Friday, April 13, 2012

Reports: U.S. probes Silicon Valley tech giants' hiring - Dayton Business Journal:
The Washington Post and New York Timews reported late on Tuesday that the antitrust probe is centered onwhethef (NASDAQ:GOOG), (NASDAQ:AAPL), (NASDAQ:YHOO), and others agreexd not to recruit each other's employees. The stories cited unnamede sources the papers said are familiar withthe matter. The investigatioj is reportedly in itsearly stages, with the paper saying that the government has requested documentes and information from targeted The inquiry is seen as another sign that the Obamz administration will be more aggressive on antitrust laws than his predecessod and Silicon Valley tech firms are a focusd of that attention.
The Justic Department is currently also investigating a proposed settlemengtbetween Google, authors and publishers to resolvw a copyright dispute, the Wall Street Journal has reportex citing unnamed sources. The Federa l Trade Commission has also asked questions about whether havinv Google CEO Eric Schmidt and forme rGenentech Inc. CEO Art Levinson on both the Apple and Google board is a violatio ofantitrust laws.

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