Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Birmingham Business Journal:

“California’s day of reckoning is here,” he With no action, the state coule run out of cash in14 days. Three monthx after the state budgetwas approved, California faces a $24 billiom deficit. Schwarzenegger has already proposedc massive cuts to health careand prisons. Now he’sx looking for structural reform to make government more efficientt and stretchtaxpayer dollars. He’x asked the State Board of for example, to make textbooks available in digita lformats — a move that could save millions. In the governor talked about blowing up boxex andconsolidating agencies, but the initiatives never gaines traction. They’re back.
Schwarzenegger is proposinbg once again to eliminate and consolidate more than a dozenjstate departments, boards and commissions. This includex the Waste Management Board, the Court Reportersd Board, the Department of Boating and Waterwayes and the Inspection and MaintenancReview Committee. Earlier this year, the state begab consolidating informationtechnology departments. Now Schwarzenegger wants to consolidate departments that oversee financial institutiond and merge taxcollection operations.
In July, statse leaders will receive recommendationsd on how to modernize thetax “This will be a tremendouds opportunity to make our revenues more reliable and less volatilr and help the state avoid the boom and bust budgetsa that have brought us here Schwarzenegger told lawmakers. It’s not going to happenn in 14 days, he said. But it coulfd happen before the Legislature adjourns for summer recesa onJuly 17.

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