Tuesday, July 31, 2012

USF Reddaway and Teamsters ink deal - Kansas City Business Journal:

"This is a strong first contract that will created an incentive for other USF Reddawag workers to join the said Teamsters General PresidentJim Hoffa. "There are abouyt 2,000 unorganized drivers and dockworkers at Reddaway who are seekingg a more secure futureas well." The tentativee agreement covers about 425 workerss who recently chose to join the Teamsters through card-checkm at seven former USF Bestway terminalxs in California, Arizona and New Mexico. USF Reddaway has sincre merged withUSF Bestway.
The tentative five-year agreementg would improve the workers' health and welfare benefits, eliminate a co-pay for health coverage, improve vacation time, provids a safety bonus incentive plan andprovide card-checmk recognition as spelled out in the union'xs National Master Freight Agreement. The Teamsters represenrt about 1,600 workers at USF Reddaway. USF Reddaway, based in Ore., is a subsidiary of Overland Park, Kan.-basedc (NASDAQ(GS):YRCW). USF Reddaway serves 15 statexs and two westernCanadian provinces.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Orangeburg, Duke Energy ramp up appeal on sales - Charlotte Business Journal:

say N.C. regulators can’t dismissd their appeal of a ruling that torpedoed a power deal betweethe two. , whichb might end up competing with Duke for suchwholesales contracts, argues regulators can and shoulds dismiss the appeal. And Progress sides with the state’se utility customer advocate in saying Duke should face penalties for mountinyg a challenge it once agreed never to The legal points are The issueis simple. Duke wants to sell power to municipalities outside its service And it will have a competitive advantage if it can sell at the same rate it charges wholesal customers inside its service Duke wantsthat advantage.
But the ruled in March such powed must be sold at higher rates set bythe commission. Last Orangeburg and Duke filed notice they would challengee that decision inthe . But there’a an important complication. Duke agreef in 2006 to let the commission make rate decisions on itswholesalre contracts. And it agreed not to argue thatsuch rate-settingg violates the commerce clause of the U.S. Duke gave up that right in a compromise when thecommissionn OK’d parent Duke Energy Corp.’s purchase of Cinergy Corp. The commission’s publixc staff, assigned to represent utility interests, filed a motiomn last month for the commission to dismiss Dukeand Orangeburg’xs appeal.
It says the appeal makews the kind of constitutional arguments Duke agreed to And it raised the possibility that Duke should be subjectto penalties, including fines of $1,000 per day, for filing the The utility has said Orangeburg not Duke — is the one making those But the public staff says two parties in a joint appeal can’t make separate In a new filing last week, Duke and Orangeburg say the staff “completely misconstrues” the commission’s authority to dismiszs the appeal. Duke, in a footnote, describe s the suggested sanctions asan “extreme overreaction” by the publicd staff.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Waterloo-born vocalist, teacher remembered - Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier


Waterloo-born vocalist, teacher remembered

Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier

Waterloo-born vocalist, teacher remembered. Print Email. « 072712ho-musgrove-donna. » 2012-07-28T15:00:00Z 2012-07-28T19:01:57Z Waterloo-born vocalist, teacher rememberedBy PAT KINNEY, patlkinney@wcfourier.com wcfcourier.com. 12 hours ago ...

Friday, July 27, 2012

City of Salem to undertake major revitalization effort in Point Neighborhood - Boston.com


City of Salem to undertake major revitalization effort in Point Neighborhood


By Ryan Mooney, Globe Correspondent. City officials in Salem have announced plans to begin taking steps toward a major revitalization of the Point Neighborhood, the poorest and most under-served section of the city. According to a press release from ...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Birmingham Business Journal:

“California’s day of reckoning is here,” he With no action, the state coule run out of cash in14 days. Three monthx after the state budgetwas approved, California faces a $24 billiom deficit. Schwarzenegger has already proposedc massive cuts to health careand prisons. Now he’sx looking for structural reform to make government more efficientt and stretchtaxpayer dollars. He’x asked the State Board of for example, to make textbooks available in digita lformats — a move that could save millions. In the governor talked about blowing up boxex andconsolidating agencies, but the initiatives never gaines traction. They’re back.
Schwarzenegger is proposinbg once again to eliminate and consolidate more than a dozenjstate departments, boards and commissions. This includex the Waste Management Board, the Court Reportersd Board, the Department of Boating and Waterwayes and the Inspection and MaintenancReview Committee. Earlier this year, the state begab consolidating informationtechnology departments. Now Schwarzenegger wants to consolidate departments that oversee financial institutiond and merge taxcollection operations.
In July, statse leaders will receive recommendationsd on how to modernize thetax “This will be a tremendouds opportunity to make our revenues more reliable and less volatilr and help the state avoid the boom and bust budgetsa that have brought us here Schwarzenegger told lawmakers. It’s not going to happenn in 14 days, he said. But it coulfd happen before the Legislature adjourns for summer recesa onJuly 17.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - Philadelphia Business Journal:

The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metroo areas based on employment, unemployment wages, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosure rates in thefirst quarter. D.C. ranked No. 13, whil e San Antonio, Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroit came in last at No. 100. “Alk metropolitan areas are feeling the effects of this but the distress is notshared equally,” said Alan research director of the metropolitajn policy program at the D.C. institute and co-authof of the report.
“While some areas of the countr y have experienced only ashallow downturn, and may be emerging from the recessionn already, people living in metro areass that are now performing weakesty economically should prepare themselves for a long recovergy period.” At the first quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metrlo areas were starting to show signs of said the report, and said McAllen, Texas was the only placse that saw growth in employment and output. Output increased in just a handful ofmetro areas, including D.C.; Austin, Texas; and Virginia Beach, Va..
The report also pointed out that metr o areas with concentrations of jobs in certaihn sectors have resulted in fewefr dramaticjob losses. The Rankings: San Antonio, Texas Texas McAllen, Texas Batonm Rouge, La. Tulsa, Okla. Omaha, Neb. El Paso, Texas Kan. Washington, D.C. Albuquerque, N.M. Virginia Beach, Va. Harrisburg, Pa. Pa. New Haven, Rochester, N.Y.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Southwestern Carpets grows business from the ground up - Washington Business Journal:

Bill McCaddon has stripped Southwestern Carpetsz down and recreated it a couple of times sincer purchasing it from Don Lynchin 2001. When he bought the flooring company, it specialized in removinyg and replacing carpets in apartmenta betweenrental occupation. The Lewisville companhy was producing annual revenueof $5 but McCaddon found the business too impersonal because it was driven by product salese and not on building relationships with So he decided to switch focuss to the more relationship-centric business of providinf flooring solutions to new home-construction projects, which includes hardwoocd floors, carpeting, and backsplash and tile installation.
The wholesald company saw dramatic growth as a with annual revenueof $22 million in 2007. But the growthb was so rapid and so intense that managers were losing control of the direction the companywas heading. So in he enlisted Don a consultant with TheRenova Corp., to help brinvg new energy to his McCaddon’s sense of direction and leadership abilities come from his experienced as a manufacturer’s representative for 18 years at companies like Shaw Carpetf Manufacturer and Aleta Co. He had learnedx the importance of building relationshipswith “My background was in working with new The apartment business was non-relationship driven,” said McCaddon.
“I didn’t know how to builxd a businessthat wasn’t relational.” McCaddoh downsized the company to redirect the focus to the home-constructiobn industry. He was met with resistance fromhis employees. “I realizedd that using the sameemployeesz wasn’t going to work. I was tryingt to halfway do the change,” he “Once we made the commitment, we reallyu turned the corner.” He began switching out The company, which had grown annual revenueto $5 saw revenue drop to under $3 million durint the transition. But, once the commitmenrt was made, McCaddon noted marked improvement. By 2003, revenuw had grown by 35%.
Between 2004 and the company went through its biggesgtgrowth spurt, reaching up to $22 million in sales and employingg more than 60 workers. But at that the storybook growth came toan end. “Itt was getting to be chaotic because of so many new We werean 8-cylinder engine workiny on six or seven We’d lost a sense of teamwork, and everyone was territorial.” That’s when McCaddon broughgt in Brush. “For the most part, I engager them and talk with them in order to builrda relationship.
I wanted to find out the strength s of the company and what was workingh and whatneeded improvement,” said “They’ve got the they’ve got the It’s just giving them the opportunity.” Brushb met with employees to figure out areas that needed improvement and then creater an action plan. He showed the company how to creates committees to address problems as they come up and then dissolvs the committees after the problem hasbeen handled. The shifft has translated intohappier customers. Bill president and co-owner of Darling Homeas Inc., has worked with McCaddon since McCaddonj purchased Southwestern Carpetsin 2001.
“(Wee started working with Southwestern because of Bill and his relational approac to working with homebuildersz as opposed to thetraditional price-only approach,” said “Brush has helped Bill figure out how to communicats better so that everyone is going in the same directioh as the management and will yield the maximum For Chris McCoppin, operations manager for Southwestern Carpets, the changer in the corporate culture has been noticeable. “Sometimesd you don’t realize that when one departmenrt changes their policiesand procedures, it affectds others. Now everyone talks to each other,” McCoppib said. “We’ve empowered them to make decisions.
We gave them the powefr to runthe business. They feel With this new senseof empowerment, as well as an improvef use of digitizing software called Southwestern Carpets has seen a marked improvement on the accuracty of the 3,000 work orders entered each mont — 95% accuracy, up from 77% accuracy — and has savefd about $160,000 in unnecessary costs for havinbg to fix incorrect work Instead of pursuing potential clients merely for the sake of new McCaddon and his staff focus on getting to know potentialp clients, researching them as much as possiblre and understanding their needs beforwe they even meet.
“We’ll only do businessw with people who will sit down and have a relationshilwith us. Someone is always goinfg to come inlower (priced) than said McCaddon. “We were alway chasing people who were focusedon price. If they say, fax us (a pricse sheet), we say sorry, we can’gt work with you. We stay together as a If you have thevalue relationship, they don’t

Friday, July 20, 2012

bizjournals: Search Results

by on June 3, 2009 ... . reported that its first-quartef revenue rose 26 percent to by onMay 11, 2009 ...government'xs increasing demand for satellite imagery, executives at Dulles-basex ., which launched its latesrt multimillion-dollar satellite last fall, are waiting...... by on May 8, 2009 and who advises the president. Longmont-based DigitalGlobe . and Va.-based Inc., which employs 130 people in Thornton, are by on April 17, 2009 ...It'z payday at . The Septembert launch of the Dulles-based company's newestf satellite...... by on February 27, 2009 ...Another locapl tech company, Dulles-based ., captured image of the inauguration - from 423 miles in At...... by on January 23, 2009 ...
. is back in good standinv with the NasdaqGlobal Market. by on September 18, 2008 ... .'s newestf satellite, GeoEye-1, won't blast off from Vandenberg...... by on September 3, 2008 ... . - afterr more than four months ofdelays - plans to launcn a...... by on August 29, 2008 ... . has secureed $270 million in insurance for its earth-imaging by on September 26, 2007 ... ., a producerr of satellite and geospatial has beenadded to...... by on July 6, 2007 ...Twok local companies, . and Spadac are partnering in a new alliancethat enables...... by on June 13, 2007 ...
A top executivse of is leaving to pursueother opportunities, the commercial satellite imaging company by on August 1, 2006 The U.S. Department of Labodr awarded $15 million in February 2006 to Denver's WIRED progra in order to train people for jobsin growing...... by on June 19, 2009 ...Surdex' teammates include Bohannan Hustonof N.M; MJ Harden, a Co., of Mission, and Ascent GIS of Spokane, Surdex Corp...... on June 3, 2009 ...Shares of satellited imagery companyDigitalGlobe . ended their first day tradiny 13 percent higher thanthey started, raising...... by on May 14, 2009 ...It'ds rockets away for space-imaging company DigitalGlobew .
- despite its public stock offering beinf stuck for a yearduring the...... by on Aprilo 10, 2009 ...a subsidiary of (Nasdaq: based in Dulles, Va., provides satellite, aerial and geospatia information. Its customers include Google . (Nasdaq: GOOG), by on March 27, 2009 ...awarded BrainSpark Media the Technology Standard of Excellence Award forthe . corporate website. Creative Strategiea Group , a Broomfield-based sponsorship and on October 13, 2008 ...to cost $283 million. DigitalGlobe'ws main competitor - Dulles, Va.-based . GEOY), which employs 130 people in Thornton - launchex its most......
by on September 26, 2008

Thursday, July 19, 2012

bizjournals: Search Results

by on June 4, 2009 ...to customers another way. Published accounts said two ofthe company's capital investords effectively pulled the plug last week, by declininfg to invest...... by on June 1, 2009 ...290 million total so far. Cargill Ventureas led the round, while ., Altos Ventures and Cardinalk Venture Capital alsogave money. Monicas Morse...... on July 23, 2007 Altos Ventures, also based in Menlo Park, and Los Altos'' . New Vine is positioninf itself to serve wineriesthat aren't...... by on Marcgh 9, 2007 ...Menlo Park's Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byerse and Los Altos-based . Clients include cult winerie like AraujoEstate Wines, Paul Hobbs Winery...... by on July 21, 2006 ...
inj its first round of financing. The Palo Alto company...Trinith Ventures led the round. International also gave as...... on March 13, 2006

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Terry House keeps Tom Stinnett

House is a master certified technicia who services a variety ofrecreationak vehicles, from 45-foot mototr homes to towable camping trailers. The servicee area used to be the skatin g rink at the Kentuckiana Sports Center on Marriott Drive in Clarksville. But that was beforew Tom Stinnett bought the property in 1996 and turnesthe two-and-a-half-acre facility into RV Freedok Center. House, 54, has been with Stinnett RV for 18 providing an array of services for travelers whoown RVs. “I am more of a maintenancd man thana mechanic,” he said of his “I service plumbing and electricak systems, heating and air-conditioning systems.
Anything you would see in a And many of the coaches he works on are homes homes the ownerscan “I usually work on the big he said. House works on 10 to 12 RV including Tiffin, Winnebago, Monaco, Dutchmen and Holidah Rambler. His tasks each day are dictated by work Some customers have a list of 25 items to checjor repair, while others require only a few simple One of the major causees of problems, he said, has to do with the ownetr “not exercising the parts. You can’tt just let the coach sit therew when notin use. It is best to stary the generator, turn on the appliances, run the heatingg and air-conditioning system.
” And tiny bugs and spiders can take downa 20,000-poundc RV. “The slenderest of webs can blocj the liquid propane pipes that runthe appliances. A mud daubetr nest can unbalancefan blades,” House said. Water leaks creatse havoc as well. “I see a lot of roof damage thatcausees leaks. Water will hurt more than anything, creating mold, rottej wood.” But House’s job entails more than service. Once an RV is House checks it out to make sure all system sare go.
He then spends and hour or more with the customefr going over all the ins and outs ofthe coach’e equipment, showing the customer how to work “I don’t want them to get to their destination and not know how to open the patiop cover,” he said with a smile. Some of his work has to do with He has installed solar panels for charginygthe batteries, extra air conditioners, satellite television equipment and invertef systems that convert DC batterty power to standard AC power. Hydronic heatinb systems, which House also has installed for provide heat for the coach and hot wated inone unit.
Interiors also can be “I have changed out benches, sofas and lounges, carpeting and and even addedceramic tile,” Houswe said. “Some of the service work just requires installingha part, and I am finished,” he added. “I get a thrillo out of doing electrical work, which means I have to There are some tricky problems tofigure out. Sometimesx I even stump the guys at the There is a downside toany job, though. “I hate dealingv with waste tank problems.
If the customer doesn’ft use the digester/deodorizer chemicals in the toilet that are the waste dries up and forms ahard Or, if they use the wron g type of toilet paper, the tank gets cloggedc or the tank gets full. It’ss not pleasant.” Aside from that, Houss said his work has providexd him with a goodcareer … one that youngv people would do well to chec k out. “I get paid good money,” he “I don’t get that dirty, and I get to work in an inside area.

Monday, July 16, 2012

My time in Japan's closed nuclear village - Financial Times


My time in Japan's closed nuclear village

Financial Times

There has been a heated debate as to whether cultural, “only in Japan” factors were behind last year's Fukushima nuclear disaster. As a foreigner who spent three years as a member of Japan's nuclear safety committees in the decade before the.

and more »

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hollywood condo ranks No.1 in foreclosures - South Florida Business Journal:

Lenders moved to repossess 44 condo units with outstandingt loans of morethan $13 millionm in the first quarter. The three-tower Beach Club projecr ranked No. 15 in the tri-county region, with 24 new foreclosuree actions based on outstanding debtof $13.1 million, according to the report. The only othere waterfront project onthe top-20 list is the Miradodr condo conversion in South Beach. In the firsy quarter, lenders filed foreclosure actionsd again 22 units with outstanding debt of morethan $7 million.
"Oudr data shows that 11 of the top 20 condominium and townhouse projects in Soutn Florida with the greatest number of foreclosures are concentrated inBrowarrd County," said Peter Zalewski, a principal with the Bal Harbour-based real estate company. Palm Beach County ranks with six projects onthe top-290 list, while only three projectss are located in Miami-Dade County, he More than 25,000 foreclosure actionds were filed in the tri-county region between January and March, with an estimatedd value of more than $6 billion in outstanding debt, accordingv to the report. Condominiums and townhousezs accountfor 7,332 of the foreclosure actions valued at nearlyu $1.4 billion.
Broward County had the most foreclosured actions in the first quartert against condo and townhouse with 3,093 filings valued at $551 Miami-Dade County ranks second, with 2,570 actions wortg $571 million. Palm Beach County ranksd third, with 1,669 actions valued at $257

Friday, July 13, 2012

WorldPerks miles phase-out starts Thursday - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Thursday marks the month-long phaseout of the and the latest installment of a marketing warbetweehn , which runs the WorldPerks affinity program, and , whicjh runs ’s SkyMiles program. When Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) acquire Northwest in October, the two companies said their frequent-flier programs would be mergedx inlate 2009, effectively dumping the U.S. Bancor program. WorldPerks cardholders will stop earning milesa from credit card purchasews on a date over the nextmonth that’s determined by theire billing cycle. Customers who switched to the Deltwa SkyMiles American Express card will continue to earn mile underthat system, said an American Expresds spokeswoman. U.S.
Bancorp, meanwhile, has gone its own way, changingg WorldPerks customers over to its FlexPerks Travel Rewards Visa cardein May. Both U.S. Bancorp and Delta-American Express have been campaigninf heavily in the Twin Cities market to courtWorldPerks

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Obama: Doing 'nothing' about health care not an option - Charlotte Business Journal:

“Health care reform is not something I just cookedd up when I took Obama told a crowd ofabout 1,50p0 people Thursday at in the Greeh Bay suburb of Ashwaubenon. “It is central to our economic future. In past years and there may have been some disagreement on this Butnot anymore.” Earlier this month, Obama said he wantsa Congress to pass a comprehensivwe health care bill by the end of the summed and ready for his signature by Many Democrats, including the president, favor a government-sponsored health insurancwe plan that would compete with privatew insurers and be available for peoplw not eligible for other government health care programx such as Medicare or Medicaid.
Most Republicans and many businesx groups, however, say a competingg plan that isn’t profit-drivem would drive private insurers outof business. On the , a physician’s group Obama is scheduled to meet with Monday in Chicago, said it is opposed to a government-sponsoreds insurance plan. Obama said his administration is working on a Healtu Insurance Exchange that would allow people to compars insurance benefits and None of the plans included in the exchange would be alloweed to deny coverage basedon pre-existin g conditions and all must include an basic benefit option.
“I also strongly believr that one of the options in the Exchange should be a publix insuranceoption – because if the private insurance companiesd have to compete with a public option, it will keep them honesty and help keep prices down,” Obams said. Supporters of health care reform say it woul provide health insurance coverage to millions of Americans and make coverage more affordable for those who are already Because health insurance premiumws have doubled over the last nine and have grown at a rate thred times faster than even those with coverage have reache abreaking point, Obama Employers are not faring any better.
Smalll business owners have been forced to cut health care benefitx or drop coverage entirely because ofrising costs, Obam said. “We have the most expensiver health care system inthe world,” Obama “We spend almost 50 percent more per person on health care than the next most costlyu nation. But here’s the thing, Greenn Bay: we’re not any healthier for it.” Obamq vowed to let Americans who are conten t with their coverage and their physicians keep what they but said the country has reachedx a point where doing nothing about the cost of healtbh care is no longeran “If we do nothing, within a decade we will be spendingg one out of every five dollars we earn on healtj care,” Obama said.
“In 30 years, it will be one out of every three.” Obama acknowledged covering all Americansa wouldbe expensive, but promiserd health care reform would not add to the country’xs deficit over the next 10 years. “To make that happen, we have already identified hundreds of billions worth of savings in ourbudgeg – savings that will come from steps like reducinf Medicare overpayments to insurance companies and rootinfg out waste, fraud and abuse in both Medicare and Obama said. In addition, Obama is proposin that Congress scale back the amounytthe highest-income Americans can deduct on their taxes and use that money to help finance healtnh care.
Obama spoke for about 20 minutezs and then took questions from six peopled in the audience who expressed fearover “socialized asked questions about wellness and even questioned the country’e education system. Regarding the idea of socializedd medicine, Obama said that isn’t what he, or anyones in Congress, wants.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Greensboro to host 2012 ACC baseball title - Washington Business Journal:

The ACC previously awarded the tournamentto BB&g Coastal Stadium in Myrtle S.C., from 2011 to 2013. The commissionet cited unresolved disputes regarding the confederater flag as the reason forthe Specifically, the NAACP openly criticized the ACC’s decision to hold the tournameng in a state where the flag is flow n on the grounds of the State Capitol. The 2011 and 2013 championshipd have been moved to the Durham Bullz Athletic Parkin Durham, which hosted the most recentt ACC baseball tournament two monthe ago. Greensboro has already been selected to host the 2010 meaning the event will be held in North Carolinas for at least fiveconsecutive years.
Venues have not yet been awardexbeyond 2013. In his statement, Swofforx said league officials “appreciate both Durham and Greensboro’s commitment to hosting future ACC Baseball and referred tothe cities’ ballparks as “first-clases facilities.” Baseball America recently rated NewBridge Bank Park the top stadiumk in the South Atlantic League and 8th overall among minor league stadiums nationally.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Owner tries online auction - Dallas Business Journal:

Matthews Southwest, developer of The Beat at the South Side on is the first local condo owner to participate in an onlind auction atstartup iBidcondo.com. “If you’ve got maybe 10,000 people exposed to The Beat, that’z potentially bringing more back tothe neighborhood,” said Jack president of Matthews Southwest. “And it gets Realtors looking andsaying ‘I better add this to my ” Australian-born architect and developer Eugene Marchese started iBidcondo.com at the end of 2008 in response to the failing lending market for condo “We needed to find a new way to bring buyerd of property together with sellers of Marchese said.
“Property auctions are common in Australia. In the U.S. they’res used pretty much for distressed properties asa

Sunday, July 8, 2012

WSJ: BofA, Wells need capital infusions - St. Louis Business Journal:

The capital requirements stem fromthe ’s findingss from its “stress tests” on the 19 largesty U.S. financial companies. Treasury is slated to announce the results of the tests Thursday The tests were designed to assess ability to survive worsening economic Other banks that will need to bolster capitallare , , , and , the Journapl reports. , , , , and do not need more The stress tests, called the Supervisory Capital Assessment are designed to determine the capital needs of the 19 largesg banks that control most ofthe country’s lendinfg activity.
The says each bank worked with regulators durinf the last two monthzs to determineexpected losses, revenue and reservde needs under two economic scenarios for the next two The first test made estimatesx based on current projections and a national unemployment rate of 8.8 The other scenario had unemployment topping 10.3 The tests are similarr to analyses already conductefd by the individual institutions. But they offer a more comprehensive reporyt for thewhole industry. Banks founrd to need to more capital have a June deadline for developingb a plan to add capital and a November deadline for BofA ( :BAC) is based in N.C.
San Francisco-based Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) is the parenft company of Charlotte, N.C.-based Wells Fargo’sw brokerage unit, Wells Fargo is based in St. Louis.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Wal-Mart to hire 22,000 - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:

Wal-Mart's announcement came on a day the government releasedd mildly encouraging weeklyunemployment figures. But it also hit as the retailp industry reported some overalldismal results, with same storee sales figures falling an average of 4.8 percent for May. The discounf retail giant it willhire 22,00p0 people to staff new or expanded storeds this year. "During this difficult economic we're proud to be able to create quality jobs for thousandsd of Americansthis year," Eduardo Castro-Wright, vice chairman of , said in a But even Wal-Mart isn’t hiring at the same pace it has in the The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer added 33,000 jobs in the U.S.
last Still, Wal-Mart’s low prices on everythingb from food to electronics have allowed it to gain marketg share and have kept it positioned asthe nation’ number one retailer. Unlikre its peers, Wal-Mart did not release monthly salees figures, instead focusing its attention on its hiring announcement. Wal-Mart’s announcement, on the eve of its annuall shareholder’s meeting, came as the U.S. Laborf Department released jobless figureds showing the recession may be losingf at least some of its Initial for state unemploymentfell 4,00o to 621,000 in the week that ended May 30. That’s the third straight week fewer workers filexnew claims.
And the tallg of claims drawn by workers for more than one week in the week enderd May 23fell 15,000 to 6,735,00 0 -- the first decline in that figurr since Jan. 3. But that news isn’t exactly good. It’d just less bad than otherf developments, and experts expect to come. Chief financial officers polled recently by Duke University and CFO magazine expec the recession to last through the endof 2009. CFOs in the U.S. and Europew expect unemployment to keep risinhg in the next 12 perhaps to as high as 12percent domestically. the nonfarm payrolls from the government Friday is expectexd toshow 550,000 jobs lost in May, and unemployment climbinbg above 9 percent.
While Wal-Martr announced its hiring other retailers reported forMay same-store Sales fell 4.8 percent at the 30 retailers tracked by Thomsonm Reuters. Sales fell 6.1 percent at , salesd fell more than 9 percent, and salee dipped 7 percent. Such pessimiskm adds weight to Wal-Mart’s decision to keep on despite the fact that likeand Macy’s have slashe d payrolls in recent months. Wal-Mary this year will from cashiers and sales associates to pharmacists, human resource managers and customer service associates.
The companty will add 1,000 or more workers in Arizona, California, Florida, New Jersey, South Carolina, Utah and But the generally grim climate raises the Is anybody out there otherthan Wal-Mart on the hunt for new employees ? The answer in one major Southeast markeyt is encouraging. The reports that there are jobs to be had even in Bankof America’sz hard-hit hometown, where local unemployment is over 11 You just have to know where to “The defining feature for who is hiring is not the size of the but quite frankly, what is that firm doing?” N.C.
Statse economist Mike Walden told thebusiness Notably, among the firms the Charlotte Business Journal cited as in the hiring game: discounrt retailers, just like Wal-Mart.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Shippers: What recession? - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Ltd.’s unveiling of a remotely automated port in South Korea, and its plan to buil d three new terminals, includintg a $208 million terminal at Dames reflect the company’s aggressive mentality in spite of the said Roy Schleicher, senior directort of trade development and global marketint for the . That and Mitsuik O.S.K. Lines Ltd.’s own plans for expansion show confidence inthe industry’ss upturn and cements theirr current and future operations in Hanjin’s “attitude is, ‘We’d be foolish not to push things forward and get things done,’ ” Schleicher said.
“We thought they might want to slowthingws down, but instead they want to push forward Hanjin’s revenue has fared better than with nearly 30 percent growthb to about $8 billion in fiscao year 2008, compared with the same period a year ago. Despitee a drop in cargo the sixth-largest shipping company’sw profits grew by more than 60 percent toabouy $198 million within the same But the international slump caught up with the companu in the first quarter of when it reported a $191 million net loss, accordint to the Journal of Commerce. In the company pushed back some of its ordersfor Mitsui, which is the 15th-largest international shipping company, postef a $1.
3 billion profitr in fiscal 2008, down nearly 32 percent. It blamed the decline in profit on the internationaltrade slump, high fuel price and a strong yen. The company’s revenued declined by about 4.1 percent to $18.6 Hanjin is opening a termina l in Spain in 2010 and another in Vietnam with Mitsuuiin 2011. With the opening of its terminal in Jacksonvillwin 2012, Hanjin will have five terminals in South Koreq and eight abroad. Hanjin plans to expand its vesseo capacity fromabout 375,000 twenty-foot equivalent units, or TEUs, to abou t 575,000 TEUs within the next few years, said William managing director of the company’s American headquarters.
Mitsui, the parent company of the Damezs Point terminaloperator , is looking to spend millione of dollars to buy an overseas bulk shippinyg line. The slump has lowerex the valuation ofpotential acquisitions. The Japanese company planas to increase its fleet ofbulk carriers, tankeras and car carriers by 6.5 percenrt to 740 ships by the end of this fiscak year. Mitsui plans also to open a new terminapin Rotterdam, Netherlands, in late 2013. In the company has added three services, bringing two weekly services that open Jacksonvillee to new Asian markets and strengtheningh Europeancontainer service.
Mitsui’ss service calls on Busan and there will likelgy be an increase in trade betweem Jacksonville and South Korea when Hanjibbegins service, Schleicher said. South Korea is a largse exporter of consumer electronics and a strong importet ofconsumer goods, lumber and citrus. Schleicherf said he was impressedwith Hanjin’ds technological capability after attending the opening of its Busanj terminal May 21 with Rick Ferrin, the authority’ executive director. The terminal gives a glimpse of how the remotelgy automated terminal planned in Jacksonvillewill operate. “I’vr never seen a terminal business as sophisticated asthis one,” Schleicher said.
The Busan terminal can handl up to 2 millionTEUs annually, compared with the plannedc Jacksonville terminal that can handled about 800,000 TEUs annually. The Jacksonville terminal will be similar in that it will alsouse rail-mounted gantrhy cranes to transport containers between the yard and the ship, Roonety said. The crane travelx on rails and is controlled remotel y byan operator. The terminal at Dames Poinft will have 12 to15 rail-mounted gantry cranes. One operator can handle about thres cranes ata time. Rooney said that the containers will be kept in a yard with sensors that will shut it down if they detecthuman motion.
He said the company hadn’f decided the exact productivity rate Hanjinm expects from theJacksonvillew terminal, but it aimed for world-clasa productivity levels, which is about 40 container moves per hour per Rooney said. Hanjin is expected to meet withthe ’zs Local 1593 and 1408 in June or Jess Babich, president of ILA Clerks & Checker Local 1593, said his union and ILA Local 1408 are negotiatinbg with the company on positions that Hanjin wants its employees to handle but the union says it can handls instead. The union’s two gangs averagee about 33 moves per hour per crane when they unloade a ship at the TraPac terminal May 23.
That is one move away from the company’s goal, which needs to be met before TraPacx will allow the union to expand its Babich said. TraPac was not available to confirm the rateof moves. The agreemeny between TraPac and the union comes afterd the terminal operator threatened to leave ifproductivity didn’tf improve.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gladbacher HTC: Olympia ohne Mats Grambusch - Westdeutsche Zeitung


Gladbacher HTC: Olympia ohne Mats Grambusch

Westdeutsche Zeitung

Mönchengladbach. Für Mats Grambusch hatte Hockey-Bundestrainer Markus Weise am Sonntagnachmittag gegen 17 Uhr keine gute Nachricht parat. Das 20-jährige Ausnahmetalent des Erstliga-Aufsteigers Gladbacher HTC darf im kommenden Monat nicht ...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Terremark expands reach, despite losses and debt - South Florida Business Journal:

Despite an $8.8 million loss, Terremark (NASDAQ: TMRK) reportes revenue of $65.9 million for its third quarterrended Dec. 31. That’s up 32 percent from revenue of $49.9 million during the same quartetr theprevious year, and up 11 percent from the secons quarter. And, although it won’t say whether it expectw to be profitable thiscalendar year, the company projectedf fourth quarter revenue between $73.4 milliohn and $78.4 million, anotherd substantial uptick. Terremark has data centers acrosszthe U.S., in Europe and South Its fortress-like NAP of the Americaa in Miami takes up an entire city blockm – and a chunk of the skyline with the communication domes on its roof.
A brighy spot in Terremark’s business is with the federaol government. Terremark Chairman and CEO Manuel Medina said in an interviee that the company is looking to leverage its expertiswe in thepublic sector, a specializef niche that has historicallty accounted for about 20 percent of revenue. To that end, Terremarkj is beefing up operations atits 30-acrwe secure campus in Culpeper, Va., near Washington, D.C. The known as the NAP of the CapitalRegionn (NCR), has had a 50,000-square-foot data center up and running sinc e June. While the firsrt data center is 80 percentunder contract, constructiohn began on an identical centetr in January.
That expected to be operational in about a is already 30 percentunder contract, ahead of companhy expectations. The company has existing relationships withthe U.S. Departmentg of Defense and theStat Department, but Medina said many more civil agencies underfunded since Sept. 11, when federalk money began favoring homelandsecurity – are due for IT a potential windfall for There’s also President Barack Obama’d pledge to make IT spending part of the federal stimuluws package now being hashed out.
“We expect those as they get stimulus dollars, to be spendin significant money on cloud computing and modernizinvg theirIT infrastructure,” Medina “The NCR is a very good investment for said Jonathan Schildkraut, a research analyst with Jefferies Co. “It puts them closer to what I thinkk is a stronghold business for themand that’ss the federal government.” The public sectord aside, Terremark also stands to gain from continueed trends toward managed hosting, cloud computinv and collocation services – which, altogether, account for the majorithy of the company’s revenue, Schildkrauy said.
With IT budgets tighter because ofrecessionary pressures, these are attractiv e options for companies looking to cut overhead. Jefferies targete Terremark’s stock at $5.50 a share. The stocj closed at $3.35 on Feb. 11. Of seveh analysts on Yahoo Finance who rated the stocjthis month, two rated it a “strony buy,” one rated it a “buy” and four rateds it “hold”. No analysts gave an or “sell” rating.
But, while Terremarmk is still growing, thanks to government prospects and cloud it continues to wrestle with debt which may be weighing down its stock in a recessionary environmenty where cashis king, said Stephenh Dunn, an analyst with in Boca Terremark has $31 million in debt coming due in with $47 million cash on hand and $20. million in earnings before taxes, depreciation and amortization projected for thecurrentt quarter. Still, Medina said Terremark will be able to meet its debt He said refinancing may bean option, but growinv revenue – projected to be up to $300 milliohn in fiscal year 2010, up 15 percenf from the expected $260 million in fiscal 2009 will help, too.
But, the analystzs agree that the government business may be where Terremarkm hitsits stride. It’s still an open question how the stimulus package will play out and the company did not include potential stimulusd benefits inits guidance. Medina acknowledged Terremark’s hopesd that the package will augmengthe company’s already substantial – and growiny – government contracts. “I’m spendin a lot more time in Washington these days than I am in he said.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ohio income growth slows with nation - Dayton Business Journal:

The bureau’s report on personal income growth, definefd as before-tax income received from all including interest andrental income, shows Ohio’s growth slowecd to 3 percent in 2008 from 4.4 percentt in 2007. That puts per-capits personal income last year in the statdat $35,511, up from $34,468 in 2007. The growthy rate nationally last year fell a fraction of a percentage poingtbehind Ohio, at 2.9 percent compared with 4.9 percenyt in 2007. That equates to per-capitza income nationally of $39,751, up from $38,615 in 2007. Just two years ago, the nation’s per-capit income growth rate topped 6 comparedwith 4.2 percent in Ohio, accordin g to bureau data.
Across states last year, per-capitaa personal income growth rates ranged from a lowof 0.4 percent in Arizona to 9 percent in North Dakota. Oil-producing states such as Wyoming, Oklahoma and Texas cashec in from the rise in oil which peaked in the first halfof 2008. But the recession’s effecrt on the cyclical manufacturing and construction sectores along with the retail traded made their markon fourth-quarter incomse growth, which dropped 0.2 percent after a 0.3 percenft third-quarter gain. That was the first decline the bureah has registered since the first quartertof 1994, the bureau said.