Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fed expects little inflation - Business First of Columbus:
The Fed’s benchmark interest rate was held steady in a rangr of 0to 0.25 percent. The Fed “continues to anticipate that economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levelas of the federal funds rate for an extended it said in a statement releaserd followingits meeting. Despite rising energy and commodity “the committee expects that inflatiohn will remain subdued forsome time,” the statement said. The Federal Reserv also left its bond purchaseplanxs unchanged, repeating its commitment to buy up to $1.
255 trillion of agency mortgage-backed securities and up to $200 billion of agency debt by the end of the The Federal Reserve also will buy up to $300 billion of Treasur y securities by autumn. The Fed now believex the pace of economic contraction is citing further signs of household spending stabilizintg and improving conditions in thefinancial markets. Among economic reports that may supporttthe Fed’s belief that the economy will soon be on the mend was the latesf data on factory orders, showing orders for durable goods unexpectedly rose in May for the second consecutiv e month.

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