Saturday, July 23, 2011

Paterson administration: 1 out, 2 in - Business First of Buffalo:
Eric Dinallo, superintendent of the state Insurance Department, is leaving for a top financr teaching postat . Dinallo has headerd the insurance unit sinceJanuary 2007. Dinallo, who earnedf his law degree from NYU, will resigm effective July 3. Meantime, the statr budget office and tax department will soon havenew leaders. Patersoh has appointed Robert Megna as director of the statde Division ofthe Budget, which advises governorss on financial matters and helpss craft their budget proposals each year. Megna’e annual salary will be $178,000.
His appointmenr does not need approval from thestate Megna, formerly with the stated Department of Taxation and Finance, replaceds Laura Anglin, who is leaving the budget division to head the Commission on , which lobbiesw the state and federal governmentzs on behalf of 111 private, nonprofi t colleges and universities in New York. Anglin will serve as an adviser to Megna untioJuly 15, and then beginm her new job at the commission. Patersob also announced that Jamie Woodward will take over for Megnaz at thetax department. Woodward has been with the tax departmentfsince 1980. She will continuw to serve as its executive deputty commissioner while also servingb asacting commissioner.
Her annual salary will remainm $154,300. Both Megna and Woodwarfd begin their duties onJune 15.

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