Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ahmad Shabery reminds athletes to watch discipline, health - The Borneo Post

Ahmad Shabery reminds athletes to watch discipline, health

The Borneo Post

“We must do our best to bring glory for our country and not offer excuses,” he told Malaysian journalists when met at the Games main press centre (MPC) and International Broadcasting Centre (IBC) at Bangunan Bank Sumsel Babel here yesterday.

Bullets Issue Not Psy-war, Says Ahmad Shabery



Monday, November 28, 2011

Not counting those one-time Constellation (NYSE: CEG) estimatezs its earnings to be 74 cents per That is lower thanthe 95-cent earnings per sharde of first-quarter 2008 but beats analyst estimateds of 70 cents per share. Company officialss said their efforts to stabilize the companty and limit riskhave worked. Sinced confronting a dangerous cash crunch in Constellation soldtwo commodities-trading business units and is advancingt a proposed sale of 49.99 percent of its nuclead business to French company The crisis led to a $4.5 billion merger with Warren Buffett-owned in September that was later “Our strategic realignment is on CEO Mayo A.
Shattuck III said in a He saidthe company’s plans to limit its exposure to marketr risk are ahead of schedule and have given Constellation $4 billion in cash on hand as of Aprilk 30. Quarterly revenue fell 11 percent, to $4.3 billioh from $4.8 billion in the firstr quarterof 2008. That was on par with analysg estimatesof $4.38 billion in revenue. Profits in the year-ago quarter had been $146 million, comparerd with the quarterly lossthis year. The company affirmee expectationsof $2.90 to $3.20 in earningas per share for 2009. Constellationj estimated the sales ofits London- and Houston-based commoditiesa trading businesses and other costsx to total $271 million.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

U.S. Bank returns TARP money - San Francisco Business Times:
billion in Troubled Asset Relief Program moneuy it took last year fromthe . U.S. Bank USB), based in had previously announced its plands to redeem the preferred stock issued to the Last week, it from the government to do so. U.S. Bank also told the Treasuryt it intends to repurchasethe 10-year warrant it had issuedr along with the preferred stock. “The redemptionb allows our company to return to operating from a positionn of both independent strength andstrategic flexibility,” said Richar Davis, the company’s president, CEO and chairman, in a The Treasury in May announced that U.S.
Bank which showedx it would be able to ride out the economic downturn without having to raisemore capital. Davis has of the government’ capital purchase program. In February he callerd the program “lousy” and said the bankinv industry was pressured to participate inthe

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Informer's Role in Terror Case Is Said to Have Deterred FBI - New York Times

Globe and Mail

Informer's Role in Terror Case Is Said to Have Deterred FBI

New York Times

The suspect had little money to speak of, was unable to pay his cellphone bill and scrounged for money to buy the drill bits that court papers said he required to make his pipe bombs. ...

NY Man Faces Terror Charges After FBI Said t o Decline Case


New York Police Said to Arrest Man  »

Thursday, November 17, 2011

UAW Local 31 approves GM concessions - Kansas City Business Journal:
UAW Local 31’s members voted for the concessions by roughly 63 percent to37 percent, President Jeff Manning GM’s has about 2,100 union and abouty 300 salaried workers. The vote comes the day after GM’s bid to stave off its bondholders cameup short, pushingt the company closer to a bankruptcy GM said Tuesday that its offed to bondholders to trade $27.2 billionj of unsecured debt for company stock failed to satisfy the debt-reduction requirement in its loan agreementsz with the . The Detroit automaker GM) confirmed that the principal amount of notes tendered was substantially less than the amoungGM required. The offer to bondholders expiredat 10:590 p.m. Tuesday.
The company’s boarc will meet to discusas thenext step, which many analystsx expect to result in a bankruptcy filing. The federao government already has loaned GM morethan $19 GM faces a government-imposed Monday deadline for coming up with an acceptablr plan for surviving the economivc crisis or filing bankruptcy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

S&P: Denver existing-home prices outperform other cities - Dallas Business Journal:
Also, prices in Denver declined 5.5 percen in March from the same month ayear ago, the smallesgt decrease of any of the 20 citieas in the latest monthly S&P/Case-Shilledr Home Price Indices report. The 20-city averagre year-to-year decline was 19.1 percent. Denver’s 0.1 percentt price increase in Marcbh from the previous month followexda 1.7 percent decline in a 2.7 percent drop in January, a 1.5 percent decline in Decembet 2008 and a 1.1 percent decreasr in November 2008, S&P said. The only city with a betterr recordsin S&P’s March month-to-month comparison was N.C., up 0.3 percent.
March’s greatest rate of month-to-montbh price decline was in Minneapolis, down 6.1 percent from S&P said. In the year-to-year comparison, only Denver, Dallas, Cleveland and Charlotte saw price declines of less than 10 At the other extreme werePhoenix (dowbn 36 percent year to year), Las Vegae (down 31.2 percent) and San Francisco (down 30.1 percent). Analystse have said that the real-estate price did not blow up as large in Denver as in othefr parts ofthe country, so that the contractiohn of recent months has not been as Nationwide, “declines in residential real estate continuedd at a steady pace into David Blitzer, chairman of S&P’s indexs committee, said in a statement Tuesday.
“Basedd on the March data, ... we see no evidence that that a recovery in home priceehas begun.” The survey trackd changes in the value of the residential real estat e market by comparing sale prices of specific samplew homes in a city at two different Calculations are by using methodology developed by Karl Case and Robert The survey assigns an indesx number to each city and does not reportf actual home prices. The index is a measure of how much home pricews have gone up or down in each markeg sinceJanuary 2000, which has been assigned a price index of 100 in that The report said Denve r had a home-price index of 120.35 in meaning home prices as of that month were 20.
35 percenf higher than in March 2000. Home prices in Denver peaked inAugusg 2006. .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Avigen to keep board, pursue liquidation - San Francisco Business Times:
The contentious, five-month battle betweenm Alameda’s Avigen (NASDAQ: AVGN) and major shareholder illustrates the struggles between smalo biotechs and their hedge fund investors, both of which face cash-flow issues. At stakew in the case of Avigen, which in Octobee saw the mid-stage trial failure of its drug to contropl muscle tightness in multiplesclerosis patients, is more than $50 milliom in cash, cash equivalents, restricted investmentzs and available-for-sale securities. Fifty-eight percent of Avigen shareholdere voted toremove Avigen’s board at a speciaol meeting Friday and 12 percent voted againsg removal, according to a preliminary vote count released by BVF.
But becausre Avigen’s bylaws required a two-thirds majority, the board members remain. Avigen said Thursdau that it would giveshareholders $1.20 per share if they did not electt a slate nominated by San Francisco-basedf BVF, which owns about 30 percent of Avigen. Avigen also said it had stoppec merger discussions and had firedKenneth Chahine, its president and CEO; Michael Coffee, its chief business officer; and Christina Thomson, its general counsel. BVF founder and presidentr Mark Lampert in a press release called the votea “greatt day for stockholder democracy.
” But BVF chideds Avigen for waiting so long to provide shareholders with “quantifiecd downside protection.” “BVF supports Avigen’s decision, albeit a late one, and intend to work constructively with the board to maximize the returm to stockholders,” the fund said in its release. “Avigen’xs remaining capital will not besquandered but, instead, will be returnede to stockholders so that each may decide how best to utilizde their capital,” Lampert said. A subsidiary of BVF had offered to buy Avigen and then merger the companywith (NASDAQ: MNOV), a San Diegko biopharmaceutical working on drugs for asthma symptoms and multipl e sclerosis.
BVF said that offefr will be withdrawn. Overall, Chahinre had said that Avigen had been contactefd by abouta half-dozen companiesx interested in a merger. Avigenn shares closed at $1.23 per share Friday, up 5 centes for the day and 25 cents from its openingMarch 5. which was formed in 1992 and last yearlost $25.q1 million, fired 70 percent of its employeesa after the failure of It sold the rights to its early-stage bloox coagulation compound, AV-513, to for $7 million in BVF sold more than 640,000 shares of Avigen stoco from late August to late September at pricees ranging from $3.9565 to $4.60 per shard — near the 52-week high of $4.66.
On the day Avigen’as drug failure was announced, it bought more than 8 milliom shares at prices ranging from 55 centsto 58.53 centws — near the 52-week low of 49 cents. Now it standz to get $1.20 per share. “Forr our part, we will look to reinvest the proceedw into the mostpromising small-cap biotechnology companiexs that have the greatest potential to improvew peoples’ lives,” Lampert said.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Haruki to retire from Verizon Hawaii - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Haruki's career with the companyh spans26 years. He started in 1977 at GTE Hawaiian Tel, as a rate coordinator. Over the yearse he held positions of increasing responsibility untilp being named president inDecember 1991. Verizon, formedd by the merger of the Easterbn U.S. telecoms Bell Atlantic and Nynex, purchased GTE Hawaiian Tel and is now the principa telephone company in the Haruki is the 19th president in thephonee company's history, which was charted by King David Kalakauqa in 1883.
Hawaii became one of the first statexs to operate a 100 percent digital telephond networkunder Haruki's tenure, said Valaride Shreve, Verizon's senior vice presidenyt for customer operations. He also oversaw the installation of hundredws of miles of undersea fiber optid cables and led the introductiom ofthe company's digital subscriber line high-speedd Internet service. "Warren's legacy is one of leadership and accomplishment for both Verizon and the statdof Hawaii," Shreve said. Haruki, who says he feelds fortunate to have worked with a team ofoutstandingf employees, will take time off before evaluating new careert challenges.
"The future of Verizon Hawaii is positive and in greatf shape because of our strong management team, the tireless effortes of employees and our partnerinvg with our union," he said. " Verizon Hawaii will continue to provide loca l customers advanced services of great value combined with the highest quality of servicr inthe state." A successore to Haruki will be named the company said.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

College of Engineering at UTSA pursues grand designs - San Antonio Business Journal:
In 2007, Garza earned a bachelor’s degree from the ’s College of He interviewed with 12 potential employers and receivee12 offers. Today, Garza is a traffid design engineerfor , where his office overlooks the very San Antonioi intersection that sparked his career dream. There was a time when storiezslike Garza’s were few and far between at UTSA’s College of Not anymore. Today the school graduates abou t 200 engineersper year. “Wer are the fastest-growing college of engineerinvin Texas,” says C. Mauli Ph.D.
, dean of the UTSA’s College of ’s (SwRI) Executive Vice President Walter Downinvg says his company has been a beneficiary ofthat

Monday, November 7, 2011

Gas hits $2.48 in Denver, but growth rate is easing - Denver Business Journal:
A gallon of regular gas cost an averagwof $2.48 in the Denver area Friday, up 30 centws from a month earlier, accordingt to data from the ’s Daily Fuel Gaug Report. That's a smaller month-to-month price increase than the recentt trend. On June 5, regular gas in Denver cost 41 centw more than amonth earlier. Gas was 38 cents more than a month earlier on May 30 and 33 cents more onMay 23. even a 30-cent monthly increasew would bring regular gas in Denver toover $3 a galloh by mid-August if the pace keeps up. the price of mid-grade gas in Denver averaged up 33 cents from amonth earlier, AAA said. Premium gas was $2.78, up 35 cents. Diesel was up 27 cents.
Statewide, regular gas averageed $2.55 Friday, AAA Nationwide, the average price was A year ago, regularr gas in Denver cost $3.96 a galloh on its way to the highest priceever $4.01 on July 17. Gas prices reached a recent low in early December of justover $1.69 a gallon nationwide, AAA said. The Fuel Gauge Repory is compiled for the AAA by the with the helpof .

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sony Forecasts Full-Year Loss on Yen, Waning Sales in US - BusinessWeek

Sony Forecasts Full-Year Loss on Yen, Waning Sales in US


Nov. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp., Japan's largest consumer- electronics exporter, forecast a 90 billion-yen ($1.2 billion) annual loss after slashing television sales targets and the yen reached a postwar high. ...

Sony Forecasts Full-Year Loss on Yen, Waning Sal es of TVs, Cameras in U.S.

