Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Amir Khan-Zab Judah: Details, Venue, The Split, More - BoxingScene.com


Amir Khan-Zab Judah: Details, Venue, The Split, More


Khan was offering a 60-40 split on the money and requested a Las Vegas venue, while Judah was demanding an even 50-50 split and requested a venue in Atlantic City. In the end, the two sides agreed on a split of 55-45 in Khan's favor, and the Mandalay ...

and more »

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hartsfield-Jackson testing fingerprint system to track non-residents - San Antonio Business Journal:

officials announced Monday that and are on the cutting edge of a new trial run for biometric trackingof non-American leaving the United States. The programj is designed to root out fraudulen use of travel documents and helpguared non-residents from identity theft, DHS officialw said. The program was launched May 28at Hartsfield-Jackson and througn Monday had collected fingerprintd of 3,100 foreign passengers leavinb the country. “Collecting biometrics allows us to determine faster and more accurateltywhether non-U.S.
citizens have departed the United States on time or remainedf in thecountry illegally,” DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said in a Since 2004, the federal government has collected fingerprints and photographs of most non-U.S. residentw entering the U.S. at air and seaportxs or applying for visas to entedrthe country. The program, called US-VISIT (United Statesx Visitor and Immigrant StatuzIndicator Technology), has resulted in the arrest of thousandxs of criminals and the detection of thousands of non-residents in violatio n of their visas, officials The federal government tried an exit tracking system triap several years ago, but the process proved unworkable.
The programj in Atlanta checks the fingerprintsof non-residents at the main In Detroit, Customs and Border Protection agents stationedc at airport gates check biometric data. “Unlike namew and dates of birth, biometric data is uniquee and almost impossible to said US VISIT Director Robert Data from the two tests will be analyzed to determinse whether nationwide trackingof non-resident s will be performed at security checkpoints or at airporty gates. Airlines have protested the gate stating it could cause unnecessary delays and woulrd be costlyto implement.
Mocney said Homeland Security does not want delayes atsecurity checkpoints, either, and thus far the Atlanta trial has had no significant impact on wait timea at Hartsfield-Jackson. He noted the triaol is being conducted during the busy summeretravel season. The Detroit trial has also workede withina 35-minute aircraft turnaround window mandatexd by air carriers, he said. The pilot prograj ends July 2. TSA and Homeland Securitty hope to evaluate the data by the end of with official rulemaking to follos inMarch 2010. Final deployment nationwide could come sometimein 2011.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wilmington's Cooperative Bank issues 'going concern' guidance - Triangle Business Journal:

The 100-year-old coastal lender included news of thepossiblee auditor’s “going concern” warning in a filing with the . In the Cooperative managers also say thatthe bank’a already-delayed 2008 financials will be delayerd further, until April 30. In March, Cooperative agreed to a from the Nortb Carolina Commissioner of Banks and the that directedfthe $696 million total-asset bank to bolster its beef up its managementt and reform its lending practices. In earliee filings, and again in the April 15 SEC document, the bank says it expectw to post a lossof $30.
76 million for 2008 and that it is in search of a $25 million cash infusion from investors to meet the capitalization requirements outlined in the regulatory In the latest filing, managers say the searchu for both investments and a buyer continue. The independenr auditor’s going concern warning, they add, would be issuex in connection with the releaseof Cooperative’x 2008 financials unless investors and/or a buyer can be The bank's interim CEO, Todd did not immediately return a phonre call seeking comment.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Buda City Council decision opens door for U.S. Foodservice - Business First of Louisville:

composite siding
A 5-to-2 vote to approve a new land use designatiohn in partof Buda’s extraterritorial jurisdictionm - after a unanimous rejectioh of the land use change proposal in April - pave s the way for to build its 260,000-square-foof distribution center there. The company plans to close its East Austinj center and bring its roughly 250 employeez from thereto Buda, with plans to hire 100 more withibn its first three The Columbia, Md.
-based food distributor signef a letter of intent last September to buy abougt 40 acres in Buda, 15 mileas south of Austin, with plans to build the new cente r in the Sunfield Municipal Utility But before it could proceed with the the company needed the land-usew designation in part of the MUD changed from retai and commercial to light industrial. Responding to Buda concerns about increased truck traffiv and worries that the land use chang e in the MUD was initially proposed for 160acrez — the company will initiallyu only reside on 40 acresz — the Buda council rejected the proposed land-use change earlier this spring. That rejectionn had U.S.
Foodservices lookinh at other locations to buildcthe center. Warren Ketteman, president of Buda’s Economic Development Corporation, said the land use change approve d this week was for 95 a smaller parcel thanoriginally proposed. Kettemanj said documents need tobe finalized, and then the compant can move forward with its plana for the Buda facility. A timeline is not yet

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hillary for president? - Buffalo News


Buffalo News

Hillary for president?

Buffalo News

With Obama still reasonably popular among rank-and-file Democrats, especially minorities, a primary challenge would be both futile and destructive. In fact, a January CNN poll showed that by a 78 percent to 20 percent margin, Democrats want to see ...

and more »

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blockbuster and Sonic Solutions team up for movies-on-demand - New Mexico Business Weekly:

Novato-based Sonic (NASDAQ: SNIC) makes softwarwe used in burning DVDsand CDs. Dallas-based Blockbustetr (NYSE: BBI) is a chain of 7,500 video rental stores and has lately been following itsrivalo (NASDAQ: NFLX) down the movie-by-mail and Internet Under this deal — the businessed gave no financial detailes — Sonic and Blockbuster will work with “a host of consumer electronic” companies, including those Sonic has already made deal with through its CinemaNow download unit, to bring Blockbuster’s servicde to more types of devices.
The companiesx hope to offer Blockbuster moviesover computers, portable medisa players, Blu-ray Disc players, mobile phones and other devices. Blockbustert plans to sell some of the devices inits Blockbuster’s archrival, Los Gatos-based Netflix, has been moving quickly beyonsd its original and highly successful businesxs concept of sending DVDs to customerzs in ubiquitous red-and-white It has signed a number of Internet videi deals with electronics companies, including Alviso-based (NASDAQ: another company moving quickly into new markets.
As Tivo and Netflix looked like they might start steppinf oneach other’s toes in the video-via-Internet they inked an agreement to work Now customers with the most modern modelzs of Tivo’s digital video recorders can access theird Netflix accounts and request movies via broadband connection and watch them on their televisionws right away. In November, Netflix create d a new job at the compan to oversee streamingvideo deals, and hiref Gregory Peters to fill it. The company has an agreement with to offer video streaming on theKorean company’s Blu-rag DVD players. It also has deals with and MSFT) for its Xbox 360 game device.
Tivo has contributede to this convergence of television and Internet by givingf its customers access to YouTube videoson demand, right on theifr televisions. Jim Keyes is chairman and CEO of Dave Habiger is president and CEO ofSonic Solutions. Thered are five Blockbuster locationsin Albuquerque.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cashing in on aging boomers - New Mexico Business Weekly:

“People wanted nothing to do with themature market,” said Maddty Dychtwald, senior vice president of the companu in San Francisco. Now, the consumer products and services industry can’t stop thinking about the mature especially since a baby boomer turnds 50 every 8½ seconds. At 78 million people, boomers represenr one-third of all adults in the United States. They controp half of the nation’s wealth and, at leasy before the recession, were spending $2 trillionm on consumer products and serviceasa year. Boomers were expected to account for about 40 percent of spending by according to a reportin 2007.
So, retailers and marketers are eager to figures out how to reach this Some in the consumer producte and services industry are gettingit right, while many othersd still have much to learn and lose, said experts who specializw in marketing to baby Marketing to this 19-year generation is proving tricky. Although boomerws are lumped together, they’re a diverse grouop with divergent life experiences givenm that they range in age from 44to 63. And like the rest of the they range from affluent tofinancialluy disadvantaged. The way to market to boomers is by individuaol life stagesegments — such as empty-nestere and grandparents — without mentioning age, consultant said.
“They refuse to be called seniors. That is the wors t thing you can do to this saidAlice Jacobs, a Rosevilld baby boomer who advises companies on generational marketing and teachea seminars and classes on the topic, includintg through UC Davis Extension. Although generalizing of boomers should be done older baby boomers refuse togrow up. They thinjk old age starts arounde 75or 80, said Matt Thornhill, founder of , a marketing research and consulting firm in Virginia. Boomers see themselvesz as vibrant and They like trying new servicexsand products, despite the myth that they are spokesman Anthony Deluise said.
The association of people 50 and oldet no longeruses “retired” in its name. Boomere like print advertising because they want lots of Boomers also pay attention to new and will clickon eye-catching Internet ads. This generation also likesw products, services and shopping experiences that make them feel specialand pampered, consultants They don’t want to merely eat or buy things. They want to they want experiences. This is especially true sincs therecession started. Many boomers who are 60 had expected to retird over the nextfive years. Now, they will likelyg work an extra threed to five years becausew oftheir hard-hit investments and pensions, Dychtwald said.
The good news is they won’tf be on a fixed income and will still But their free time will be more More boomers will be working and raisinhg children or grandchildren while also dealing with theirf ownsick parents. As a result, “experience over things becomre valued,” Dychtwald said. “There is a real shift gointg on right now on what peopleare valuing.” Boomer s in particular want to be responsible consumers. “It’x not about buying stuff to have Thornhill said. Lifestyle centers which combine upscale storeswith restaurants, entertainment and comfortablde places to linger — provide the experiences that boomerss want.
Local examples are Sacramento’s Pavilions center and The Fountainsin

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hawaiian Telcom opposes buyout offer - Business First of Louisville:

Sandwich Isles filed a motion earlierf this month to submit a competing Chapter 11 reorganization plan forHawaiian Telcom. In it, the Honolulu-basef company offered to buy Hawaiian Telcom’s assetsd using $250 million in cash and $150 million in debt that woulx be issued byHawaiian Telcom. Until June 30, Hawaiian Telcomm has so-called “exclusivity” in filing a reorganizatio n plan. The company wantsx to extend that exclusivityto Sept. 30 as it gets votes on a proposedr plan it filedJune 3. Sandwich Isles has filedd an objection tothat extension, and Hawaiiabn Telcom’s latest filing defendxs the request.
“Asking the court for help in promotinga low-ballo offer for Hawaiian Telcom’s businesses is not a recipe for successa in bankruptcy proceedings,” Hawaiian Telcom said in the filing. Sandwicb Isles, a company founded in 1995 to take advantagw of government subsidies that pay for the installation of broadband cablwe inrural areas, had said in its motiom that Hawaiian Telcom refused to consider its offer. But, Hawaiian Telcok says it analyzed and rejected the offerin May, for eight reasons listed in the filing.
It citex Sandwich Isles’ lack of committed financing, lack of federal and stats licenses to operate inurban areas, and lack of experiencs and ability to operate a full-services communications company. Hawaiian Telcom said it stands behind its proposecd reorganization plan to reducethe company’s debt by nearly $790 from $1.1 billion to $300 million. Sandwichy Isles’ motion also claims Hawaiian Telco has notmade good-faith progressx in its bankruptcy case sincre filing for Chapter 11 protection in In defending that claim, Hawaiian Telcom’ds chief operating officer Kevin Nystrom said the compang has contacted “dozens of strategic and financiakl purchasers.
” The company said it pursues a potential buyer, whom it did not identify, but that after two months of talks no offedr was made. Nystrom said Hawaiian Telcokm also askedits “equity sponsor” -- its majority owner, of Washington, D.C. -- abour a standalone reorganization and also discussed standalone restructuring options with its bondholderes andsecured lenders.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Port San Antonio tenant begins air cargo service to Mexico - Denver Business Journal:

, the port’s foreign trad zone operator, will host the servicwe on Mexpress. LOGITEX USA will serve as the sales Mexpress is an air cargo transportatiomn company that catersto small- to medium-sizeds companies that need to ship less than a trailerf load of supplies. Mexpress, in will aggregate the cargo andship customers’ materials out via air cargop shippers at the port three times a “This service will be very important to companiexs in need of air cargko transport between our region and the strategi cargo centers in Mexico,” says Jorge Canavati, vice president of businessx development for Port San Antonio.
“Aty the same time it is an efficient tool for smal and medium sized companies that need to ship a palle or two ata time.” The companiesz involved in this partnership envision offeringv this service to othed markets in Mexico and Central The companies could also serve as a feeder to and from Asia through international air cargi hubs. “We are opening new trad e horizons in dealing with Port San Mexpress President CarlosDuron says.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sanitasi Meluap, Warga Sambat - Radar Jogja


Sanitasi Meluap, Warga Sambat

Radar Jogja

Sepertinya tidak memenuhi syarat,รข€ ungkap Sumantri, warga shelter Gondang I, Desa Wukirsari, Kecamatan Cangkringan. Menurutnya, septic tank yang ada pembangunan tak sesuai standar sanitasi. Kedalaman septic tank hanya sekitar setengah meter saja. ...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

With draft decisions due, prospects put on display - New York Post


SB Nation

With draft decisions due, prospects put on display

New York Post

That's the decision Gibbs, an  »

Friday, May 6, 2011

Q&A with Dennis Kelly - Jacksonville Business Journal:

Yes. The experts are predicting the global economic slowdown will runinto 2010. How will the Jacksonvillew Port Authority fit in with your internationaltraffifc forecast? Jaxport has a lot to offer the internationapl trade community, especially with Hanjin Shippinb Company Ltd. building a second container terminal. we have a huge challenge ahead of us establishintg new global trade lanes into With Savannah being ourmain competition, the entirr logistics community will have to replicate what the stated of Georgia and the Georgia Port Authority have so successfullyt done to attract many major What’s in store for TraPac’s Jacksonville operation for the cominhg year?
Everything is in place to have TraPac’s first vessell work January 12, 2009. Therefore the service that has been callingbon APM-Blount Island since July 2008 will relocated to TraPac-Dames Point. At this time this is the only vesse l service wehave scheduled. How will your new terminal impacft the surrounding logistics industries inNortheasgt Florida? As we all a few major importers have alreaduy relocated or enlarged their Jacksonville distribution This will continue when more and more new shipping linesz establish a Jacksonville service, and in turn, more and more importerd will see the businesas opportunities in Northeast Florida.
What does the Port of Jacksonville need to do in the next year to get closee to reaching its goal of being the thirde largest port on theEast Coast? Two critica areas: The river must be deepened to at leastf 50 feet by 2014 to allow post-Panamaz ships to be able to call, and highway and rail servicd to Dames Point needs to be

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

KDOT ahead of stimulus schedule - Wichita Business Journal:

According to a Thursday releaswefrom KDOT, Kansas had obligated $196.2 milliob in stimulus money for construction projectas by the second week of May. That is aheacd of the $121.7 million requirer by June 30. “We wanted to be sure to hit the grounrd running with projectsthat couldn’gt have been built in the foreseeable future without the one-timr recovery funding,” KDOT Deputy Secretarg Jerry Younger said in the release. “The Kansas projectzs will create jobs, enhance safety and sustainj long-term economic growth.
” According to the , the projectxs could create as manyas 10,000 jobs across the Among the projects is a $23 milliom reconstruction of the I-135/47th Street South interchange in Wichita. The projecg will be let for bidin July. In all, Kansaes will receive $378 million in stimulus money for transportatiojninfrastructure projects.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

GM owes $9M to AK Steel - Birmingham Business Journal:

About $9.1 million is how much the carmakert owes theWest Chester-based steekl manufacturer in trade debt, according to a list of GM’s 50 largesft unsecured creditors that was includeds with its initial bankruptcy court filings was listed as the company’ 33rd largest unsecured creditor. The only other Ohio companyy on the list was Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. in Akron, which is on the hook for almost $7 No Kentucky or Indiana companies were on the Aside from bond debt and employee which accountfor GM’s five largest unsecuredr obligations, the top tradd debt disclosed was $122 million owed to Starconm Mediavest Group Inc.
of GM has been AK Steel’s biggest customedr for years, although the percentage of tota l sales it derives from the troubled automotive companu has been declining inrecent years. AK Steel did not disclosde how much it sold to GM in 2008 in its latestfannual report, but earlier annual reports discloser that shipments to GM accounted for 20 percent of net salexs in 2003, 15 percent in 2004, 13 percenty in 2005, and less than 10 percent in 2006 and 2007. AK Steel said about 28 percent of its tradre receivables outstanding at the end of 2008 were due from businesses associated withthe U.S. automotive industry, including Genera Motors, Chrysler and Ford.
Its 2008 annuall report also included the followinycautionary disclosure: “If any of these threr major domestic automotive companies were to make a bankruptcuy filing, it could lead to similar filings by suppliers to the automotiv e industry, many of whom are customers of the The company thus coulfd be adversely impacted not only directly by the bankruptcyt of a major domestic automotive manufacturer, but also indirectly by the resultangt bankruptcies of other customers who supplhy the automotive industry. The nature of that impact could be not only a reduction in future but also a loss associated with the potentiak inability to collect all outstandingvaccounts receivables.
That could negatively impact the company’sw financial results and cash flows. The companty is monitoring this situation closely and has takehn steps to try to mitigate its exposure to such adverse but because of current market conditionsd and the volume of business it cannot eliminatethese