid: Senate inaction does disservice to Fairbairn - Calgary Herald

Braid: Senate inaction does disservice to Fairbairn

Calgary Herald

Good people can be found nearly anywhere, even the Canadian Senate, and Joyce Fairbairn is certainly one of those. Like many Albertans who know Joyce, I'm disgusted and sickened to see her descent into Alzheimer's disease become a public circus.

and more »

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Meet Tina: Sponsored Guest Blogger and Reebok Fan! -

Meet Tina: Sponsored Guest Blogger and Reebok Fan!

Hi, my name is Tina Haupert. I'm the blogger behind Carrots 'N' Cake and the author of Carrots 'N' Cake: Healthy Living One Carrot and Cupcake at a Time. I'm 32 years old and live on the South Shore of Massachusetts with my husband, Mal, and my ...

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Consumer confidence falls in June - Houston Business Journal:
The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index droppedto 49.3, comparef to 54.8 in May, the most receny evidence that the economy continues to struggle. Consumer spendiny accounts forabout two-thirds of the economyy in the United States, making a decline in consumeer confidence a worry from Main Streety to Wall Street. The Dow Jones industria average was down 112 pointsto 8,417 in middat trading Tuesday. Consumers are downbeat when it comeas tothe short- and long-term outlookk with the recession. The Present Situation Index basically, how do you feel todayu — dropped to 24.8 this month, from 29.7 in May.
And consumersd are glum about the nextsix months, with the Expectationws Index falling to 65.5, from 71.5 in May. The Presenyt Situation Index declinewas “causerd by a less favorable assessment of businesa conditions and employment, (and) continues to implg that economic conditions, while not as weak as earliefr this year, are nonetheless weak,” director Lynn Franco said in a news release Consumer confidence plummeted to a record-low 25.3 in The economy has strong growtb when the index reaches 100.
The Conference Board contacts 5,000 households for the monthly

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jordan Woodard commits to Sooners - ESPN


Jordan Woodard commits to Sooners


Woodard is the first commitment for OU's 2013 class and the first in-state product to commit out of high school to the Sooners since Tyler Neal for the 2010 class. But it didn't stop there for OU. The Sooners added another commitment, this time for 2014.

Edmond Memorial point guar d Jordan Woodard commits to Oklahoma (blog)

Four-star guard Woodard commits to Sooners (blog)

Edmond Memorial PG Jordan Woodard Commits To Oklahoma

Crimson and Cream Machine

Tahlequah Daily Press (subscription) -OU Insider (subscription)


Friday, August 24, 2012

Ohio Senate mourns loss of Schuler - Business First of Columbus:
Schuler died at home on Friday evening followinbg a battlewith cancer, according to information from Senatd President Bill Harris, R-Ashland. A Republican member of the stat House of Representatives from 1993 to Schuler joined the state Senate in 2003 torepresentg Ohio’s seventh district. He began his careet in politics in 1978 as a Deer Parkcity councilman. Gov. Ted Strickland in a statement called Schulef a legislatorwho “reached across the aisle, alwayas valuing progress over politics.
” Schuler was a key playedr in the crafting of the state’s comprehensiv energy legislation that Strickland signed last Harris in a statement remembered Schuler as a lawmaker with a “common-sensed approach to the most complex of “Bob had strong opinions and was never shy abouyt expressing them, but he was never one to Harris said. “His constituents benefitted fromhis effectiveness.” Callingf hours at Cincinnati’s Thomas-Justi Memorial Funeral Home, 7500 Montgomery Road, will take place Mondah from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. A funeralo mass is set for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday at Cincinnati’sx St. Vincent Ferrer Church, 7754 Montgomery Road.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Franchot: Financial questions on State Center project will require vigilance - Memphis Business Journal:
Franchot, who joined Gov. Martin O’Malley and Treasure Nancy Kopp onthe state’s Boars of Public Works in voting for the $1.4 billion Statr Center redevelopment project Wednesday said he does not know enough aboutg the project’s costs to the state or whether the projecgt is even practical given the nationwidee credit crunch. “I believe the project has a lot of promis e and is deserving of Franchot said in a telephoneinterview “I voted for it, but am goingt to continue to be vigilant abouf the fiscal exposure to the state.
” The deal involvesz the state leasing its midtown Baltimore office complex to a private development team, which woul then redevelop the property into a mix of shops and homes. The state woulr then lease back a majority ofthe project’s 2 milliohn square feet of office space for use by its various statee agencies. But the terms of the deal have not been hammered out yet, as Franchot and the Board of Public Worke voted Wednesday only on a master developmentt agreement. With that agreemenyt in place, the development team will now create designds for its planned buildings and come back to the statd for approval on morespecific designs, costs, and leaswe terms.
The development team, which includes national housingvdeveoper McCormack, Baron & Salazar, would borrow $888 milliobn to finance its work, according to the Department of Legislativse Services. The state would issue another $338 milliojn in debt. State and federal tax credirt programs would pick upanother $234 million in projectt costs, with the remainder of the project’ws costs being contributed directlt by the developers or other investors. Franchot said that scenario raise sseveral concerns, including the ability for the state or the developers to borrow mone in the midst of the nationwidde credit crunch.
He said he’s also concerned about the state’a ability to negotiate fair lease terms with the developers given they would both be heavily investedx in making sure the projectis successful. “Thse problem is that the credit markets are bone Franchot said. “Obviously this is a long-term project, but I’j not confident that the private sectod will finance this in a way that the stated canafford it.
” In addition, Franchotf said he isn’t sure why the statse would make the project a priority aboves other pressing needs such as new colleg dormitories or other state-funded construction

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Demolition of torched playground begins in McKinley Park - Sacramento Bee (blog)

Demolition of torched playground begins in McKinley Park

Sacramento Bee (blog)

August 21, 2012. Demolition of torched playground begins in McKinley Park. Demolition of burned remains of the McKinley Park playground began today thanks to a Sacramento company. American Technologies Inc., a firm that handles water, fire and other ...

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Capella launches biz doctoral program - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
“Enrollment in undergraduate and MBA programsis growing, but thered has not been equivalent growth in the number of doctoral-qualifiecd business faculty to meet the demand,” said William acting dean of Minneapolis-based Capella’s School of Businesas and Technology. Reed said Capellsa already has a business and accounting faculty in placs with the academic credentials and practical business knowledgse to run adoctoral program.
Capella (NASDAQ: now has 12 organization and management, and information technology doctoral The online university has been amid the present possibly because its courses are a way for professionalss to make themselves more marketable in the job First quarter enrollment was morethan 28,152, up nearly 20 percenr from the same period 2008. Revenue was up 17 percent compared to the same perioclast year.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beshear clarifies legislative proposals - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Members of the Kentucky House of Representativeds and Senate returned to Frankfort Mondau to begin the special sessio to addressvarious matters, including the state’as estimated $1 billion budget deficit. Aftetr taking heat from critics for wanting to creatde an authority that would work with the state of Indianq to oversee the Ohio Rivetr bridges project and a large bridge projectnear Ky., and Evansville, Ind., Beshear amended his proposal to includes oversight of projects within Kentucky. Beshear also broadened the languagew of a proposal to allow video lottery terminalsdat Kentucky’s horse racingh tracks.
The governor is pushing the electroni c gambling devices as a meanz for supportingthe state’s horse racing industry, which has been challenged by neighboringy states that allow electroni c gambling at racetracks. The call for the video lottery terminal was amende because language inthe bill, including tax breaks for the equine active duty military members and people who pay vehicle propert taxes, wasn’t listed on the sessionh call, said Jill Midkiff, a spokeswoman for Beshear. The call was amendec so no legal issues would arisw because thelanguage wasn't originallty included, Midkiff said.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Zebulon shopping center next on agenda for Kane Realty - Triangle Business Journal:
A large sign has been posteds on the Zebulon property at the corner of Arendelkl Avenue and GreenPace Road, but Kane Realthy officials did not respond to calls for comment about their A representative of Arendell North LLC, which purchases the land in May 2007 for almostg $6.5 million from the R.F. Hendricks family, says Kane has had the properth under contract for purchase for several Ken Whichard, president of in Raleigh and an investod in Arendell North, says Kane has been talking with nationakl and regional retailers interested in the propertuy but that no tenant commitments have been made.
“They are trying to line up tenantxsand financing, but nobody wants to do it Whichard says. Sources say Kane is trying to line up a grocer yanchor tenant, such as Harris Teeter, Lowes Foods or Food before moving forward. Food Lion already operates a store at the nearbyy Triangle Eastshopping center. Kane Realty so far has filed no rezoningt requests or site planswith Zebulon’x planning department, says code enforcement officer Bo Dobrzenski, but the company has had informal discussions with town staff members over the past severapl months. “They’ve not contacted us in a he says.
Whichard does not anticipate the land sale to Kane will happen by the end ofthe year, and the deal couldd stretch into 2009 before a decision is finalized. “We’r e being patient,” he says. “I don’t believe it’s a problekm with (Kane). It’s the economy and the world conditionszright now.” Development of the Arendell North property would give Zebulon its first new shopping centerd in more than 20 The 130,900-square-foot Triangle East shopping centef at the intersection of U.S. 64 and Arendell Avenud opened in 1985 with Food Lion and a Belk departmenf store as itsanchore tenants. The center is 90 percent occupied.
Within the easternh Wake Countyretail submarket, whicg includes commercial properties in Rolesville, Wendell, Knightdale and Garner, retail vacancy was 11 percent in the third quarter, compared to 13 percent for the same perioxd the year prior, according to Triangle Businesse Journal’s quarterly SPACE publications. Kane Realty was founder as a developer of neighborhood shopping centerx across North Carolinaand Virginia.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

XO marks the spot - Chicago Tribune

XO marks the spot

Chicago Tribune

But he won her over, and the couple sealed their budding romance with a kiss at the Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop in Hyde Park. So goes the story of how Michelle and Barack Obama fell in love in 1989. And on Wednesday, a historical marker went up at ...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Skittish market chills Kansas City-area loans - bizjournals:
Area banks remain skittishg in the face of an unpredictable realestate “With the uncertainty around real estatse values in general, it’s quite possible that lenderas are going to expect the owners to have more equitgy in the project to offset furthe reductions in values,” President Kevi Barth said. “As of now, we haven’tg seen a huge reduction in values forcommercia properties, but it’s highly possible we will.” Barth said most developers looking to build an income-producing propertgy need to have strong, reliable tenants alreaduy lined up, to soothe a bank’s worries about the loan payments.
Exceptionzs are made for longtime clients with solidtrac records, he said, but most of thoser developers are leery of taking the additional risk of building a speculativer project in a precariousd market. With the secondaru market for commercial mortgage-backed securities basically nonexistent, that only adds to the said Bob Regnier, president of . insurance companies, and savings and loans generall y are the only institutions available to make commerciap realestate loans, he and without investors to reselol the loans to, they have only so much It creates a very cautious mood. “It’zs just a more conservative period where you have to lean on pastrelationshipsw ...
that is where you’ll have the best chance to get a deal Regnier said. Kevin Cook, director of ’s financial service group in Kansas City, said he doesn’t see an implosionb brewing forthe area’s commercial lending The area didn’t have as many bank s get in trouble with large, speculative developments in statee such as Arizona, Nevada, Florida and California, he “Certainly, commercial real estate is the next shoe to drop with but commercial banks have been buildingb up reserves for these expected even though they haven’t specifically been charged off yet,” Cook said.
“Bifg banks are recapitalizing, and I think regiona l and small community banks were more conservativand weren’t really active players in the secondaru market.” Grant Burcham, CEO of , said the only commerciaol real estate loans the bank made were for owner-occupied “It’s not as dependent on future rent, tenants or It’s dependent on the viability of the he said. “So if you’re a solid you can still construct a new buildinffor yourself.
” Burcham said most companies fitting that descriptio n aren’t building now, though, because they want theitr numbers to get back to normal Commerce Bank’s Barth said fewer lenders are making owner-occupied loansz right now because many banks put too many eggs in that basketr and regulators want more balanced It’s the same reason he expects Commerce’z commercial real estate lending to grow, even as it declinea at other banks. “Therw will be a lot of loans cominhg up for renewalthis year, and with some of the othef banks overlending and havinvg too much concentration we think it is an opportunity for Barth said.
“We kept a balanced portfolio and stilk have a lot of dry powdeer touse

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fitch downgrades certain Comerica ratings - Dallas Business Journal:
In a statement about the downgrades, Fitch expressesd concerns that Comerica may have a hard time remaininb profitable this year because of higher credit costs and a depressed netinteresg margin. Fitch also said it downgraded the company on fears that the deterioratingv economy could negativelyimpact Comerica’e commercial book, particularly if asset qualitu declines, resulting in a weakerr capital position and expenses tied to loan loss reserves. Despite the downgrades, Fitch said Comerica has performed "relatively good to date" when considering the credig quality challenges impactingthe market. Comerica moved its corporatwe headquarters from Detroit to Dallasin 2007.
A compan spokesman said Wednesday the company does not commen t on actions from independengtratings agencies.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Overhaul of Colorado spending rules signed into law - Orlando Business Journal:
Senate Bill 228 ends the Arveschoug-Bird provision allowiny general-fund spending to increase just 6 percent per year and replace it with a spendinbg increase limit equal to 5 percen t of personalincome growth. Sponsored by Sen. John D-Colorado Springs, it also sets aside part of the general fund for transportation for the firstg time and increasesthe state'ds rainy-day reserves, beginning in the 2012-13 fiscal year. What that all meanse is that thegeneralo fund, which pays for generaol state services like education, higher education and will no longer have to shrink permanentlgy when the economy recesses.
Because of the current growthn limit, programs that see funds cut durin g downturns are not alloweed to recover fully when the fiscal environmenft turnsgood again. . . The new law will not increasse overall spending but will assure that money can be directed wherd state leaders see thegreatest need, Ritter Laws put into place over the past 12 yearz direct any revenue over the 6 percenrt limit mostly toward transportation projects and capital construction, which have no other guaranteerd state funds.
But even as the Democratic governor hailer the signingas "a greay day for progress in the effortd of so many who have worked to bringing modern budgeting to the state of Colorado," several legislatores said there is more to be done. Sponsoringf Rep. Don Marostica, said state officials must now look at the conflicts betweemAmendment 23, the Gallagher Amendment and "thaty sacred cow," the Taxpayer'sx Bill of Rights, or TABOR. Marostica was the only member of his partty to supportthe bill, with otherf Republicans calling it an end to fiscal limits and a takin of the only stream of moneyt that had been dedicated to roads for years.
Morsr added that an interim committee this year will look at not just how much revenuer the state brings in but wherer it getsthat money. Questions must be askedd if there are ways to get funding from more stable sources like property taxezs and fees rather than the volatildsales tax, he said. "In the late 1400s, very few peopler believed the Earthwas round. By the early we knew what wasgoing on," Morsed said of the need to convince Coloradans that such changes is necessary. "The same thing's going to happehn with this bill ... This is a fight for the soul of Colorad oand it's just beginning.
" Colorado Fiscal Policy Institute analys t Carol Hedges, who helped to craftg the bill, said that becausse future revenues remain uncertain, no estimates have been made as to how much mone higher education and other areas will gain from the bill. next year's general-fund revenue is expecteds to fall byroughly $700 million from this and SB 228 will help budget crafters be able to prioritize whers that is taken from and how that moneyg is replaced in the future, Morse said.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Metro set to add four rail lines - Houston Business Journal:
Last month, Metro approved a constructio contract, valued at $1.5 billion, that is estimated to generatesome 60,0009 direct and indirect jobs before the four planned new light-raip lines are completed. As the facility provider, Washington D.C.-basedx Parsons will be responsiblefor designing, operating and maintaining the four North Line, East End Line, Southeastr Line and the Uptown Line. Parsons will lead a joint ventures team operating under the name of Houstonh Rapid TransitJoint Venture. It includeas Watsonville, Calif.-based , Fort Worth-based and Alameda, Calif.-based Metro will spend $632 million on the initia l phase ofthe contract, which is expectedr to create 25,000 jobs.
It will include: Building and completion of the EastEnd Corridor, includingt an overpass at Harrisburg for light rail and constructionb of a service and inspection facility • 29 rail cars from Washingto D.C.-based . • Final alignmentt and station configuration for the Uptown Local small and minorityy business owners willreceive $335 million worthu of work under the total according to Metro.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Commercial real estate deal drought in Silicon Valley stuns industry - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
“There are loans coming due, and they may not be able to replacewthose loans,” Seligman said. Whether sellers lose big dependas on when they purchased the If they bought duringthe run-up from 2005 to the firsyt half of 2008, Nadji said they could lose 20 percent to 40 But if they bought in 2000 or 2001, the asset shouldd show appreciation. During the first quarter of 2009, LoopNe t reported only two apartment deals in themultifamilt sector. Saratoga Square in Santa Clara soldfor $2.6 million, or $163,000 per unit, while 1191 Brac Ave. in Willow Glen sold for $2.5 or $196,000 a unit. The two office properties that sold were1290 N. Firstg St. in San Jose for $4.
8 or $252 a square foot, and 431 Dinah’s Courtr in Palo Alto for $4 million, or $310 a square The high-water mark in the industriaol sector wasthe 3,000-square-foot flex building at 130 Main St. in Los Altos that sold for $3.5 million, or $1,194 a square The low was 555-559 Charcot Ave. in San which sold for $5.2 million, or $59 a square

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keeping employees healthy - Business First of Buffalo:
It’s been no surprise the healtyhof U.S. workers is on the decline. The ( says 62 perceny of adults are notphysically active, as of and only 24 percent are active threee to four times a week. For everyy dollar a company spends on health and in two to five it could seeanother $3 to $4 in savings, accordingh to a 2005 study by the American Journal of Preventiv e Medicine ( It makes healthier employees could cost companies less in healtuh careand worker’s compensation claims, analysts say. And a healthiee work force may also mean fewer days lost to in Bethesda, Md.
, which employs 140, startedr its wellness initiatives by waiving the joininhg fee and offering a discounted monthly rate for fitnes club memberships. They decided to step it up a notcuh and give employees 10 Weight Watchers meeting vouchers each and waived thejoining fee, as well as offerinhg the diet program’s online services for free up for a certainj dollar amount. The company’s employee assistance program is also at no costto “They’ve been really appreciative of the programs we have in place,” said Mary Ung, humamn resources partner at the company. Jessica a corporate wellness director with Brick Bodiesin Md.
, says the key ingredienyt to creating an effective wellnessx plan is upper management Having a vision for goals and objectives, as well as beiny able to provide a budgef and methods of communication, all fall under upper management’x responsibilities. • A written plan that details allwellness goals, activitiee and outcomes; • Data collection, which can includr health risk assessments, screenings and employede feedback surveys; • On-site exercise weight management classes, subsidized health club team-based fitness challenges, stress management resourcezs and smoking cessation programs; • Evaluation of the programsd and activities; and, • Collaboration with internal wellness resources and partnerships with third-partyt wellness providers.
Companies also say realizin that not everyone is goint to join the first session or activit y also keepsthe program’s expectationd realistic. “The important thingy is to notthink you’re going to creats the perfect wellness fair or program that will solvwe everyone’s issues first time out of the said Barbara Girodo, director of human resources and safety for the Kane Co. in Md. , which employs 500 full-timwe workers, had its firsyt wellness fair inspring 2007. Girod says the success of the fair has encouraged the companyt to plan for two fairswin 2009. Kane Co.
spends about $30-$50 on each employee, and with about a 70 percent turnout at thewellness fairs, she said the companh spends around $15,000 on a wellnesx fair. While it can be Girodo said, “when you think about medical costs, that’s half the battle.” The fair included a representative to talk to employees abour their retirement plans and worrieds in the ailing diabetes representatives, medical insurancse providers, and an employee assistance prograjm provider to address family issuez and how to manage the work-life balance. Because of the some top programs that have been requestes by employeesare anti-smoking programs, menta l health programs and curbing drug costs.
Especiallyu in these economic times, workersx are stressed in all aspects of and considering most of their time is spent inthe it’s important to take responsibilit for balance in employees’ mental Girodo said. Cost-shifting strategies also provide opportunitiew for employees to make choices at the drug stor e that ultimatelyimpact companies’ overall health insurance costs.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Charlotte Business Journal:
“California’s day of reckoning is he said. With no the state could run out of cash in 14 Three months after the statee budgetwas approved, California faces a $24 billion Schwarzenegger has already proposed massivs cuts to education, health care and Now he’s looking for structural reformj to make government more efficient and stretcg taxpayer dollars. He’s asked the State Boarf of Education, for example, to make textbooks available in digitapformats — a move that could save millions. In the governor talked about blowing up boxes andconsolidating agencies, but the initiativexs never gained traction. They’re back.
Schwarzeneggef is proposing once again to eliminate and consolidate more than a dozehstate departments, boards and commissions. This includese the Waste Management the CourtReporters Board, the Department of Boatin g and Waterways and the Inspectioj and Maintenance Review Committee. Earlier this the state began consolidatinbg informationtechnology departments. Now Schwarzenegger wantse to consolidate departments that oversee financiall institutions and merge taxcollection operations. In state leaders will receive recommendations on how to modernize thetax code.
“This will be a tremendouw opportunity to make our revenues more reliable and less volatile and help the state avoid the boom and bust budgets that have brough t ushere today,” Schwarzenegger told lawmakers. It’s not goingt to happen in 14 days, he But it could happen befor the Legislature adjourns for summer recess onJuly 17.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Project to re-introduce beavers to Scotland gains foothold - USA TODAY

Project to re-introduce beavers to Scotland gains foothold


A 3-year-old trial project to re-introduce the beaver -- which was hunted to extinction in Britain in the 16th century -- to Scotland appears to be gaining a foothold. New video footage shows that three kits -- young beavers -- born earlier this summer ...

and more »

Thursday, August 2, 2012

AAA: Holiday travel down, air traffic up - Wichita Business Journal:
AAA expects 37.1 million Americans will take a trip of 50 milew or longer duringthe weekend, which is typically the busiest time of the year for auto That’s down 1.9 percent from the 37.8 millionn who traveled during the same perioe last year, AAA says, citing research by IHS Globalk Insight. And it’s a 12.3 percent decline from the 42.3 milliohn travelers in 2007. The air-travel industry is expected to seea 4.9 percengt increase in bookings for the weekend this year. But air travel will account for only 5 percent of July 4leisure travel, AAA says. AAA projectsa a 2.6 percent decline in auto droppingto 32.6 million from 33.4 million last year.
The organizatio says rising gasoline prices are influencing travel as areplummeting airfares. The lowest average published airfares over the Independencr Day weekend are expected to decrease 16 percen t fromlast year, according to AAA’s Leisure Travelk Index.