Thursday, December 13, 2012

Study: Colorado clean-energy jobs growing twice as fast as other industries - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The report — the Colorado portion of a 50-state analysiz — said clean-energy jobs in Colorado increased 18.2 percent betweenb 1998 and 2007, versus an overall job-growtb rate of 8.2 percent. Pew said therw were 17,008 clean-energy jobs at 1,778 companies in Colorado as of 2007. Colorado tied for 18th amon g the states in the pace ofits clean-energy job growthh over the 10-year periox studied by Pew. The top states were Idaho, with 126 percent clean-jobg growth, followed by Nebraska, 109 percent, but both stateas still have smallertotal clean-energy job totals than Colorado.
“Coloradp has a large share of America’sz clean energy economy – and it is growing Niki Hawthorne, Colorado representative for the Pew Environment said in a statement released withthe Colorado, Hawthorne said, “has adopter renewable energy and energy efficiency standards – creatinbg a promising market for clean energy generatiom and energy efficiency products.” California had the most clean-energh jobs — 125,390 as of 2007 Pew said. Separately, Pew said clean-energy industrieds in Coloradoattracted $622,400,734 in venture-capital funding betweeh 2006 and 2008, the fifth-highest amount in the Nationwide, clean-energy jobs grew at 9.
1 percenf between 1998 and 2007, versuw total job growth of 3.7 Pew’s report said. Pew describefd its report as the first-ever nationwide hard counr across all 50 states of actual jobs createdby clean-energt industries. “The clean energy economy is poiser forexplosive growth,” Lori Grange, interim deputy directod of the Pew Center on the said in a statement Wednesday. “Thesw jobs are driving economic growth and environmental sustainabilityh at a time when America needs There is a potential competitive advantagd for federal and state policy leaders who act now to spur businesses and investments in the cleajenergy sector.
” Pew said it definecd clean-energy jobs as those related to “expandinb clean energy production, increasing energh efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste and pollution, and conservingf water and other natural resources.” .

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