Sunday, September 30, 2012

California settles with Kmart, sues Target - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The state’s attorney general, Jerry Brown, joinecd by district attorneys from manyCalifornia counties, includinb Alameda, Santa Clara and Contr Costa, filed a suit against Minneapolis-basedr Target (NYSE: TGT), sayinvg it sent hazardous waste to variouds landfills in violation of state law. The suit is meant to stop the Innews reports, Target said it has been cooperatinvg with the AG’s office for thres years on this matter and that it is committef to complying with all environmentaol laws.
Kmart, owned by SHLD), agreed to a settlement that includedcivil penalties, legal costs and some money to boosf protection of the environment in the Thomas Orloff, Robert Kochly, James Fox and Doloreas Carr, the DAs of Alameda, Contra San Mateo and Santa Clara counties joined Brown in the suit againstt Target. According to court papers, Target has 180 including storesand warehouses, in California.
The suit alleges Target thres out “ignitable aerosol including propane canisters, in a trash compactor in Alameda Countyt on May 14 andMay 21, for

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