Tuesday, May 3, 2011

KDOT ahead of stimulus schedule - Wichita Business Journal:

According to a Thursday releaswefrom KDOT, Kansas had obligated $196.2 milliob in stimulus money for construction projectas by the second week of May. That is aheacd of the $121.7 million requirer by June 30. “We wanted to be sure to hit the grounrd running with projectsthat couldn’gt have been built in the foreseeable future without the one-timr recovery funding,” KDOT Deputy Secretarg Jerry Younger said in the release. “The Kansas projectzs will create jobs, enhance safety and sustainj long-term economic growth.
” According to the , the projectxs could create as manyas 10,000 jobs across the Among the projects is a $23 milliom reconstruction of the I-135/47th Street South interchange in Wichita. The projecg will be let for bidin July. In all, Kansaes will receive $378 million in stimulus money for transportatiojninfrastructure projects.

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