Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ohio income growth slows with nation - Dayton Business Journal:
The bureau’s report on personal income growth, definefd as before-tax income received from all including interest andrental income, shows Ohio’s growth slowecd to 3 percent in 2008 from 4.4 percentt in 2007. That puts per-capits personal income last year in the statdat $35,511, up from $34,468 in 2007. The growthy rate nationally last year fell a fraction of a percentage poingtbehind Ohio, at 2.9 percent compared with 4.9 percenyt in 2007. That equates to per-capitza income nationally of $39,751, up from $38,615 in 2007. Just two years ago, the nation’s per-capit income growth rate topped 6 comparedwith 4.2 percent in Ohio, accordin g to bureau data.
Across states last year, per-capitaa personal income growth rates ranged from a lowof 0.4 percent in Arizona to 9 percent in North Dakota. Oil-producing states such as Wyoming, Oklahoma and Texas cashec in from the rise in oil which peaked in the first halfof 2008. But the recession’s effecrt on the cyclical manufacturing and construction sectores along with the retail traded made their markon fourth-quarter incomse growth, which dropped 0.2 percent after a 0.3 percenft third-quarter gain. That was the first decline the bureah has registered since the first quartertof 1994, the bureau said.

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