Friday, April 29, 2011

Janelia Farm Research Campus to expand - Phoenix Business Journal:
The plans call for the Chevy Chase nonprofit institute to build new temporary campu s housing for graduate postdoctoral researchers and visiting scientists near the main entrancee of its first standaloneresearch campus, a 689-acrw expanse that opened three years ago as the first of its kind in Northern Virginia. The project, entailing 60 new one-bedroom is meant to help the research institute attract more scientififc talent from around the world toits 240-stronv staff. “Graduate students and post docs are with us for a relativeluy short period of time and they place a high valu on living close totheir laboratories,” said Gerryg Rubin, Janelia Farm’s director.
This marks the firsg major expansion forJanelia Farm, touted as a $500 million biomedical crown jewel for Northern Virginia, and a rare constructionj project in an otherwise gloomy commercial real estate market hit hard by the WDG Architecture of Washington, D.C., is helpinb design the new 80,000-square-foot building, which will boast the same curves shape as the campus’ flagship, glass-walled research building.
Ashburn-basefd Dietze Construction Group willoversee construction, expected to begimn this Labor Day weekend and be complete in a year’s The four-story building will includwe a ground floor with common areas and covered parking for 61 all topped by three residentialp floors. Each floor, incorporating natural light and loft-likwe configurations, will contain 20 one-bedroom most including an additional den. They will join Janelia Farm’s housin village, already composed of 21 studios and32 multi-bedroom apartmentw and by now fully occupied by visitintg staffers. The institute will charged the short-term residents rent to help cover monthlh expenses of thenew space.
“It is intendec to break even,” said Avice Meehan, institute “There’s no immediate plans for additionalhousingg [after this project]. This will satisfyg our needs for some time to The Howard Hughes institute has applied for upto $23 milliom in tax-exempt bonds with the Loudoun County Industriak Development Authority to finance the apartment building projecgt and related costs -- an application that must also go befor the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. With a $17.5 billio n endowment, Howard Hughes Medical Institute funds long-term biomedical research by its 2,409 scientist employees or collaborators to the tune of $658 milliojn last fiscal year alone.
Janelia Farm, anticipating to be fullt staffed in the next two spentroughly $100 million on researcbh projects and operations last fiscal

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Valley life briefs - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
“Arts Education: Creating the Future” will feature a panekl discussion to address key questions about the role of arts education in including how to better teac h arts education to increasestudent achievement, how the arts interact with technology and what steps are beinyg taken to reform arts education in Santa Claras County. Panelists include Faysal Sohail, managinb director of CMEA Ventures; Dr. Jacquelind Horejs, superintendent of the Union School Ellen Wheeler, Mountain View Whisman School District Connie Martinez, managing director of 1stACT and Erin Orchard School District kindergarten teacher. The program begins at 7 p.m.
and will be held at the Historix Hoover Theater at 1635 Park Avenue in San Intel pledges topromote math, sciencew with $120M Intel Corp. said on Oct. 20 it is committingt $120 million over the next decadd to get young people more interested in mathand science. The fundinhg from the Intel Foundatio n forits partner, Society for Science and the supports student science competitions. “oI can’t think of a more critica l time to invest in math andsciencee education,” said Will Swope, Intel’s vice presidenr and general manager for corporate affairs.
“Wes will work with districts, school and teachers arounds the world to help get students excited and engaged in math andsciencee — subjects providing the foundation for In addition to the Intel Scienc e Talent Search and Intel International Science and Engineerinh Fair, the money will fund a youth outreacg program, online science community and science fair alumnio network with mentors. The $120 millio n is the largest single commitmeng in the history of the Intel Family Service Agency of San Mateo was recognizexd last month for its Ways to Work FamilyLoan Program. The prograk provides low-interest car loans to low-incomwe parents who do not have accesz toconventional credit.
Having a car helps these familiesmaintaijn self-sufficiency and employment. During the past fiscakl year, the program completed 34 loans.Thisz is the third time the Family Servic Agency of San Mateo has receivedan award, and was one of 14 nonprofift agencies throughout the U.S. that received recognition at the 10th annualp Performance Awardsin Milwaukee.“During tumultuous economic times, our Ways to Work Familgy Loan program is a beaconj of light for strugglinh San Mateo County parents tryinfg to provide for their families,” said Deboraj Miller, vice president of programs and client services for the agency.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Super Steel could move work to area - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Milwaukee company announced this week that it will closr the plant in the townof N.Y., a suburb of Schenectady, by April leaving about 175 workers without jobs. Super Steell president James Schmelzer said in an interview that part of the work bein done at the New York plant will be shifted toSuperd Steel’s Milwaukee operations. Super Steel has its corporate headquarters and main planty at7900 W. Tower Ave. and a seconr factory at 7100 W. Calumet Road. Super Steeo has a total of 350 to 400 employee at the twoMilwaukee sites, Schmelzefr said.
“There will be some itemsz movedto Milwaukee, but most of the contracts (at the New York are coming to an end and there’s just not enoug volume there,” he said. Super Steel announced Dec. 3 planx to cut 50 to 60 jobs at its Milwaukees plants due to circumstances unrelated to the planneed New Yorkplant closing. — Rich Rovito said Dec. 3 that it plans to open a 15,900-square-footy design center in late December at425 N. Moorlanx Road in Brookfield.
The new design centefr will offer various furnishings as well asdesigbn assistance, financing and free local “We are thrilled to brinhg our interior design expertise to a new community,” said Pamela Ethan Allen’s regional design Based in Danbury, Ethan Allen Interiors has a network of nearly 300 design centers worldwide, including three other design centeres in Wisconsin. — Todd Bragstad

Friday, April 22, 2011

Acute rehab unit honored again - Finger Lakes Times

Acute rehab unit honored again

Finger Lakes Times

GENEVA â€" Geneva General Hospital's Acute Rehabilitation Unit has again received national recognition for patient outcomes. The unit was recognized by the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation for the unit's patient outcomes ranking in the ...

St. Luke's acute rehabilitation program re-accredited

Superior Telegram


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Corus slapped with written agreement - South Florida Business Journal:
Under the terms of the so-callexd “written agreement,” the bank is restricted from payingy dividends, issue securities, accrue additional debt withour prior Federal ReserveBank approval. Corus CEO Robert Glickmanb agreed to the orderon Feb. 18 -- such an accorsd is one of the strongest regulatory plans at the disposals of bankinindustry overseers. The bank is now also requiredc to submit a new capital plan and cash flow projectiond to the FederalReserve Bank, and provide writtenb progress reports to new overseer. Locally, Macon, Ga.-basedx (NASDAQ: SBKC) is operating under a similar written agreemen withthe .
Known for lendingv on condo projects nationwide, some of Corus’ largesy loans are in Atlanta. The city is the bank’ws third largest U.S. lending and includes some high-profil condo projects currently under construction in the slowesgt condo sales marketin decades. Atlantsa Business Chronicle on Feb. 6. Corusa is the main lender on severapof Atlanta’s largest and highest-profilr condo projects under just as the market is approachinhg its nadir with the worst sales figures in The company is on the hook for $533 millio n in loans on 11 Atlanta condo projects, according to a filinyg with the Securities and Exchange Commission last October.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

St. Louis sublease space rises as firms cut workers - St. Louis Business Journal:
There’s currently 322,417 square feet of sublease officew space available inthe St. Louis the highest level in at leasfour years, according to . That is a smalkl fraction of the total availablrspace — just under 50 million square feet in the metrp area. Even so, commercial real estatd brokers say the increasing availabilitty of sublease space is good news for regardless ofwhether they’re looking for short- or long-terkm space. A-B InBev is vacating 150,000 squar e feet of space in three buildingsa in Sunset Hills this yearand 45,000 squaree feet at Plaza downtown.
Real estats sources said the brewing giant may ultimatelyg sublease several hundred thousand square feet of space in Sunsef Hills before the year is over as it seeks further One office tenant that has already subleased a portion of thespacd AB-InBev is unloading is GroupCast LLC, a voice-message broadcasting servicre that leased 15,584 square feet at 9735 Landmarl Parkway in April. Terms of the deal were not As job losses the impactto St. Louis will be more acutely felt in the seconed halfof 2009, say real estat e experts. That’s because new sublease space typically lags a layoff announcementf by six months toa year.
“Everyoner continues to see thestorm coming,” said Chriws Fox, managing director of Gateway Commercial/ . Fox said the St. Louie office market hasn’t been as negatively affected by the economic downturm as other markets nationally because the office market was not overbuilt here inrecenyt years. But many large corporationse are looking to cut costs by closingy or consolidating smallerregional offices.
“We’re starting to see some give-bacjk space in smaller sizes, the under 10,000 square feet category, as regiona l sales offices of largecorporations consolidate,” Fox In late 2008, GMAC Financial Services announcer it was closing 200 mortgage offices nationally, includingb one in St. Louis. The closure put 27,000 square feet of officse space back on the market innorthh St. Louis County. Other financial institutions also are scaling back their realestate needs. recently subleased 11,500 square feet of offic e space to at120 S. Centraol Ave. in Clayton.
The law firm is paying $10 per square foot less than the askin g rental rate ofaboutr $25 per square foot for the five year s remaining on the lease. LaSalle Bank was acquiredd by Bank of America in October 2007 and adoptec the Bank of America name inMay 2008. The leasew included office furniture, a common perk in sublease deals. Brokers call the trend “plug and play” becausew the office typically comes furnished and can come with renta rates up to 50 percent lower than askinhrental rates.
“We think the sublease opportunities are going to increase through at leastr the first quarterof 2010,” said Lynn Schenck, executive vice presideng of Jones Lang LaSalle, which represented Reeg & Steve Schmid of Cresqa Partners said the increased level of subleasde space will benefit sizable officd tenants because large blocks of available space are hard to find in the St. Louise area. Currently, there are less than a dozen options for tenante lookingfor 50,000 square feet or Subleased space also is handy for tenants who are uncertainb about their futures in this economy, Schmifd said.
“There are great opportunities for tenants that have volatilituy in their business and are looking for operatinb flexibility and minimizing their capital outlays for capital he said.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Northlich shuffles senior managers - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Warman has been named executivewcreative director, replacing Chief Creative Officer Don Perkins, accordiny to a news Warman most recently servede as ideation director for the downtown-based He first joined Northlich in 1998 as a left for another job in 2000, and returned in 2003. Warma is a graduate of with a bachelor’s degree in mass communications. He previously worked as a documentary writer and producer for and a produceefor , and he also was a Whitse House intern during the Clintobn administration. Willis, vice president and general managedof Northlich’s Columbus and Clevelandf offices, also will head the agency’s public relations practice.
He joined Northlich’s Cleveland office when the agency acquirexd Public Relations Partners in October 2005 and was promotec to vice president earlierin 2008. Willis’ 23-year marketinyg and communications career includes a sting with the Cleveland officeof , where he was a partnet and senior vice president. He graduatesd from with a bachelor’s degree in Miller, formerly Northlich’s president of public relations, will servs as chief growth with responsibility for agency growth andbusinessz development. Miller, a graduate of Bowling Green Stats University, joined Northlich in 1994.
Prior to that, he held management positions with in Chicago and in San where he was senior vice president andgeneral Perkins, a 20-year member of Northlich’s creative team, “leaves a legacy of inspiring extremely successful and award-winninv campaigns and a host of clienyt and colleagues who have benefitedf personally and professionally from his Selker said in a news “We thank him immensely and wish him much Northlich is Cincinnati’s largesgt advertising/PR agency, according to Courier research, with clients that includs , and .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Microchip Technology, Inc. Company Profile | MCHP Company Information
We develop and manufacture specialized semiconductor productsd used by our customers for a wide variety of embeddesdcontrol applications. Our product portfolio comprises 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-birt PIC

Monday, April 11, 2011

Kimberly-Clark and the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin Launch Statewide ... - PR Newswire (press release)

Kimberly-Clark and the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin Launch Statewide ...

PR Newswire (press release)

The goal of the first ever Scott® Brand Get Up and Ride Wisconsin Challenge is to promote bicycling and provide a fun and environmentally friendly way for Wisconsin adults to improve health and wellness. According to 1 World, 2 Wheels: The average ...

and more »

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Club Carlson Category 6 Hotel Rewards Analysis - Reuters

Club Carlson Category 6 Hotel Rewards Analysis


Club Carlson Category 6 hotel rewards at 50000 points per night includes 59 hotels, mostly in Europe and comprise the top level rewards. Some of these hotels cost as much as 135000 points in 2009 when the standard ...

and more »

Thursday, April 7, 2011

United credit card policy could foul corporate travel - Charlotte Business Journal:

metal doors
San Francisco’s dominant airline informer some travel agencies that as of July 20 it will no longert let them process credit and debit card purchasex for airline ticketsusing United’s merchant-processing services. Instead, such agenciess would have to require travelers to paywith cash, procesxs card payments with the agency’s own merchany processing service and forward the cash to United or book the ticketw on United’s web site using the traveler’s credit or debiy card issued by , (NYSE: V) , MA) (NYSE: AXP) and others.
An agent using United’xs web site, bypassing such travel systems as Apollland Sabre, would not allo companies to capture the discounts they have negotiated with Unitedr nor would it allow their travel agentt to survey several carriers on a routee to find the lowest price. “Severalk Bay Area companies have dealss with United Airlinesfor discounts,” said Marc president of Casto Travel, which isn’t among the agencies that Unitedd has cut off from its merchant-processing service.
Castol says he’s reached out to some of the firm’zs corporate clients to express concernover United’xs new card acceptance policy, but declined to discusz what was said in thosr conversations. United Airlines (NASDAQ: did not respond to requests for comment. United is hopiny to shift the cost of accepting credi t and debit cards onto selectedtravel agencies. Those agenciexs say the airline’s move shifts to them the risk for payingv out refunds if the carriergoes bankrupt. While it’s also likely to reduce the amoungt of money that United has to keep in the bank to guarxdagainst charge-backs, it would increasde those requirements for the travel agents.
That’s a nonstarte for most agencies — and their banks, whicnh would have to honor charge-back requests that couldr total billions of dollars in the eventf of anairline bankruptcy. “ don’t think there’s any travel including AmericanExpress Travel, that could shoulder that liability,” Castio said.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Former Atlanta broker gets 6 years in prison for fraud - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The 48-year-old Atlanta resident also mustpay $878,100 in He was sued previously by the U.S. Securitiess and Exchange Commission, which obtained a judgmentr against Barton and his former investment firms for morethan $4 millionh in penalties and disgorgement of as well as various injunctives and other relief. From at least 1995 through 2002, Bartomn was a manager at an Atlanta branch of the national brokeragrefirm , based in St. Louis. After he was fired from A.G. Edwardz in 2002, he beganj his own investment advisory firms, LLC and LLC, both basex in Atlanta. From at least 2001 through 2007 -- before and after leaving A.G.
Edwards -- Barton fraudulently divertedd to himself client funds that he was entrustexdwith investing. In particular, Barton defrauded a 90-year old Alzheimer'se patient, identified in court by her initials, “RF.” Afteer learning of RF's diagnosis in 2001, Barto fraudulently diverted morethan $1 milliobn of RF's assets to his own checkingv account, which he spent on personal lifestyle expenses and to fund the developmenr of Twinspan Capital. As a result, the balance in RF's investmentf and bank accounts fell fromapproximately $1.3 million in 1999 to less than $100 in 2004.
In addition to diverting client money from RF and at least oneothert client, Barton committed securities fraud by sellingy shares in his new company, based on false pretenses. Specifically, he raiserd more than $1 million in investments in Twinspanb by claiming he would use the proceed s to operate and growthe business. he instead diverted at least half of thesw supposed investmentsto himself, whicgh he used to satisfy persona l debts and pay personal lifestyle expenses. Barton was indicted in Decembefr 2008. He pleaded guiltyg in March 2009.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Austin Business Journal:
Picking the right providerr of those services is easier andmore problem-free with careful research. Many companies turn to consultante for expert advice and A consultant is able to independentlyh evaluate themany possibilities, addressing such issuez as the effects of rapidly changing technology, installation of all products and how to make sure the company can utilize the full capabilities of the technologu it purchases. As a result, "people no longer look for hardware and they lookfor solutions.
Consultants are the glue that integratesw technology and give the computer user the benefits of thetechnologyu they've purchased," according to the Independent Computer Consultants The failure or success of any particulad system is often more related to the humanj element than to the actual equipment said Steven Epner, founder and past president of the a St. Louis-based trade group that represents the interestsx ofmember firms, maintains ethical conduct standardse for the profession and offers a consultantg search feature on its Web "There are mediocre systems that succee and excellent systemsthat fail," Epner said.
It's importan t to remember that software, hardware and networkinf systems arecomplex and, as a result, there are no perfecr answers as to what to There are also many parts to the process, so companiess may need assistance with employee training and othee needs beyond the initial "It helps to make sure that as large a groupo as possible has input into the selectiohn process," Epner said. If one individuak makes the decision, that person is on the hook if the outcomes is lessthan stellar. Independent computer consults haveone goal: to help a client compan y narrow the possible choiceas to the point that any of the top picks will help the compant succeed in its mission, Epner said.
It's also important for the companh to act on a decision in atimely "Any decision process that is more than six month s in length will probably be because things are changingy rapidly," Epner said. The change is occurring not just in hardware ornetworking products, but also in the distribution and manufacturinvg processes of that equipment. "It's importanf to compare major vendorsand distributors," he said. On the software side, other factors come into play when makingy a decision about which productsto use.
Softwars piracy is a growing problem and tools are now available for tracking andcombating piracy, accordinv to the Software & Information Industry a trade association based in Washington, D.C., that urges companiew to make sure they have enough softwar licenses to cover the numbedr of software programs installed on company computers. The group handles issues relatef to code and contenft in the industry and has conducted a successfuolcorporate anti-piracy program for its softwars company members for nearly 20 Companies should always go with reputable vendorsa with choosing computer software and hardware. Not doing so can provde costly.
"If you go on the Internegt and look for agood deal, you mighg find one that appearsx to be too good to be true," said John Wolfe, director of Internet enforcement for the Businese Software Alliance, a Washington, D.C.-based organization that representd the interests of the commercial software industr y and the hardware companies that partner with The group also promotes copyright protection, cybe security and other related issues. When purchasing companies should be mindful ofseveral points, Wolfe The company should know the source of the softwared and who will stand behind it.
Softwarr sold without the proper labeling and packaging also will lack the codeas needed to activate it or to acces technical support afterthe sale, he Choosing a reputable software vendor will help the companu assure that the softwarew doesn't come with potential problems such as viruses and "It can be a real risk," Wolfed said, adding that a company chief executive officetr may not be fully aware of the riskd that come with such a but often a quick consultation with an internapl information technology department or a consultant will turn up some strongb cautionary advice. A bad decision has several possible Wolfe said.
The software may not work correctly and the problem may not be Insome cases, the company's only long-ter solution may be costlyt as the company may be forced to buy replacement

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mountainous charity task ahead for Advantia director - Dealer Support Magazine

Dealer Support Magazine

Mountainous charity task ahead for Advantia director

Dealer Support Magazine

A team of intrepid adventurers will be taking on the Three Peaks Challenge in June to raise funds for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Steve Keen, IT and purchasing director at dealer group Advantia is se! t to lead the group up and down the three peaks of ...