Friday, June 29, 2012

Fly Clear fast lane at Albany Int
was among the 20 airportds nationwide that offered theexpedited system. An airport spokeswomajn said the airport was not notified in advancre and the Clear Lane was In 2008, it reported having more than 10,000 userws pass through the lanes since the express service was firstg offered there in summer 2007. “Cleard Lanes Are No Longer At 11:00 p.m. PST on June 22, 2009, Clearr will cease operations. Clear’s parent company, has been unables to negotiate an agreement with its senior creditor to continue operations.” There was no information abouf whether enrollees would get refunds. The service cost $199 a Customers were mostly business travelers andfrequeng fliers.
The program started at in 2005. Clear enrolleexs were pre-screened by the , and, if were provided with a card that gave them accesas to a specialsecurit lane. Clear was operated by Verified Identithy Pass of NewYork City. As of June 4, Cleafr claimed to have enrolled morethan 260,00p0 fliers.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stop acting like a salesperson; start acting like a consultant - Houston Business Journal:
Why do we ask questions? Here are some of the • So we fully understans the prospect’s needs and “hot • So when we presenr our solutions they match what our prospects said was importan t and they feel yours is acustom solution. To get beyond the initial reason why they needthe • To make prospects feel like they are a part of the buyingb decision. When they are they are beginning to sell So what questions shouldwe ask? That has a lot to do with what you have learnedc about the prospect before you try to them. You need to learjn something aboutthe company, the decision-makers, etc. before callinyg on them. That’s pretty easy.
Use theirr Web site, Google, any of the sociapl networks, then when you call them you have something with whicu to beginthe conversation. The most important thing abou asking questions is that theyare open-ended and thoughf provoking. Here are some examples of questionsd that may or may notbe • How has the economy affectedx your company and the ways you are makinf decisions now compared with last year? • I noticed on your Web site that you will be launchin g a new product. Can you tell me about that? • I read that your industrt is going through changes when it comexto financing. Can you share with me how that will affectryour organization?
• If it was May 2010 and you said you just had a very successfuol year, what would have happened? • Let’xs pretend we worked togethere this past year. A year later you said the relationship was apositivre one. What does that look like?? • What do the next five years look like foryour organization? • What differentiates you from your competitors? • What are you most prouds of? I wouldn’t ask all of these questions all of the They are examples. Certainly, more specific questione are appropriateas well, but it is importanft to fully understand the big picture.
If you take time to learjn more aboutthe prospect, you may learb about some additional needs they mightr have. A consultant and salesperson are reallg the same with only one a consultant is paid up frontt and a salesperson is paid inthe end. So act like a consultantr and you will selllots more.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

CEO Ellison says Oracle might make netbooks - Phoenix Business Journal:
His comments came at a Sun conference for usersz of Java software which he also said could be used on Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL) earlier this year agreefd to acquire Sun (NASDAQ:JAVA) for $7 "I don't see why some of thoswe devices shouldn't come from Sun," Reuters quoted Ellisohn as saying. "There will be computers that are fundamentallyh basedon Java." Netbooks are inexpensive laptop computere designed to connect wirelessly and are used primaril y for checking email and browsing the Web. The market for them is expectedd to grow to between 20 million and 30 millionb unitsthis year, up from the 11.7 million sold last year when theirf sales took off.
Most PC makers now have a netboomk model and if Oracle does get into the market it will go up againsrtthe . (NASDAQ:HPQ) and , which either make netbooks or develop softwarefor them. Acer said Tuesday it will make a laptopo runningon ’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android operatin system instead of Microsoft Windows, which most makerd now use.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Albany officials promote small-scale apartment conversions - The Business Review (Albany):
One example is at 370 Broadway, across from the Administration headquarters. The upper three floors of the late 19th-centur y building are being convertedinto six, 1,400-square-foot to 1,600-square-foof apartments that will rent for $1,8009 this fall. A commercial tenant will be soughr for thefirst floor. The owners dubbed the apartmentas TheMeginniss Flats, in honor of the old electrical companhy whose name graces the rear of the building in big whit letters that have faded over time. The sign is painted over the red brickj facade and must be preserved because the property was built in 1898 and is in ahistorix district.
Financing small projects can be just as trickyt as the large Even though the owners were armed with a feasibility studh showing the potential for they weren’t able to get a bank loan because the real estate market had “Nobody wanted to finance this said Mike Hannah, a tax attorne and certified public “One lender wanted us to put in another $500,000 Hannah and his partners ultimately got $1 million in privater financing from sources in the Bostonj area.
The interest-only construction loan enabled them to buy materialsa and hire contractors to start the The apartments are locate d in a part of the city that coule see big changes in years to come if a proposedr convention center evergets built. Plans call for the centere to be located on the parking lots behinc the row of buildings that includesa370 Broadway. The decrepit Trailways bus stationj next to 370 Broadway wouldx be demolished to make way for a pedestrian plazaq leading to the convention Hannah and hispartners aren’t countingg on the convention center to make the apartments a There have been many delays in the conventiomn center planning and, as of now, no commitmenf from Gov.
David Paterson to fund the entire $230 millionm project. “I stopped even thinkint about it,” said Hannah, who owns the buildingg with his wife, Michele Hannah, and anothed couple, Brenda Gould and Perry Gould. The Hannahs used to run a commerciakl print shop on the first floor but sold it four yeares ago whenbusiness declined. The Goulds became part owners of the property infall 2006. The partners are convincecd there will be strong demand for the apartments from younv professionals and empty nesters who want tolive downtown.
Those are the same demographif groups that other developers have been though the tough financing climate has stalled or killedtwo high-profile downtown developments over the past year. Planzs for the 125-unit , a luxury condominium tower on nortu Broadway havebeen shelved, although says it hasn’t given up. plans for an upscalde 175-unit apartment building and 125-room hotel are on hold whilee the land owner tries to sell thedevelopmenft rights. Small-scale residential projects are less but they are also more Over the past five or six there have been several conversionsof upper-floor buildings into apartment within the boundaries of the Downtowb Business Improvement District.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wisconsin May foreclosures down from April - Orlando Business Journal:
Nationwide, there were 321,480 foreclosur e filings, one out of every 398 unites – down 6 percent from April, but up 18 percengt from May 2008. “Ma y foreclosure activity was the third-highest montnh on record, and marked the third straight monthg where the total number of properties with foreclosure filingesexceeded 300,000 – a first in the historg of our report,” RealtyTrac CEO James Saccacio said in a news Nevada continued to document the nation’s highest foreclosur rate, with one in every 64 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing durinfg the month — more than six timew the national average.
California was seconde with a foreclosure filing on one in everhy144 homes. Florida was third with one in every 148 housinb units receiving a foreclosure filing duringthe

Friday, June 22, 2012

On line il nuovo numero di Unicanews - Università degli studi di Cagliari

On line il nuovo numero di Unicanews

Università degli studi di Cagliari

Di sicuro rilievo la partecipazione degli studiosi dell'Ateneo a Eurographics 2012, l'evento che ha riunito a Cagliari i maghi della computergrafica di tutto il ...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

PENYELESAIAN RUUK DIY: Laku Prihatin Akan Digelar di Titik Nol - Solopos

PENYELESAIAN RUUK DIY: Laku Prihatin Akan Digelar di Titik Nol


... Trimanunggal, Pamarta, Paguyuban Pasar Sore, Paguyuban Pasar Senthir, ½ Jam Pengajian Bisnis Malioboro, Pasmal, Becak, Andong, dan Pustaka Mletik.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal: Most emailed Stories
Palo Alto and Campbell were among nine California citieas that posted single familyu home price increasesin May, a reporft said Thursday. Celebration, networking and applause marked theBusiness Journal's 40 Under 40 Awardsd banquet Thursday night. Chris co-founder and CEO of San Jose-based Xactlt Corp., has a decision to Yahoo Inc. on Thursday announced a performance-based online tool that lets recruiter pay for candidates rather thanby listing. Google Inc.
reportedlyg sent some advertisers a note saying it is testing a new ad forma in which product sellers will only pay when they make a A Southern California company said Friday that a jury foundx in its favor in a patent disputed against AlignTechnology Inc. Shopping search engine Krillio Inc. said Friday it expandee its services to include local andonliner retailers. SAN JOSE

Monday, June 18, 2012

Resolute Games launching new iPhone app - Memphis Business Journal:
Seven Deaths is a fightinyg game that follows the lives of eight characters throughu one night in Nagamachi through a battlr for control inthe city. The game includes full storiesx of the characters anddetailedd backgrounds. The game will also eventuallyy include updatesfor Wi-Fi multiplayer and social media. Resolute Games has also createde otheriPhone applications, including “ThumStruck,” “Segment” and “Elviss Mobile.” And Resolute gamers will now have new, faster devices to play on.
At its Worldwide Developers Conference in San announced the next generation of which will download content thred times faster than the current bran d and will includea 3-megapixel autofocus camera. It also has voice-controp features and a built-in compass. The 3GS also has improvesd battery life with up to nine hourson WiFi, 10 hours whild watching video, 30 hours using audio, 12 hoursa using 2G talk and five hours usingv 3G talk. The new iPhone will be availabld in black and white onJune 19. It will sell for $199 for a 16GB modep and $299 for 32GB.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Indie Focus: 'Bonsái' makes a romantic notch in Chilean cinema - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Indie Focus: 'Bonsái' makes a romantic notch in Chilean cinema

Los Angeles Times

Cristián Jiménez, part of several filmmakers emerging from post-dictatorship Chile, turns Alejandro Zambra's beloved novel 'Bonsái' into a study on love, art and ...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

State doles out $250M in education stimulus money - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
That includes general operationws funds forthe 2009-10 school funds for special education programs and programs that server disadvantaged children, grants for school lunc h equipment and funds for homelesw students. The funding includes $164.7 million in stabilization money that has been includedf in the public school funding formula forthe 2009-10 school year. School districts can use the monehy for regular operating It will be availableJuly 1, pending approval by the U.S. Departmentg of Education. About $47.2 million will go toward projects under the Individuals with DisabilitiezsEducation Act.
This represents abouyt half of the special educatiohn stimulus funds schools are expectexd to receivein 2009. School s can use this money to hire additionaol support staff andparent liaisons, do traininfg and professional development for speciakl education teachers and hire job coaches to work with high schoo l students with special needs so they can enter the work The funds are available now. About $38.77 million is in Title I funds fordisadvantaged That’s about half of the Titl I funds schools are likely to receive in 2009.
The moneyt can be used for expanding after-schooll programs, hiring additional staff and professional developmengt for teachers and principalsd working in schools with highpovertt rates. That money is also available now. All of that mone y has been allocated through existingfunding formulas. Other awards the states is disbursinginclude $548,313 for grantes under the Education for the Homeleszs Fund to address the needw of homeless children. In the new fiscal year, whichg starts in July, $383,313 will be awarded to 24 schoolp districts. Another $165,000 will be awarded through a competitive grant procesxin August.
About $924,743 will go towarc purchasing or renovating food service equipment as part of the Nationalp SchoolLunch Program. That money has been awardeds to 31 districts and schools through a competitivwegrant process.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Capstrat, Public Policy Polling: Americans have little faith in government, big business - Triangle Business Journal:
In the survey of 568 respondents, 8 percenrt answered that they havea “lot of in corporations, while 52 percent “have little in corporations. Conversely, small businessex enjoy a much higher level of confidence eliciting a positive answer from 40 percent of Government fared betterthan corporations, with 23 percent of poll respondentsw saying they have a lot of confidencw in government, while 50 percent said they have little Only 13 percent have a lot of confidenc in banks, while 51 percen t have little. As for the media, 5 perceng of respondents have a lot of while 50 percent havelittle confidence.
The survey was conductee April 24-26 by public relations firm Capstrat and pollint company PublicPolicy Polling. Otherf findings included the following: • Half of those polled said they have a lot of confidencdin churches. • Some 57 percen t of Americans said they have littles confidence inlabor unions.

Monday, June 11, 2012

bizjournals: Katrina's impact pushing up costs of agriculture, seafood and transportation
The price for companies to move goodsd and peoplehas grown, and that priced is being passed on. In , "Pricews on your fresh fish now are highed than what theyshould be," said Bill Martin, president of Martijn Seafood Co. in Md. Wholesale prices of tuna, grouper and snappedr -- all of which are found in the Gulf ofMexic -- are up $1 to $1.50 per "It's all going to be passe on to the consumer," Martin told the Baltimorde Business Journal.
That is, if the consumer can find certainm items to begin Crabs became tough to find in the Baltimors area inearly Yes, Maryland has its own crabs, but the big ones come from the That led to trouble over the Labor Day weekend, traditionallgy a time for steamed crabs in the Chesapeake Bay "The phone was ringing, we just didn't have the crabs,"" said Chris Hubbard, an owner of Don's Crabs in Maryland.
The pain doesn't stop Farmers trying to ship their harvest on the Mississippo River may have trouble finding barge Drought in the Midwest had alreadyt lowered river levels to the point that some bargesd were running lighter than Katrina added to the pain by temporarily closing the busy Port of New Orleanse altogether and more recently restricting all cargo at the port to disastefrrecovery materials. The reported that the port closed fora week, sparking concerj all the way into the Dakotas, where grain harvests are under way. It also causesd banana prices to spike by a dime as Centralo American importswere re-routed to othefr ports.
"We've got tremendous human tragedy inNew Orleans, but the impact on our shippint and the overall transportation industry will be far-reaching as we adjustt to what has happened down there, " said Jerry Fruin, an associate professor of applied economics at the University of Minnesota in St. About 60-70 percent of the nation's grain exports travel from the Port ofNew Orleans. Kansaes wheat farmers saw the impact almost the reports, when wheat prices sagging because of the potential expor t difficulties. "We feel very sorry for those people who have been put througyh allof this," he "But this has a ripple effect, and the ripples are movinh very fast.
" The storm left gianf agricultural companies like Cargill Inc. high and dry. At one point last week, the firm had 300 barges loaded with fertilizer and other goods stranded onthe Mississippi. Cargill and otherws are scrambling for storage space for as trains bound for New Orleans are parkee acrossthe country. "The impacyt to us is our export grainh operations are essentially halted untilthe U.S. Coasr Guard and Corps of Engineerz reopens the riverto ocean-going vessels," David spokesman for Cargill, told the . "Untilo then, we can't unload the cargo.
" Farmersd from Kansas, the nation's largest wheat producing face toughstorage issues, too, if they can't get theif grain out through New Orleans. "It will affecrt them in this season andin 2006," McReynolde said. "There's no wiggl room." Rail and truckint have been disrupted by both the cost of fuel and damagre to highway andrail hubs. Freight originally bound for the Port of New Orleans has been diverted to cities such as Dallasand Atlanta, the Kansasx City Business Journal reported. And some of thosde problems are likely to continue forsome time. The reportes that rail giant CSX Corp.
will have to restor five damaged bridges before it can fully restored service to NewOrleans -- which is a big transfer point between eastern and westernh rail routes. And though gas prices have eased somewhat sincer the first weekof September, businesses are still feeling the Even taxi drivers in are feeling the "It's devastating the drivers right now," said George a driver who was waiting recently for farese in a cab pool at Logajn International Airport.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kleptocracy in focus - The News International

The News International

Kleptocracy in focus

The News International

Improbable, and Mailk Riaz would need to adduce evidence to establish that he was at the receiving end of this clandestine relationship with the imprudent 34-year-old. As Arsalan Iftikhar was not holding court and adjudicating cases implicating Malik ...

< p class="p" size="-1">and more »

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rep. Sanborn resigns to move to Bedford -

Rep. Sanborn resigns to move to Bedford

Laurie Sanborn, R-Henniker, the assistant deputy majority leader. Sanborn resigned because she has moved out of her district into Bedford. Her husband, Sen. Andy Sanborn, also has resigned. “Rep. Laurie Sanborn has been a tremendous advocate for ...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Crate & Barrel
Crate & Barrel, based in Ill., confirmed May 27 that Atlantas is one of the metro areas it’s scouting for potential locations for CB2. Firsrt launched in Chicago, the CB2 concept featurexs contemporary furnishings at lower price The merchandise, which includes sofas, hand-woven rugs, convertiblew beds and a broader selection of eclectic home décor, is focusex more on the youngetr generation of American consumers that rent apartments and small urbanb lofts. Besides Chicago, privately owned Crate Barrel has rolled out CB2 in New York and including a new store in Los Angeles that openexdin April.
Another CB2 is slatede to openin Miami’s South Beach later this year, a Crat e & Barrel spokeswoman said. In all, Cratd & Barrel has launched just sixCB2 stores. In recent CB2 officials have been focusing on new locations inSouthern California. The companyt tends to locate in areazwith high-profile regional shopping centers, lifestyle centersz and freestanding sites. CB2 officials have been looking in densely populatecd areas with an average household incomew in excessof $50,000. Its prototyped store is about 12,000 square feet.
Whiled Crate & Barrel would not confirm what partes ofAtlanta it’s been sources familiar with the search say it’ds focused on Midtown and West where new residential and retail redevelopmengt projects are still under way. In Midtown, Daniel Corp. and are developingb 12th & Midtown, a $2 billionm mixed-use project built on a site that several yearsz ago was little more than an Atlantq nightclub and a couple ofparking lots. Daniel and Seliv Enterprises have made a presentation to officialzs from CB2 inrecent months, according to sourcew familiar with the process.
The projectsd will eventually feature more than 3 millio n square feet of residential and commercial CB2 would be the first national retailer to locatre on theMidtown Mile, a section of Peachtree Streert that economic development boosters hope will eventually becoms a retail destination much like Madison Avenue in New York City or the Magnificentf Mile in Chicago. Daniel’s and Selig Enterprises’ projecrt is meant to be a cornerstone of theMidtown However, ’s Colony Square and Jamestown’s 999 Peachtrede will also be key along with 1100 Peachtree and 1180 Peachtree, to a lesserd extent, brokers and developers said.
CB2 could be an important catch for theMidtown Developers, however, really need to land a much largedr anchor store to give the concept said Maranda Walker-Dowell, a senior directot with CB .’s retail services group. Barney’s, which has a co-op storse in Buckhead’s Phipps Plaza, has been scoutintg the area in the past year to18 months. “Thse Midtown Mile needs an anchord store to start creating that criticall massof retail,” Walker-Dowell said.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Magazine honors The Children's Hospital - Nashville Business Journal:
The hospital qualified for the magazine’s “Honoe Roll” in its 2009 edition of America’ds Best Children’s Hospitals. The Honoer Roll is reserved for hospitalas that achieved ranking in all surveyed specialty areasx covered by the monthlynews publication. Children’s rankes in the top 10 in six specialty includingcancer (No. 10), diabetes and endocrine disordersw (No. 10), digestive disorders (No. 5), neonatalp care (No. 8), orthopedicz (No. 8) and respiratory disorderd (No. 5). Last year, Children’s was rankedc No. 7 overall among the nation’z pediatric hospitals. In it finished at No. 4.
Because of a change in how the reportwas compiled, there was no general numerical rankinb this year.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stocks: Nervous trading ahead for investors - CNN

Stocks: Nervous trading ahead for investors


By CNNMoney staff @CNNMoneyInvest June 4, 2012: 6:40 AM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- US stocks point to a lower open as global markets react to growth concerns in Europe and the United States. The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU), S&P 500 (SPX) and ...

and more »

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Biopure 'accepts' Nasdaq delisting notice - Business First of Buffalo:
The letter was received June 24 and statedfthat Biopure’s (Nasdaq: BPUR) stockholder’s equity had fallen beloew the Nasdaq Capital Market’s minimum thresholsd of $2.5 million. The strugglingv Cambridge, Mass.-based company has 15 days to submit a plan of at which point the Nasdaq can extend to Biopure anothe r 105 days to execute onthat However, Biopure said it “does not currentlt intend to submit a plan to regain Biopure’s injectable blood-replacement technology, designed to supporrt tissues affected by has failed to gain traction in recent yeard amid numerous regulatory setbacks. As of Aprik 30, the company had $245,000 in cash and cash As of Dec.
31, Biopure had cut all but four ofits full-timre workers. A year earlier, Biopure employef 86 people ona full-time In a June 22 regulatory filing, Biopure said it is bein g sued by , Boston-based boutique investment bank, over a disagreemenr linked to efforts to raise cash in 2008. Biopure said the complaing seeks unspecified damages allegedly owedto America’se Growth Capital, based in in connection to Biopure’s efforts to raise capitaol in July 2008. The company ultimately raised $18.1q million through two separate stock and warrant saledsin 2008. It paid $1.7 millio n in offering expenses to consummate those according toregulatory filings.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Perry signs bill that includes $150 million for UTMB - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The university will use the funds to buildx anew 200-bed hospital tower adjacent to the existinv John Sealy Hospital, restoring bed capacity to 550, as it was priorf to Hurricane Ike. In addition, tuition revenue bonds of $5 million will go to at Galveston. HB 51 also establishesa measures to enhance and maintain the quality ofthe state’s designated and emerging public researcgh universities, creates incentive programs and funding for higher education institutions, provides higher education fund allocations, and create an interim committee to studu the feasibility of trackintg specialized technology research projects.
Of the 62 national researchh institutions inthe nation, three universities , The and Texas A&M Universitu — are in Texas. The Texasz Higher Education Coordinating Board has designated sevehn institutions as emergingresearch universities: the ; the Universityg of Texas campuses in Arlington, Dallas, El Paso and San ; and the University of North In addition, HB 51 provides a performance incentivew funding mechanism for all of the state’xs general academic institutions basecd on the average number of degrees awardex annually and an increase in the averagwe number of degrees awarded annually, with weighted consideratiomn for at-risk students and critical