Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Valley life briefs - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
“Arts Education: Creating the Future” will feature a panekl discussion to address key questions about the role of arts education in including how to better teac h arts education to increasestudent achievement, how the arts interact with technology and what steps are beinyg taken to reform arts education in Santa Claras County. Panelists include Faysal Sohail, managinb director of CMEA Ventures; Dr. Jacquelind Horejs, superintendent of the Union School Ellen Wheeler, Mountain View Whisman School District Connie Martinez, managing director of 1stACT and Erin Orchard School District kindergarten teacher. The program begins at 7 p.m.
and will be held at the Historix Hoover Theater at 1635 Park Avenue in San Intel pledges topromote math, sciencew with $120M Intel Corp. said on Oct. 20 it is committingt $120 million over the next decadd to get young people more interested in mathand science. The fundinhg from the Intel Foundatio n forits partner, Society for Science and the supports student science competitions. “oI can’t think of a more critica l time to invest in math andsciencee education,” said Will Swope, Intel’s vice presidenr and general manager for corporate affairs.
“Wes will work with districts, school and teachers arounds the world to help get students excited and engaged in math andsciencee — subjects providing the foundation for In addition to the Intel Scienc e Talent Search and Intel International Science and Engineerinh Fair, the money will fund a youth outreacg program, online science community and science fair alumnio network with mentors. The $120 millio n is the largest single commitmeng in the history of the Intel Family Service Agency of San Mateo was recognizexd last month for its Ways to Work FamilyLoan Program. The prograk provides low-interest car loans to low-incomwe parents who do not have accesz toconventional credit.
Having a car helps these familiesmaintaijn self-sufficiency and employment. During the past fiscakl year, the program completed 34 loans.Thisz is the third time the Family Servic Agency of San Mateo has receivedan award, and was one of 14 nonprofift agencies throughout the U.S. that received recognition at the 10th annualp Performance Awardsin Milwaukee.“During tumultuous economic times, our Ways to Work Familgy Loan program is a beaconj of light for strugglinh San Mateo County parents tryinfg to provide for their families,” said Deboraj Miller, vice president of programs and client services for the agency.

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